How can I ask him if he has herpes? I found some ZOVIRAX (acyclovir) on his night stand.?... I'm freaking out. I've been hooking up with this guy, and this morning I just opened his drawer because I was looking for something, he was not there. But then I saw some prescribed tablets of ZOVIRAX (acyclovir) for him. I saw two bottles, one from 2 years ago and one for like 8 months ago. Now, I don't know how to confront him without me appearing to be nosy. A friend told me that medication is also used for some other kind of outbreaks, but the old bottle said STD with pen. So I don't know what to make of it. I want to get tested, but this is too soon so If I have it it won't come up right away. Out of the 6 times, we've hooked up, it was always protected, until last night. But I'm thinking it's possible to get it with one time. Then again, I've never seen any sores or anything, but I know that even if sores are not there, if he has it, he still has the virus. Also, if I swallow his saliva will that pass the virus too?
How do I approach this?!!! Thanks
1) just ask for your protection - David P
2) Get tested for STIs (it isnt STD anymore) together. It'll make him feel better if you do too. - RiskyRoulette
3) I would just ask.
Keep in mind thought that Acyclovir can be used for regular cold sores as well as ulcers in the mouth, so maybe don't just automatically assume that he has an STD. I would just tell him that you saw the prescription bottles by accident, and you need to make sure for your own safety. - blackbird _fly
4) he is required by law to tell you ,, call the doctor from the bottle or go to the local county or free clinic he should be monitored never have unprotected sex with anyone not tested or willing to test you may have to sue him - burgerlovin57
5) wow! You need to leave him alone. I am not sure if the virus is passed through saliva but it is through bodily fluid (unprotected last night) It doesn't matter if you didn't see any break outs on him because the thing with this disease is that the symptoms come and go so he could have hooked out with you while his symptoms were gone but he till has the disease. That's not normal to find that kind of prescription med in his dresser/drawer. He most likely has it and I doubt hes keeping it for a friend. Run from him and don't turn back while you have a chance!
Good luck and get a test :) - YoungRae93
Question 2
Smoking around oxygen tanks....I don't know what to do. Can someone help me?... Ok my 61 year old grandmother is on oxygen and she smokes around it and Im scared to be in around while she smokes. When I see her smoking I ask her if she turned the oxygen tank off and she say no. She thinks its okay long as its in her nose...Is it? And everytime I ask her if its off she get mad and talk junk to me. I heard about oxygen tanks exploding and I don't wanna blow up and I don't want anybody else to get blowed up. And I feel like there's nothing I can do to make her cut the oxygen tank off while she's smoking.
Also I don't live in the house and when I'm away at my own place I just constantly think about it. And when my phone rings my heart begins to pound because I think its with news that the house blew up. I'm scared for my 8 y.o nephew and 4 y.o niece
Anybody been in this same situation before... I need help before its too late.
Yeah she is addicted she been addicted for almost 50 years. She had us put ''No Smoking'' signs at the front door because she said she was done but we came home one day and went in her room she was smoking.... I tried telling her that she's going to blow everybody up but she won't listen. She thinks that if it hasn't happened by now then its not going to happen. I am really scared and don't know what to do.
1) I was on oxygen about 2 years ago and my mother is a smoker, so I know how you feel. Just tell her that you don't want to have an explosion occur. Because chances are that's what's going to end up happening, - ♥Bubble♥Pop♥Electric♥
2) honestly if she's on oxygen she probably shouldn't be smoking period. - John B
3) She is obviously an addict. Nothing you can do will help her. She obviously has a breathing problem to be on oxygen. Just say goodbye every time you leave her. - johnny 99
4) This definitely is a fire hazard, and their home care provider, if they have one, and doctor should be notified. Oxygen tanks do not explode just because they are around fire. If the oxygen is turned on and the oxygen is blowing toward a flame, then the oxygen will burn, and the flame will become like a blowtorch. This definitely is dangerous if people are lighting cigarettes, candles, or gas appliances, etc. while having an oxygen source running nearby. - Dr. Patrick V. Suglia
Question 3
Is it normal to have a strong feeling your going to end up with cancer if..........?... If someone very close to you died of cancer. I`m 13 and in May, my grandma died of cancer, she had breast cancer but it spread to her lungs and she just passed away, i cried SO much when i found out and also she had this ring, that she wore for over 30 years and before she died, she told my grandpa that she waned me to have it. Omg I`m crying just writing this! Is it normal for me to now think that I`m going to get cancer cause i have this really strong feeling that i am and i don`t know it`s weird..
