Saturday, November 7, 2009

When can I expect to get the H1N1 vaccine?

Question 1
When can I expect to get the H1N1 vaccine?...  More importantly, my 2 year old. Her pediatrician hasn't even received a single vaccine & there aren't any available at our county health dept. Everyone around us is getting sick & a little girl in my area just died from complications of the swine flu. We live in the Chicago area & nobody I know has been able to get the vaccine. Does anyone know when the vaccine will be available to everyone? It's only a matter of time before my daughter or myself gets sick...

1)   Sorry about the little girl who died... but most of the people who did die from it had other health issues, so if you and your 2 year old don't I wouldn't worry too much! But here (Massachusetts) I'm getting it at school soon, and they're getting it soon at my pediatrician and you can get it at pharmacys here. - Nina

2)   get tamiflu so if she gets it she wo'nt die. - stefan78910

3)   Just go to a different state that you hear is getting a shipment of the vaccine soon so you will be safe when someone you know gets it since you said a lot of people have it in Chicago. - Avenged Sevenfold gurrl!! <3

4)   call your local emergency clinic for information- be careful not to fall for "fake" vaccines. i guess wait for them to arrive, i mean you can't get too many vaccines, your body will react in a negative manner.Just keep your 2yr old away from objects that might be contaminated by others ( door knobs etc.) and wash her hands alot. hope this helps :) - Maisam

5)   Research more about the vaccine. It may be a blessing that there are none in your area!

This vaccine has not been tested long enough to determine what any problems or side effects can occur.

There are many natural herbal remedies that help alleviate the symptoms of the flu. The swine flu is not worse than the regular seasonal flu so don't be bamboozled by the hype.

The flu is viral so the only way to get rid of it is time. You can only ease the symptoms.

I give my little ones Sambucus (elderberry) (pretty much regularly) and a remedy called Immunity Shots (contains Oregano Oil, Garlic, Silver, and one other thing I can't remember) when they have been afflicted by a bug.

The were sick last week from the change in weather but we nicked in within the week with my Sambucus/Immunity Shot concoction.

Also cammomile tea with lots of RAW honey works really well with us. My girlies are 2 and 5. I refuse to get them vaccinated.

Go to and see what's not being said the in mainstream about the H1N1 virus and the accompanying vaccine...

Oh yea, there may be some concern about having H1N1 flu shot and the regular flu shot...

Just beware. As someone else previously mentioned, if your child doesn't have underlying negative health issues then death is not a risk. A lot of the people dying are from secondary Staph infections (which I believe are most prevalent in a hospital environment).

Do your research before you get stuck or you may be stuck with worse health issues.

ALL pharmaceutical companies are exempt from any lawsuits due to bad vaccinations or bad effects from vaccinations!!!

To me, that is a scary thought! - aDeviKreates

6)   When the H1N1 vaccine is available in your area, they will probably only allow 5 months to 2 years old children to receive this vaccine. You will have to wait a week or so before you can get it. - Phillip


Question 2
If you have H1N1 what happens next?...  My friend got a call on Friday morning from the hospital/medical lab saying that he has Swine Flu. It really shocked me and I was having a rough time handling the bad news. But the thing is that he isn't sick anymore and he was sick about three weeks ago. On that Friday he seemed fine he didn't look sick or anything only the rare occasional cough. So does it mean he has it, or he had it, I don't understand. It really is bothering me. I asked my doctor about him and he said he needs to not go to school for a while. Does that mean he needs to go to isolation at the hospital? Also I asked my doctor if it would pass on to me. He said if he had it confirmed on Friday then if I got it I would know after a week(it would effect me a week later), so I don't know if that's true or not? So, I don't know if I have it yet but most of my friends I would say 70-80% were sick with the common flu and hanged out around me often and I haven't been sick its been going for 3-4 weeks now, and I'm totally fine. I don't know if I have a strong immune system, but the real matter is my friend's health. I'm scared something serious might happen such as death, and I don't know how to cope with this situation. Will he be fine or something else...?

1)   H1N1 (swine flu) is still just the FLU. It's not a death sentence, so STOP getting dramatic about it. - solstice_baby

2)   he will be fine if he wont call his doctor and tell him to call in some tamiflu for him. it works! - stefan78910

3)   Do not get the shot. If your temperature gets to high take some Motrin and that will lower it. Rest. And keep the fever under control that's about it.

Trust me. It sucks. But it is going to be OK.
Personal Experience
Hope this Helps.

Que n' Aye - Que n' Aye

4)   It enters your body when someone sneezes or coughs near you or on you. When it enters, it tries to find a cell to hold on to. Then it tries to take over the cell by sending these chemicals that the cell allows to enter. These chemicals enter the nucleus of the cell and changes its DNA, which controls the cell. This will cause the cell to make copies of the swine flu virus. The viruses are then released out of the cell to invade the other cells. When the cell realizes that it is being changed to make copies of this virus, it releases a signal for the immune system to release these special cells that remove all the "garbage" from the body. For the virus, this "garbage truck" is just another cell to invade. Once it suceeds in invading the "garbage truck" cell, the cell releases a signal for the immune system to release other "garbage trucks". Pretty soon a whole army of these cells will try to get rid of all these viruses. You can prevent this by washing your hands with warm water and soap. If you are going to use hand sanitizers, make sure that it contains 60% or more of alchohal in it or it is just wasting your time and money. But overall H1N1 is overrated. - Phillip


Question 3
If I don't have a kidney/urinary tract infection why do I have the symptoms?...  I went to the doctors yesterday and they said there wasn't sign of infection just blood in the urine. This is the 3rd time theres been blood in my urine so finally the doctor said he wants to do a complete urinary analysis. I guess before they were just doing the dip stick thing.

But, if there is no infection why am I cramping like a Kidney infection? (I've had one before so I know what they feel like)
Other symptoms: chills, back pain, loss of appetite. I know I should seek a medical professional but what if they don't do anything?

1)   WOW. Bad news! Kidney or bladder stones. Seek better medical attention. - Van Bo

2)   I assume the urinalysis is in progress and you await the results. In the meantime drink lots of water and stop all the sugary drinks like juice or soda. - PD

3)   I would definitely look into Kidney stones. I have had them twice now with the same symptoms. I would also ask your doctor to check for crystals in your urine that is easy to da and can give u on idea about the kidney stones. - Lee


Question 4
why am i so itchy????...  could it be possible that i am itching from a change in temperature from 90 degrees to 70 degrees?
70 is still hot, but would that trigger it?

1)   fungus? diabetes? - tim g

2)   get some "gold bond" and see if that stops the itch. - munch

3)   Anything is possible, but dry skin is probable. - PD


Question 5
acne problem.. need help!! as soon as possible :(?...  i've been having an acne problem for a long time.. i've tried proativ and clean and clear.. all of that and whatnot. i don't touch my face, i wash it and shower twice a day.. i've tried loads of stuff but nothing seems to work. everything i use makes my face red and irritated.. i need help!!

1)   If you have tried all the other stuff, I would recommend a dermatologist. Take all of the products in a bag when you go so he can tell you which to keep using in the future or never use again. Also he will be able to give you antibiotics. - PD

2)   let a african cum on u - Grape

3)   Genuine acne (not just occasional spots) will not be affected by over the counter treatments as it's likely hormonal.

See your GP/doctor and if necessary insist on treatment, don't be fobbed off.

Roaccutane style medication initially severely dries the skin but ultimately works wonders against severe acne. - MKultra


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