Monday, May 16, 2011

Can you get hiv from protective sex?

Question 1
Can you get hiv from protective sex?...  Considering nothing breaks or anything..?

1)   unfortunately yes you can. the risk is much less with a condom but any time you have sex with an infected person there is a chance of contracting the disease. - singthunder

2)   Probably.... Yeah it can. Its not 100% protective. -.- - ☪Queen Usagi of The Moon PWNS ALL!☪

3)   Nothing is completely fool-proof. The world is full of accidental HIV cases where both parties took every precaution.
Truth is, they are finding out that there are other ways of contracting the disease even though it might be rare.
Bottom line - if one of you are infected, it's not worth the risk. - Sionainn

4)   Very few things in this world are absolute.. condoms are not absolute. So yes, you can contract the virus. You need to look up how you can contract the virus. There isn't enough room here to explain it all. - Shawn D

5)   it depends on how protective... but if you are not safe you might. - Antox Pyroclastic

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Question 2
Do you think they will ever find a cure for cancer?...  

1)   No - because the chemical and pesticide companies will never stop using the carcinogenic materials. - Merkon

2)   I hope so... my nan recently died of cancer... according to the telegraph it may be available in two years.. - ShadowWalker

3)   I believe that the medical world will find a cure. Hopefully in our lifetime. The only problem is, when they do find a cure, something else is going to pop up that is even worse. But that will be a different battle. - Shawn D

4)   Unfortunately not. Cancer is a collective term for approximately 200 different diseases. Every cell type in your body can (in principle) develop into its own type of cancer. So it is not all that surprising that we don't have, and most likely won’t find a single cure for all cancers.

That being said, many cancers are cured on a daily basis. Most of them through surgery, but some of them are treated with additional radio-/chemotherapy. And some cancers are cured by chemotherapy alone.

On the internet there are many claims of miraculous "natural" cancer cures. Here some of them are listed, with links to sites explaining what is wrong with them:

There are lots of reasons why the establishment really want to find a cure. Here are some of them:
1) Owners/employees (And their love ones) of pharmaceutical companies suffer from cancer too.
2) Researchers wouldn't be able to keep their mouth shut if they found a miraculous cure or even a major breakthrough.
3) Progress in cancer treatment is happening even though not as fast as we all would like to. Some cancers are even easily cured.
4) Pharmaceutical companies wouldn't lose money for finding a cure - They would increase their income considerably.
5) Also members of governments (and their love ones) sometimes get cancer

You might like to take a look at how progression has been made in the treatment of childhood cancers: - JLI

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Question 3
My boyfriend went to the toilet this morning and pissed blood . ?...  My boyfriend went to the bathroom this morning and pissed blood . It only happened that one time this morning all the rest of the times during the day have been fine . What could it be .?

1)   blood vessel popped. - Antox Pyroclastic

2)   Stop hitting him in the kidneys. - Hammeren

3)   Most likely possibilities are chlamydia, a popped blood vessel or a bad Urinary Tract Infection, with the UTI being most common - Dan Bradford

4)   he might have an std or a busted vessel or something it is really important he go to the doctor - Dimitri Barton

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Question 4
Should I See A Doctor?...  My Stomach Hurts Really Bad.If I Eat Or Don't Eat.So I Don't Eat A Lot.And It Hurts Even Worse But Food Doesn't Sound Good To Me.No Matter What I Eat.I Can Also Feel My Heartbeat In My Stomach When I'm Laying Down.

1)   It sounds to me just like a normal stomach bug, you have caught but i would go to the docters and get it sorted quick time :D - Immortal

2)   Yes I think you should see a doctor it couldn't only get worse and if your not eating thats bad for the body too since you need energy. Atleast they can help you before it becomes something serious. - Candy Floss

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Question 5
i would like to know the side effects of dexona tablet.?...  

1)   I'm searching for it in my Epocrates App on my BlackBerry, but it doesn't come up. Perhaps you spelled it wrong??
Sorry, but if you update your question I can help you out. - Kylie Pauleen

2)   If its processed in a lab, side effects may include early death. - lil

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