Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Can a 16 year old boy survive pancreatic cancer?

Question 1
Can a 16 year old boy survive pancreatic cancer?...  

1)   Stay in there - Damian

2)   Of course! Anyone can survive anything with luck, willpower, fighting strength, etc - Chance Bostick

3)   It's definitely not impossible, but the odds of surviving pancreatic cancer are no better than 1 in 20 (for all people and all stages combined).

But it's definitely possible. - AyHy

4)   Just pray, and have faith in god. Thats what I did (: and I'm only 14 - Cancer Survivor (:

5)   I don't see why not! 16 year olds are stubborn determined and have young healthy bodies. Anything could happen! (: - Oh boy..

6)   what stage is it?
stage 1 being earliest caught cancer and stage 4 is meaning,the cancer has spread to other organs.
best to ask a dr,not strangers on the internet:not everyone dies from it, but usually its not noticed in the early stages(no unusual signs) - b_bardi99

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Question 2
What works for getting rid of acne scars?...  I have seen the home remedies and have searched the types of creams, but I would like some people to comment with experience on what has worked for them, and what hasn't.

1)   your best bet would be a cosmetic procedure such as a chemical peel, or, in worse cases, dermabrasion. Creams take years with little results, and are not guaranteed to work. In the end, you may end up spending more on the creams than paying for a single procedure.

for more info, consult a dermatologist. - anony mouse

2)   I got a prescription for RETIN-A MICRO® (tretinoin gel). It's only available by prescription. Basically the retinol (stuff we see in commercials) but the real deal only available from a doctor. It worked like magic. Didn't erase scars but most definately made my skin look 100% better.

I've heard that vitamin C based moisterizers work really well too. Thing is; once a jar of vitamin C based cream is opened it looses most of it's potency. Avon makes a good one probably the best for your buck deal. - irishmama1969

3)   Creams are generally slow to work, if at all. Did see a tv documentary where they used laser therapy with great success removing all kinds of scarring. The patients looked great after only a week or so. - Mum

4)   The quickest, surely to work, solution would be laser treatment. Sure, there are other solutions, but they take longer, and longer usually means more pain or spending. Before treatment you do need to eliminate existing acne - Lab Series and ProActive works for me. - Heero Yuy

5)   I suggest TRY Scarxus!
I use it 7 weeks, my acne scars was completely gone!
you can get From Google Search Scarxus Official site.
Hope it works for you. - Shanae Leyvas

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Question 3
How do I know if i'm OCD?...  To start this off.
Whenever i move something somewhere that i am comfortable with it, if someone moves it, it will get under my skin and i can't think about anything but that. And it makes my whole body feel weird. Like say i site a candle in the middle of my table, and then someone moves it. it bothers me, not cause they moved it, but because i feel like it's not right. and my whole family knows that it bothers me and that i cant stop how it makes me feel. But they always do stuff like that. and they know it gets to me. And they get mad when i say something about it or when i fix it. And they don't wanna help me work with it. And say i go out somewhere or i wake up the next morning, the first thing i have to do is go around my house and put everything back in it place like how it was before i left or went to bed. and everyday it's the same thing. I think it's either OCD or my family is just lazy and sloppy and they don't wanna help me feel comfortable. Like they will leave things hanging off of tables, or take food and dishes out of the cabinet and not put them back up, cause they know when i see it i will have to do it or it bothers me. Is the OCD or is it something else? it's minor things, but it still gets to me. Please help.

1)   It's possible, but OCD is a very complex disorder. If you're genuinely concerned and want some help, I recommend seeing a psychologist. - anony mouse

2)   According to me ; yes its OCD . Your parents do not have any idea how it make you feel anxious and upset . Why ? Because they do not know nothing about this disorder . Go on Mayo clinic site and read about OCD and print it on a paper ; and show it to your family - lala

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Question 4
My son is allergic to pet hair - what pet could he have?...  My 9 year old son is allergic to pet hair but is desperate for a pet. We used to have a bearded dragon which he loved, but unfortunately it died a couple of months ago. We are now looking for another pet but are not sure what options we have. A friend suggested a tortoise and we have been investigating that option. Another suggested a bird - but feathers play his asthmas up big time. Any other suggestions?

1)   Are you 100% sure that it is indeed the fur of animals that he is allergic too? Many people are allergic to the dander or the saliva or even the food and think it is the fur.

If you are definately sure it is the fur then yes, anything in the fish or reptile dept would be good. Bearded dragons are great. If he took good care of it, he might be ready for a snake. (Are you? LOL).

Snake make awesome pets. Talk to various reptile groups (ever major area has atleast one) and they can help you decide which would fit your lifestyle the best. Not a fan of pet stores so they could also help you get one and all of it's proper care and housing.

Best of luck! - Karma Thompson

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Question 5
What should I do with these pimples or cysts?...  I have the cysts or nodules on my chest. I used to have only 1 last year but now I have 2, close together. And I feel like the 3rd one is coming up because I can feel the lump underneath my skin.
I had tried to squeeze it or pop it out many times but it wouldn't come out. I figured out that the heads are really deep under my skin and I feel no pain from attacking these pimples (I thought they might be some sort of pimples). Absolutely no pain.
I went to see my doctor in March. She refused to touch it and only gave me benzoly peroxide. I have been using it but those things are still on my chest.

1)   You should STOP trying to pop/squeeze them, immediately.

Cysts like those are highly infectious and contagious. The newer ones probably formed BECAUSE you squeezed them, and infected the nearby pores.

What should you do? Continue using the meds you were prescribed AS prescribed, don't stop unless you're getting a bad reaction, and if nothing happens then bring it up once again to your doctor. - Xander

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