Does anyone know of any good home remedies which can help get rid of a blocked nose within a week?... Thanks :-)
1) snorting salted water, works instantly to!
The trick is to do it quick; breathe out, close your mouth, dunk your nose completely under the water and breathe in through your mucus-filled nostrils without thinking twice. Oh, make sure you have a paper towel handy. When you come up for air you'll feel like a boogie-boarding kid at the beach after a massive wave toppled him tits-over-asshole, and you'll need to clean yourself up. The inside of your head should be on fire, but don't worry---the pain will subside in a few minutes and your nose will be able breathe. - Nils baby sister
2) get a neti pot - and fill it with warm salt water - like you would use to gargle (not hot!!!!!)
then fill each nostril and hold for 30 seconds -
and carefully let the water out into the sink -
do this twice a day - and it's also a great way to keep the flu away
(with gargling 2x a day)
all the best - tom4bucs
3) vicks vapor rub. or you can buy it in a nasal stick. around $10 guaranteed it will clear nose within two days. - gem69ine
Question 2
Could I have excise induced asthma, and what can I do about it?... I play a lot of basketball throughout the year. Last year during our winter season I noticed that I had a hard time breathing during and after practicing. At first I thought I was out of shape, but it continued throughout the year and got worse. My coach told me that it may be asthma, but I don't want to go to the doctors if it is nothing. Is there even anything a doctor can do for me?
1) Its more common than you think, you would be advised to have a Lung Function Test to determine if you have Asthma, there are many different inhalers to treat Asthma, you may need one and if so you would be advised to inhale some before you attempted exercise....pretty simple and very effective. - Nils baby sister
2) You'll have to go to the doctor for a prescription for asthma. Asthma's a deadly disease.
You'll need an inhaler to help you breathe. Asthma is shortness of breath, wheezing, chest congestion, tightening in the chest. You'll have to go see a doctor for a test as well called a peak flow to measure your amount of air and a Lung Function machine. You exhale until you empty your lungs and then breathe in. Most people without asthma will breathe easily. Asthmatics have a difficult time breathing in the machine. It helps diagnose asthma. You could have exercise induced asthma and you do need to get an inhaler and the only way to do that is go to a doctor. - Liz L
3) You should use singulair, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Lala
Question 3
how to make a sore throat last an extra two days?... I get sick a lot, and it's too much money to go to the doctors every time I have a new illness. I just am starting to get over what I think is either bronchitis or the flu. I now have a sore throat and it's starting to go away but I want it to stay scratchy because when I go to school Monday, they will finally believe I'm really sick when I'm absent and I'm not just playing hookie.
1) leave money under ur pillow and the sore throat fairy will grant ur wish - mrs. jacob black662
2) You're better off in going to school on Monday. You'll have Thanksgiving off from school unless you're in another country and don't celebrate Thanksgiving. Anyway, your scratchy throat could be allergies. I've got one and it drives me crazy, but that doesn't keep me out of work. Go to school, don't be silly. - Liz L
3) maybe try talking a lot/screaming? that makes you hoarse, so its a start. But its probably not good to be damaging your throat if it was sore so recently. If you're in high school, just get a parent/gaurdian to sign you off. Way easier and you dont have to worry about the teachers not believing you. - Juniper
Question 4
How high can your glucose level go during the day and still be normal (not diabetic)?... I had a high reading on a blood test, and have been testing my glucose this week. It peaks at around 155 two and a half hours after a meal, and doesn't go under 100 until 4 hours. I am normal weight and exercise regularly.
1) If you have difficulties with weight do what I did - try acai berry. If you have the desire to lose weight its superfood qualities help lots - however those same qualities also help those who are trying to bulk up. Great! There's a free trial going on at the moment at , why not try it, what have you got to lose? - Alan
2) There are more facile ways to shed weight as an alternative to diet and working out. You can take a diet supplement that rinses out your colon, you will shed as much as twenty lbs this way - and the weight reduces in the right areas aswell! There's a risk free trial at - Blaine
Question 5
What's the best way to get rid of Zits and Black heads?...
1) for every kind of acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,
spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
it has got so many tips n free beauty samples
for curing acne and all your skin problems - Iubtww
2) to pop them then get a washcloth and steam your face do this every day till there gone - Ryley
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