Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What are the chances of an average person getting diabetes?

Question 1
What are the chances of an average person getting diabetes?...  What is the average chance of getting diabetes? I have to write an essay on it so I need exact facts. Tell me anything you know and ASAP!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!
I tried finding stuff on bing.com, google.com, and ask.com and found nothing!!!!!! If you can please let me know!

1)   10 mcdonalds/ 100 people - Team Rocket

2)   a lot less than fat people... - ez80227

3)   You need to look this up on google or at ask.com - TexasRiverRat

4)   estimates suggest the average adult has a significant chance of developing diabetes in their lifetime, approximately 32.8% for males and 38.5% for females. Females are higher risk at all ages, while Hispanics have the highest risk with males at 45.4% and females at 52.5%. The good news is that in these categories, the numbers decline to 22.4% for females and 18.9% for males at age 60 years, and to 6.9% and 5.2%, at age 80 years. - Rockerchick


Question 2
Does TB effect the nervous system?...  I was looking everywhere and i cant find anything.i need homework help So can you give me a website or answer the question

1)   no - mo0ink

2)   I don't believe so...surely there would be something on the net..I know there are different types of tuberculosis..not just the type we typically think of. - Rabby

3)   yes it can.. tuberculous meningitis,spinal cord tb is also another example...type these in and then search:) - kitten


Question 3
Should I still worry about rabies?...  I saved a baby wild bunny that was probably 6 weeks old at the most. At the time I heard it crying out and a cat had it in its mouth. I scared the cat off and picked up the baby bunny and didnt see any visible sores and she wasnt bleeding.This was on 8/10/09. On 8/13 I was trying to clean up where I was keeping her and I must have scared her, she pinched my right index finger. Worried about rabbies due to not knowing about the cat, I went to the ER. The pinch was so small the ER doc laughed at me. He told me that rabbits dont carry rabies and when they do its hard for them to pass it on because of how they bight and most of the time they die right away. He gave me a tetanus shot and antibiotic and sent me on my way. Now today 11/3 my bunny bit me again because she was trying to tell me she was hungry, it wa sfeeding time. she bit down on my left index finger to where her top teeth hit my finger nail and cuticle and the bottom teeth hit the underneeth of my finger. I just have a small cut on my cuticle are from her tooth. should I still be worried about rabbies? I read online that animals can take months to show and people can take years? I am worried sick! Am i just freaking out for no reason? thanks!

1)   no, the swine flu - MARVEL at this!!

2)   its good that you're 'so worried for your health, but don't worry too much
rabies is fairly rare nowadays, so don't strain yourself over nothing - EH

3)   Rabies is widespread and common, rabbits however aren't noted carriers. If you were bitten by a raccoon I'd worry, but I wouldn't worry about a rabbit, you'll be fine:) - johnkmayer


Question 4
my friend started with a fever then started passing out and she is now throwing up what do you think is wrong?...  

1)   Flu or some other virus. If she's passing out she needs to seek medical help. - Udispleasethequeenoffwithurhead

2)   look up..vagal reaction... - Rabby


Question 5
Is eating sandwiches an unsanitary way to consume food?...  

1)   Depends on how you eat them and this isn't an Infectious Disease question. - TweetyBird

2)   Not if you wash your hands first. - Consuela


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