do people with down syndrome know they have down syndrome?... My friends and I were wondering. Do people with down sundrome, or an other disibility, know they have that disibility?
1) Well you tell me - David
2) Of course they do. Unless someone has a severe disability with almost no cognitive thought, they would know of their disability. The fact that you ask this question implies that not all people are aware that they are stupid, though. - Valerie
3) does it hurt to be that stupid? - abaddono1
4) Many people with intellectual disabilities are aware they are different from the rest of the population.
If a person is severely disabled, self awareness is also impaired and they don't know any difference.
No matter what the degree of disability, they all need to be treated with dignity. - WhatAmI?
5) it depends on the severity of the mental disability, but yes, most do. I have worked in the MRDD field for 5 years and i have worked with a variety of people with many different degrees of mental retardation, and those who were aware of their surroundings and themselves usually knew something was different about them. They see the stares, the looks of pity and horror on people's faces as they look at them. They hear the whispers and the children asking their parents "mommy what's wrong with them?". I even had one who tried to use it as a crutch, which amused me because i knew it was a learned behavior from her mother making excuses for her. Anytime she would act up and be corrected, she would say "God guys, i have Down's!" like we would excuse anything because of this. But when asked what it meant to have Down's, she didn't know. - SKBA's Janu ♥☮
6) They know they have down syndrome if you tell them but they might not understand it! I think you shouldn't tell them too much because it might make them feel bad and unworthy for something they cant control. You can tell them they have down syndrome but dint tell them it means they're retarded and cant do things others their age can...that will impact them very much:(
Well hope I helped!!! - Priscilla
7) If you have a disibility, you usually know that you have it.
Like for me, I have OCD and tourette syndrome. TS is a disorder that makes me make sound and movements that I can't control (not swearing). In 8th grade I started making this grunting noise. And after that, I kind of realized that I was well... different from everyone else. I didn't know that I had tourette syndrome. But I realized that I was different...
People with disibilities may not realize what they have but they do notice that there's something different about them.
Once they're diagnosed though they know what they have and when someone would ask them about it, they would be able to tell them.
So to answer your question, yes people with down syndrome do know they have it. - Nikki
Question 2
Help :((.. my hands get all sweaty..?... Im not a nervous person ever. I dont have anxiety issues or anything and im pretty confident. Yet when i wanna hold some guys hand,, it gets all sweaty. Again, i dont get NERVOUS, just sweaty lol. I need a remedy that works fast. Please and thank you :)
1) I am serious, do u eat a lot of salt, if so cut it out or lower it - Larisa l
2) You may have a brain tumor that puts pressure on the segment of your brain that regulates your sweat glands. The tumor swells when your heartbeat increases, causing the sweating around guys. - Sfsefsef
3) Its a good idea to use powder. Like the special ones that smell good! I use cocoa powder. You can even use baby powder ! - Melisa
4) you should probably ask your doctor about this issue - nathan p
5) Get Botox injections in your hands ( palms ). It works! - ♦♦♦
6) dry your hand on your shirt or something
i sweat from my palms too, sometimes i leak the sweat in a cup and i inject it into my veins to make me look like chuck norris's ball sack - John
7) maybe u just have calmy hands they just get sweaty idk wat will stop it though - ?
Question 3
Would cleaning your face with rubbing alcohol be a good choice for oily skin?... Washing with just soap doesn't do a good job
1) Alcohol would help get rid of the oils on your skin, but over time it would promote drying and your skin would appear aged before its time. So, in short, no. - Kev
2) that sounds like a bad idea because it will dry out your face and thenyour body will produce more oils and then you'll have big breakouts especially when you stop using it. - ~Panda~
3) Absolutely NOT! Alchol has a detrament effect on the skin, its too strong and cause redness and flakeiness. It is in most make ups you can buy today and that is why its vital to check all ingredients, not only in the food we intake but in the products we use on our bodies. Try using Tea Tree Oil, its has a natural anti inflammatory and healing properties, try using organice natural ingredients oil free make up. Neutrogena do a new 'Clear Skin' range, its very good. - SUNFLOWER
Question 4
how long will it take for an std to show up?...
1) depends on the std! some of them you might not know for years. a really common std that goes unnoticed because there aren't many symptoms is HPV - lish
2) For MOST STDs, the incubation time is about 2 weeks.
For things like HIV and genital warts, it could take 3 months to a few years. - A Wasted Life
3) Literally, maybe never, maybe tomorrow.
Depends on the disease.
Get yourself checked out (for free) at a local health clinic immediately if you think you carry a disease and don't have sex before you do... - MKultra
Question 5
I've a really deep cut- should I get a tetanus shot cos incase its as deadly as the swine flu vaccine is?... OMG. I cut myself on a rusty gate at the stables today . Someone said I could get the tetanus infection and should get the tetanus vaccine boost in the ER. But its a vaccine- how do I know its safe especially when lots of you say the swine flu vaccine isn't safe ? What should I do- take my chances that I won't get tetanus or take a vaccine that will kill me surely with its mercury and adjuvants. OMG!
I'm taking the piss guys. What I'm trying to say is would any of us question the use of vaccines if we were faced with an imminent danger like tetanus yet the internet focuses us against something to save our lives without fact or the right to question the bonefides of the anti-swine flu brigade
1) If you haven't had a tetanus booster in the last 5 years you definitely need one. The vaccine is very unlikely to kill you. A whole lot less likely than Tetanus. Vaccines have saved millions of lives. Go get treated. Get the swine flu vaccine too, if you get the chance. Didn't hurt me any. - brandon r
2) I'd get the shot; and inform yourself about vaccines, don't believe everything you hear in the wind. - Gracinda
3) Please calm down. Stress will do allot more harm then the swine flu vaccine. Mercury is also in the annual flu shots everyone has been getting for years now and all of a sudden people are getting all upset because of just finding this info out. Tetanus is a very dangerous disease to get. It can cause a condition called lock jaw and is self explanatory. Please go to the ER or wherever you can to get a tetanus shot or booster if you haven't had one in 5 years. From the sound of your question you aren't familiar when you had one, so you really need one asap. A rusty gate won't cause swine flu either, but it can cause many other illness's too. Staph will be the very first on the list and not a mild form either. The decision on what to do regarding the swine flu vaccine is up to you, but as of today there have been no reported bad side effects from getting it at all. You might feel tired the next day but that's about it. Good luck and God Bless - namairb2
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