Wednesday, November 18, 2009

None Existent illnesses? (in my mind)?

Question 1
None Existent illnesses? (in my mind)?...  What is it called when someone thinks they have all these things wrong with thwm and it is all in there head?

1)   hypochondriac.

you might find more on it at

just type in hypchondriac. - goldenretrievers

2)   Paranoia. - SquAre.

3)   Hypocondriac - Julius H

4)   It's called a hypochondriac. - Benji

5)   crazy - Sdf


Question 2
I got injured by a rusty cutter... Will it cause tetanus?...  My wound is 1 mm deep... Its not deep actually... But I'm worried because the wound is from a rusty cutter. Please help me.

1)   Go the hospital just to be safe... you don't want lock jaw. - Dr. Love

2)   I would get a tetnus shot just to be sure. - KND85

3)   it could u should get it checked out expecilly if it gets infected i cut myself on a rusty ordiment hook and my parents freaked-they both work in the medical field - Grace

4)   If it's been more than a few years since your last tetanus shot, you should get one. Better safe than sorry. - Jodith


Question 3
What is the difference between maligant and benign cancer?...  

1)   I would say that malignant and benign refer to tumors, because any kind of cancer is malignant. Malignant means harmful, or cancerous. Benign means a tumor is not cancerous, it is just a growth. - KND85

2)   There is no benign cancer. - april


Question 4
What mixes and digests food?...  

1)   Hydrochloric acid helps the stomach digest food. - Neomi

2)   The first thing that begins to breakdown food is saliva, it starts by breaking down starches. Once in the stomach, food mixes with acid and enzymes which continue the process, this mixture is called "chyme."

When chyme enters the small intestines, bile from the liver and enzymes from the pancreas and intestinal glands break it down even further. - Just Me


Question 5
Which surgeon is less gross?...  I love the medical feild. But I cannot decide if I want to be a foot surgeon or a hand surgeon. I was recently inspired by my surgeon to lean to the foot and ankle feild. I've had 3 major ankle surgeries, and it's amazing at what can be done. But which one is less gross? I don't have a soft stomach, I'm just having a hard time deciding. Please help, thanks.

1)   It depends on what kind of fetishes you have. Do you enjoy feet? Or are you more of a hand person?
Personally I would be a proctologist. - Johnny

2)   gross is a matter of opinion, of course. if you're interested only in the foot, you can opt for podiatry school and residency, which is a shorter course. if you want to do joints, you will have to complete 4 years of medical school then at least 5 years of residency in orthopedics. if you want to do hand surgery, you have to do medical school then at least 5 years of residency in orthopedics or plastic surgery (this can be done through at least five years of general surgery residency and then plastic surgery fellowship or through a plastic surgery residency) with possible 1-3 years of fellowship in addition (including a specialized fellowship in hand surgery). often vascular surgeons (medical school + 5-6 yrs of residency+fellowship) operate on the foot, as well.

so gross and how badly you want it is up to you. - sean k


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