Why did i have to go to a cardiologist?... i was thinking back to when i was a little child, and i remember having to see a cardiologist every year when i was very young (unit i was about 7 or 8)
i remember waiting a long time to go in and every time i went, they sent me home with a small machine that had wires all on my chest, and they would tell me i had to come back until my mom just stopped taking me
oh yah and they used to do an ultra sound of my chest
i was just wondering if anybody else had to go throught the same thing or if its normal for a child, because my mom wont tell me why
1) Its not normal so there must have been a reason. Talk to your mother again - Stephen
2) The wires all over your chest could have been a Holter Monitor which they use to "monitor" abnormal heart rhythms to see if any are present. It would be foolish for your mother not to tell you about this because some day, it could become an important part of your health history. Ask her again and tell her it is important for you to know this information. - J B
3) Hi you evidently had some sort of heart abnormality as a child. Did you ever have surgery that your mom said anything about when you were a little baby? Your mother owes you an explanation of what was wrong with your heart as a child. Please set down with her and talk to her, ask her to tell you all about it. You need to know because maybe you should be getting follow-up check ups on your heart to make sure everything is continuing to be okay. It is not a normal thing for a child to go through unless some kind of heart abnormality or problem is present. Have a heart to heart with your mom. You need to know. Good Luck. - kwgirlroper09
Question 2
masturbating......................?... ok i am embarrassed of this question but i was masturbating one day with a vibrating tooth brush (Its Normal!!) and i started to bleed did my hymn brake?
1) yah. duh now get a dick - Patrick L.
2) It depends how far you went in. You might've broken your hymen. But at least you got it done earlier, better soon than never - PhotographyGirl:)
3) i Guess
but why did you do that is too funny - Jefferson C
Question 3
My 2 year old son was dignosed with contact dermititas (sp?) when he was an infant, but no meds are working...?... My 2 year old son was dignosed with contact dermititas (sp?) when he was an infant, which I think was an easy answer to a rash. He was perscriped hydrocortizone (again my spelling is horrible) and we have been using it, but he has spots that he constantly scratches... I feel so bad for him, if he is allergic I want to remove whatever he is allergic to, but we haven't really changed anything in our routine (laundry soaps, bubble baths, etc.) and always use free and clear... Should I take him to see a dermatologist?
1) A dermatologist or an allergist could help you. I would start with a dermatologist to get the right medication to help clear this up. If that fails, then go to an allergist. - J B
2) I would for sure it's a good way to ease your mind that yes it is just what they said. Or perhaps he has an allergy that he should be tested for
or perhaps eczema and help with the triggers.
Do you have pets? Or the cold weather, milk allergies...
always good to see a specialist. Be sure to find someone your child's doctor trusts or perhaps they will feel it's more an allergy. - kelly e
3) for every kind of acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,
spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
it has got so many tips n free beauty samples
for curing acne and all your skin problems - Ifsdww
Question 4
is there any remedies to reduce the look of pimple redness overnight?... ohh my gosh the side of my face really broke out and there are several red pimples and i don't think i will e able to cover them up well in the morning
is there any remedies to improve the look of pimples at least alittle bit over night!?
1) for every kind of acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,
spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
it has got so many tips n free beauty samples
for curing acne and all your skin problems - Ifsdww
2) Probably not. Try some ice for the redness.
Acne cream if you have it. First I'd do a hot compress to see if it will come to a head, alcohol, and the acne cream. Then ice... on for 10 off for 20 repeat. - kelly e
Question 5
Panic attacks from smoking weed?... I used to smoke weed a lot, almost everyday for probably about 2 years. one time after smoking i had a really bad panic attack that made me stop smoking for the last year. Now i am trying to start smoking again but am worried about the panic attacks again so im wondering can you have a heart attack from a panic atttack brought on by weed?
1) Cannabis can have a number of effects including paanic. So the sipmle answer is don't use it - Stephen
2) no you cant. i, like yourself used to smoke weed but stopped because the negatives out weigh the positives. AND got really bad panic attacks when really stoned. Its more of a mental thing so now because youre worried about getting them after smoking you more than likely will.. if you want something to chill you out you can buy a legal herb called skullcap which you brew into a tea.. add some lemon and honey and it will taste fine. hope this helps - Erin
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