Also, I`ve only seen my grandma twice in my life, but i feel like i have this really strong connection with her we were supposed to go vist her only months after she died i was supposed to see her but i never got the chance...
I`m not sure if this helps but my grandma is from my dads side but her dad also died of lung cancer at the age of 53, my grandma was also 53.
1) yes it is normal to think like that because it is a tie to your grandma who had cancer but you will not get cancer just from that ring. be thankful that your grandma loved you and left you something that meant alot to her. - energydrinklover
2) It is very normal for you to have these feeling. They are just signs of stress. Someone very close to you has just died and you are going to try to get closer to them ( in your case, the ring). And cancer ins't something that can be passed on like the flu. The only way for you to get it is if it;s in your blood ( generation thing). And since you didn't say anything about your mom having it, i doubt it. Don't be too hard on yourself. You just lost someone close. - trendytintin
3) In the US, according to a national survey, 1 in every 10 women develop breast cancer b4 age 95. Most likely u will not develop it since based on this u never mentioned a huge family connection. Sorry for ur loss and hope u feel better - Ray Storm
Question 4
Should I get the swine flu vaccine?... I have a 4 week old baby. Her pediatrician says I should get the swine flu vaccine. But i'm worried about it not being safe. Should I get it?
1) I took it and I know many people that have without problems. The Infectious Disease doctors at my hospital all took it. It can be deadly for young children, and I would listen to what your doctor tells you.
But if you don't want to, don't worry there are more than enough people who want to take it, than there vaccines. I'm sure someone else will be glad to step in and take it in your place. - TheMom
2) A lot of people are worried about it not being safe. My boyfriend thinks it's a goverment thing and they're trying to get us sick, but he did get the vaccine. He isn't dead, so obviously it's safe for the mean time. If you would rather get your baby girl sick and have her die from the illness, then don't get the vaccine. She's too young to be hit by H1N1, I would definitely get it. I'm pregnant and I'm getting mine... in just a few days. Now that I know I'm getting mine in a few days I'm scared. - Mommy2be
3) I got it. My entire family got it. Nothing bad happened to us. I haven't heard any reports of anything bad happening to anyone who got it. I'm in the U.S., and I have several family members and friends in the UK and Ireland, and they got it. They're all fine. In my area, I hear of one or two local deaths nearly every day on the news from the swine flu and not one problem at all from the vaccine. I wasn't going to risk the lives of my child and other family members by not getting the shot.
Since you're probably still concerned about whether it's safe or not, you have to ask yourself this. Who is more important to you? Yourself or your baby? If YOU contract the flu, you may get over it. But if you pass it to your baby, she may not. - A Cat Disguised As A Girl
Question 5
Should i be concerned about Mononucleosis?... Well i kiss my girlfriend a lot. not like 3 minute fun but like 1 hour long kissing sessions. i know a little about mono but not much. i know its spread through saliva. we both don't and have never had it. can we get it from just kissing each other or do we get it from other things and spread it through kissing? what do i need to worry about???
1) Yeah, why its called the kissing disease man. Because most the time saliva is swapped, even if you dont french. So yeah, but as long as neither of you has it then its not a big deal. But yeah, you get it by swapping fluid. Could even happen, by just sipping something that someone who has mono drank. - D M
2) If she gets mono, then you can get it by kissing her. You can also get it from drinking from the same glass, eating from the same utensils, or anything where her saliva is on something and it ends up in your mouth somehow. I actually got mono from my stepfather. He had it, and before he showed symptoms I drank from the same glass as him. So it's not only from kissing that you get it. However, if she does not have mono then there is no way you can get it from her, period. - FutureRN
3) u don't need to worry about me dude. I kiss her too and i didn't get it! butt maybe u will! - mork
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