EMERGANCY friend overdosed on 30 paracetamol??... she did it 3 hours ago but feels fine only a little dizzy =/, i told her (via msn as she lives in Germany) to go to hospital or call an ambulance or tell her dad (he is a dr), but she wont ive tried my very best to persuade her too but she just wont, i dont have her adress or number either will she be okay?
thanks =]
i know i wanted to call her dad but i dont have his number she's 16 btw
1) no, she may not be okay. she may be okay for now but not after few minutes... you need to persuade her to go to the emergency department immediately. - Bhelle
2) She may have internal damage (especially to the liver) and blindness is a possibility. She should stop being an idiot and go to hospital. - Olivia J
3) Jeeez ... this site needs a separate childrens section. - hoof hearted
4) she won't die today, but in a few months her liver may well pack up.
very silly thing to do.
get her to a hospital, whether she wants it or not.
call the police if it's the only way, she needs her system flushing out.
liver failure takes years to kill you, and they aren't happy years. - andy k
5) dont worry.
you need to keep calm!
try and get her to call emergency services, can you not contact her father? or family member?
this is very serious.
honestly, do everything you can to try and help her!
it may not affect her now but in a few hours time, her liver will suffer!
good luck. - Hannah B
6) If she has done this then she is in need of urgent medical treatment.
She'll feel like crp for a couple of days then start to feel better again. After a week she will be suffering from multiple organ failure and it takes about a week to die and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. It is a very nasty and painful death - not like sleeping tablets.
If she doesn't get treatment withing a few hours she WILL die. I'd call the police as near to her as you can and then you have done your bit. - Salerio
Question 2
why is my vagina so disgusting and i hate it so much?... ever since having kids it hasnt felt the same. i had to have a episotomy on my first... think thats have you spell it and then i tore on my second and i have skin tags and looks absolutely groce. Doctor wont do nothing as she says it cosmetic but i cant afford to go under the knife.. what can i do to sort it out? husband aint bothered by it, but i dont feel confident as it looks like its from a horror movie....
1) Zombie p*ssy...classic. Tough luck. - NOFX
2) I'm sorry. There isn't a lot you can do about it on your own aside from accept it. You could ask your insurance company anyway if they would cover the cost of surgery to correct complications from birth and see what they say. - Olivia J
3) welcome to the world of post-children old lady snatch. - dali333
4) hmmm interesting. I guess your stuck with it. If hubby doesn't care then don't worry about it. unless your planning to leave him but then again most guys wont care. - trouble
Question 3
Should I take the H1N1 vaccination ?... I have no trust in the vaccine, since it was put on the market within a very short time without propoerly chacking the side effects from time and sample size aspect. The H1N1 is mutating, so it is not clear that even if I took the risk of having vaccinated would I get immunization from all type of possible mutations. What is the greater risk, this is the question, to vaccinate myself and wait and see for 1-2 years to make sure that not even a long terms side effectv affects me, or to catch the flue and then wait and see whether I survive or not ?
1) I wouldent, it suposedly effs up ur brain. - featherfire
2) Your choice of course.
I've had the shot myself with no ill effects. I am immune-suppressed so my choice was to go without the shot and have no chance whatsoever to survive the flu or take the shot and see immediately if I survive it. So far I'm fine.
Since H1N1 is killing perfectly healthy young people (81 deaths in my area), I recommend the shot but everyone has to make their own choice based on the information they gather. - Kathleen
3) im not going to. i believe they are hyping up this flu to make it seem like an epidemic when its really not so bad. why do they want to push these shots on the public? - C
4) The media, incorrect reporting and listening to uninformed people are probably why you think they haven't tested this vaccine for safety. See article below.
The H1N1 vaccines were tested at nine centers throughout the country in thousands of volunteers in clinical trials for safety and efficacy. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the H1N1 vaccines in mid-September from four manufacturers. All four firms manufacture the H1N1 virus using the same processes, which experts from the FDA say have a “long record of producing safe seasonal influenza vaccines.”
I've had myself and all three of my daughters vaccinated with both the seasonal and H1N1 over the past two months. We've all been fine with no weird symptoms of any sort.
If you have further doubts call the CDC, I too was concerned about getting our family vaccinated and they are especially helpful at answering all questions you might have.
FDA’s chief scientist said the H1N1 vaccines approved in September “undergo the same rigorous FDA manufacturing oversight, product quality testing and lot release procedures that apply to seasonal influenza vaccines.” - julz
Question 4
why do people who live in conjusted areas suffer respiratory diseases?...
1) i have no clue. maybe the air isnt as clean as there may be more car exhaust fumes, factory smoke, etc - Just me
2) It's probably because they are exposed to a higher level of carbon monoxide, car exhaust. This and other fuel emissions can irritate the lungs and make you susceptible to upper respiratory infections. Smoke and chemicals lower the immune system especially in respiratory area. - Rachel
3) respiratory diseases are transmitted from person to person via airborne or droplet. meaning, once the virus has spread to the air and another person inhaled that air, he will be infected; since they live in congested areas, there are more closer contacts of the infected persons to the non-infected ones. that's why the spread of disease is faster. so, if there would just be one person that is infected, every single close contact might get the disease and these susceptible people will come in contact with the healthy ones and so on and so forth. hence, the spread of disease. - Bhelle
Question 5
painful lump in left arm under the skin?... hi i woke up this morning to find a dull painful lump 3 inches from my left wrist. it is definatly not a bruise as i havent hit anything so hard to make it visible and there is no discolouration. im british and its winter so im not sure if its a bite any idears?
1) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://nurse23.notlong.com/4AAw0yb - Latosha
2) I can't say for certain, but I once woke up with the same sort of "lump". I didn't think much of it, figured I must have gotten bitten or something. But it eventually grew a little. I went to the doctor and it was a non-cancerous tumor. Keep an eye on it for a few days, and if it doesn't go away go see a doctor. - CaptainAng
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