Strange small blisters on my daughters arm?... My daughter just showed me a strange red area near her armpit that has one large blister bump with a whitehead and four smaller blisters spread around it. The skin underneath is red and then upon further inspection, I found a few more small blisters going down her arm. She says she's had the bump for a while but it was smaller and now its larger and hurts and itches. I can't be for sure how long its been there because she's young and not good at judging days and weeks, but its possibly been there for a few weeks. Is anyone familiar with this? Could it be a bug bite or poison oak/ivy?
1) CUT EM OFF!!! - george a
2) i dont know? maybe it is for sweating under her arms. - my sword my trade!
3) Put a clear/white nail polish on it. If it starts to burn her than its killing it. That means it could be a mosquito bite, or maybe a chigger bite! - Drew
4) Ok... Well since you're going on the internet for this you're either an idiot or someone who can't afford to take the kid to the doctor. At the end of this no one on here is going to be able to answer your question because someone has to see the bumps and that someone has to be a doctor.
It could be Herpes Zoster, or just a rash... I had bad excema once that resembled that. - Rebecca
5) Impetigo
Impetigo is a contagious skin infection that usually produces blisters or sores ... Impetigo usually affects preschool and school-age children. ... - - Becky
6) Sounds like it could be poison ivy, an allergic reaction to something, or an infection/rash. I would make an appointment with her pediatrician or go the the ER and get it checked out, better to be safe than sorry. - TheKaitlinBrand
7) If its poison ivy or oak it would be itchy.. and she would know it ... U might want to have a doctor check it ... it sounds like ivy or oak... But if its not making her scratch like crazy then it's probably not ... - J.J.
8) my little sister has exama it really hurts and itches it is the color red and it spreads if you itch it hope i helped maybe do some research - Kenzie:]
9) it might be impetigo. if the blisters pop easily or don't last for more than 24 hours its impetigo. I've had it before and it was near my armpit also, i guess it was from all the itching i did when i had an allergic reaction from my deodarant.
so call your doctor make an appointmen and order some cream for it, my cream came in a medium sized tube that was white and blue. - rice
10) Even at this time of the year it's possible to pick up poison ivy or poison sumac/oak.
Gently wash the affected area with yellow soap, such as Fels Naptha and warm water and blot dry. If you have any pink Calamine Lotion, apply with a cotton ball and allow to dry. That's the old fashioned treatment (hey...I'm OLD!).
I think Benadryl also makes a topical gel treatment that dries out the little blisters. That's the whole point; dry out those blisters and try to keep her from scratching and breaking them open, which will spread them all around if you aren't careful.
If you can't get hold of your doctor this weekend, take her to the emergency room or an "urgent care" facility. Poison ivy isn't funny if it spreads to the face and eyes; I've heard of kids losing their eyesight because it spread to the tear duct area. Even the local pharmacist will beable to tell what it is.
The tough part will be to restrain from scratching. If she's okay with it, give her an oral dose of Children's Benadryl to calm the itch.
Good luck. - AUBURN
11) Possible reaction to something she has come in contact with?
Even though this seems like it's something very minor like a result of itching from a bug bite(happened to me sometimes, but not too often, when I was younger).
I suggest contacting a doctor(or nurse?) because there is a slight possibility of a bigger problem than just excessive itching.
If she's able to understand and do what she's told, tell her to not scratch.
Also, you could try benedryl(helps with itching) or polysporin(healing & helps keep out bacteria) or something similar.
I don't know if you can use both of them together. - Liz
Question 2
My friend is having nosebleeds.?... My friend is getting nosebleeds a lot. I'm really worried about her. She is 13 and rides horses. I am really worried that it's leukemia. I had a friend that had leukemia and he had chronic nosebleeds. He passed. She had 9 in a week. I just hope she's ok.
1) Tell her to stop looking at Japenese manga pr0n - Julie
2) she does cocaine behind your back - george a
3) take her to the doctor! - speedy2
4) It might not be leukemia it could be diabetes. nose bleeds are common to those who are getting diabetes. - Chuck Norris
5) It could just be dry nose from cold weather.
Here's an experiment.
Have her lubricate the inside of her nose with petroleum jelly every morning and night. If the nosebleeds stop, it's NOT leukemia. - Dagny K
6) i get nose bleeds all the time sometimes twice a day and i do not have leukimia im sorry about your friend that is really sad... i use a q-tip and wet it with water and swab the inside of the nostril i also use a cool air humidifyer
a lot of nosebleeds are caused by your nose being dry and by dry air
tell her to try this - Shelby
7) Nose bleeds could be from low platelets. Does she have little red dots (petechiae) on her skin, or bruising? If so then seeing a doctor needs to become a priority. This could be a sign of a life threatening condition.
Otherwise, it might be from her nose being so dry. She could try using saline nasal spray to moisturize her nasal passages. She might also have a weak blood vessel in her nose that needs to be cauterized (esp if it's only one side that bleeds). That will also require a doctor. - Daisy
8) Well, has she been coughing or sneezing lately? It's weird, but nosebleeds can be brought on by the common cold. My brother used to get them all the time, but it was just his allergies. You can get allergies in the winter, and they can develop over time, even if you've never had any before. - Caroline35
Question 3
Can pneumonia make your chest feel like someone punched you?... I had the swine flu last week and it went into pneumonia. Wasn't bad pneumonia, think we got to it before it got really bad. I coughed so much my head hurts. Anyway, now my chest feels like someone punched me, like its bruised when you touch it. Is this normal for pneumonia?
1) We'll need a willing person, some pneumonia and a fist to find that one out. - 4TehLolZ
2) It is from the muscle strain from all the coughing. Taking some tylenol or motrin regularly for a few days will decrease this discomfort while you wait for the antibiotics to kick in. - J B
3) Yes,it feels kinda heavy. - TrustInsanity
4) its your muscles, they are sore from straining to breathe... It makes your lung covers sore also.. It will get better ... Does take some time ... Wow , glad you got past the H1N1 and pneumonia , thats a double wamme ...
Good Luck - J.J.
5) It really depends if someone punched you in the chest immediately prior to this incident - Jonathan Gunstab
Question 4
Swine Flu RFID Chip?!?... Does anyone know when it will be available to the public? How many people are aware that they will be forced to have this implanted in their right hand after getting the H1N1 vaccine? How many people are aware that if they do not get the vaccine, they will have the choice of either getting the vaccine OR being sent straight to a concentration camp- type place if they refuse(and that they will be considered "enemies to humanity"? I believe that this goes against our Constitution, but I would like to hear what you people think(plus, I would like to know when the stupid chip will be forced on the public).
1) you've been reading too many conspiracies. the government isn't putting chips inside human civilians. - ohio.killa
2) U RETARD thats complete bullshit - Chris
3) I know about this and will fight to the death to protect my Constitutional right. - Sabbats believer.
Question 5
Can Asthma be (cured OR controlled) by heating surrounding air?... My mother, 88 years old, got asthma for the past 2 years. She is affected by cold weather. Can it be cured (or controlled) by keeping the room warm, as it will help to inhale warm air ?
1) Air purifiers helped me rid of my asthma. Set one in your room and turn it on when you got to bed. - Roman
2) As you said she is affected by the cold, keeping her warm will help a great deal. - Larry C
3) asthma is the body's abnormal reaction to "something" which causes the airway to close up.
for your mom, it seems like it is the cold weather, but it also could be a combination of factors as well
it isn't likely her asthma will be *cured* with just warm air. she will always have asthma. - Gracinda
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