what happens to your body when u have emphysema?...
1) Emphysema is characterized by loss of elasticity of the lung
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emphysema - Ender
2) Emphysema is characterized by loss of elasticity (increased pulmonary compliance) of the lung tissue caused by destruction of structures feeding the alveoli, in some cases owing to the action of alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency. This causes the small airways to collapse during forced exhalation, as alveolar collapsibility has decreased. As a result, airflow is impeded and air becomes trapped in the lungs, in the same way as other obstructive lung diseases. Symptoms include shortness of breath on exertion, and an expanded chest. However, the constriction of air passages isn't always immediately deadly, and treatment is available.
Signs of emphysema include pursed-lipped breathing, central cyanosis and finger clubbing. The chest has hyperresonant percussion notes, particularly just above the liver, and a difficult to palpate apex beat, both due to hyperinflation. There may be decreased breath sounds and audible expiratory wheeze. In advanced disease, there are signs of fluid overload such as pitting peripheral edema. The face has a ruddy complexion if there is a secondary polycythemia. Sufferers who retain carbon dioxide have asterixis (metabolic flap) at the wrist. - Smurfett
3) Oh its called COPD now but it is to do with the destruction of the little air sacs in the lungs so that the amount of oxygen that is transferred to the blood is diminished . so that things like muscles do not work as well .. just small amounts of exertion cause breathlessness and distress ,, The patient is very limited in what they can do ..It might not be possible to get dressed for example . Oxygen therapy may be called for in severe cases .. There is no cure ,,,, inhalers and drugs can help to an extent , The main cause of emphysema is smoking .. - knownout
Question 2
Blood in urine, burning during/after urination?... I am a 17-year-old girl and I am not sexually active. For about a week, I've had on-and-off "episodes" in which I feel a burning sensation right after I pee, and the burning feeling lasts for a while (ranging from 5 minutes to 2 hours)...Sometimes it just burns, but a lot of the time I find blood in my urine and on the toilet paper. I've had urinary tract infections before, and I'm almost positive that this isn't one, because the burning is in my vagina and not in my lower stomach. What could this possibly be?
I started getting this right after I finished my period, and I also just got a flu shot right before the first "episode." Could either of these things be linked?
Also, there is no discharge, so it's most likely not a yeast infection.
1) Uhhh I think you should be asking these questions to a doctor. - eye 4 n eye
2) It seems as though it is indeed a urinary tract infection. Most often, the pain associated with UTI's is around the urethral opening (where the urine exits) which is directly above the vaginal opening. Because of their close proximity, you may be confusing the sensation as occurring at the vaginal opening when really it is at the urethra. You should definitely go see a doctor to go and get a course of antibiotics before the problem spreads further.
Best wishes! - ApricotSoapBubble
3) Yes it may be a UTI, but it also may be a variety of other ailments as well (kidney stones, bladder stones, a kidney infection, a bladder infection, cancer, a hematologic disorder)....Because the bleeding can be stemming from anywhere within the genitourary tract/system, we cannot provide accurate and sound medical advice. Therer are just too many possibilities to be self diagnosing yourself and assuming answers from others that cannot know for certain... The ONLY way to get a definitive answer is through a physical exam, labs, and tests through your medical provider... I would like to help you out more, but even me, (as a nurse) cannot give you an educated opinion without those necessary criteria. - xxslippzxx
Question 3
my gal of 3mnths jus told me she's hiv+ and i'm negative, b4 we did anything we tested & were both negative..?...
1) so whats ur question dude? I'm guessing the answer u don't wanna hear is obvious - Ender
2) You need to wait 6 months from your last sexual contact to test again to be sure. - Dogma
3) Dogma is right, you have to wait 6 months. - herepslove
Question 4
Can adults receive immunizations from MMR?... I never had that. I'm almost 20. A school requires that. Is it ok for adults? Will there be any harm? Other infos appreciated.
Why do male needs rubella? In my country, only female receive it..
1) Yes you can have it with no harm. This is to protect and not hurt. There is too much false information about the dangers of vaccines.
My hubby had 2 stem cell transplants and he has to have all of his immunizations over again including the MMR. - New England Babe
2) i'm 30 and have also never had the MMR jab but since so many children are now vaccinated against these illnesses it is very unlikely that you will get them i had measles as a kid which would have helped to build up immunity to the illness it is only in rare cases now a days you hear of children getting these illnesses at least it is in the uk so i'm sure you'd be ok to not have the MMR jab now - justNangel
Question 5
swine flu or just the flu? how do we know which is which if you don't get tested? and is there a antibiotic?... for the swine flu or do we just fight off our selfs? what about in baby's and young children??
1) Flu is a virus and therefore antibiotics have no effect. Sometimes the flu will tax the immune system such that a dangerous bacterial infection like pneumonia or strep occurs at the same time you have the flu and antibiotics are needed to fight those. - lunatic
2) swine flu = influenza A, it's a virus.
antibiotics don't fight viruses, they fight bacteria. you don't know if you have h1n1, or the regular flu unless you're swabbed by your medical professional. just keep your immune system strong, i've read the best thing to fight this flu is vitamin D - drink some soy milk! - ashleywearsprada
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