how can I get rid of a lisp?... I have a lisp problem with my s's and my z's do you have any suggestions please say below
-thanks becca
1) i had them too for over 10 years
i just grew out of it
good luck :D - A P
2) lol lol lol - iGNORANT GiRL
3) punch yourself in the face till it goes away, or speech therapy. the first one worked in the movie "cable guy" lol. you can work on it at home its not anything you need to pay money for, use verbal exercises like actors do. - Inquisitor
4) Just practice saying your s's over and over again until you say it right. When you say words like that around other people, just say it more slowly so you can say it right! :) - Hollie
5) the best think you could do is find a speech therapist, it is very hard to fix it yourself. - SlsB
6) First off Becca, lisps are actually pretty cool, I wouldn't mind if I had one. They are really interesting characteristics that aren't that common. They are kind of like accents, which can be defining and unique. If you really have a problem with it, just practice saying your 's's and 'z's while being really aware of your tongue, your teeth, and your lips. I'm not sure if a lisp is something you can really get rid of, but if you just practice until you get it, your body will start to use 'muscle memory' and you will just start talking without your lisp without trying :) - cailyn
Question 2
Heart pain! Help! Please!?... I have heart pain. I small sports induced asthma and hashimotos hypo thyroidism wich is stable. Im a teen. I woke up with a fluttery heart today. And then i ran 11 laps in gym today. And now my chest hurt and i have heart pain.
1) ER!!!
ASAP!!! - Robb
2) if the pain has lasted more than 2 minutes ...and pressure along jaw..neck..shoulder or stomach hurts--nauseated.......go now to ER!...don't wait if you have only one of the symptoms above. - cecstar
3) if you left arm starts to feel numb, and you heart still hurts, seek medical attention emediatly, it could be a heart attack. if not, you probably just ate something bad for dinner and had heart burn. then in gym, you pushed yourself too hard. - Rayzor
4) hospital, now. good luck. - Lost In The Aether
5) ER ASAP! - Becca
Question 3
if you have had the flu this season, how did the symptoms begin, that is what were the first things your body?... did to inform you, your going to be sick?
1) I got the flu last year and it began with a very high fever and then aches and chills and tons of sweating. It came on very quickly, and I was hospitalized. Needless to say, I now get my flu vaccine! I am a nurse and I had gotten influenza A and B from a patient I was caring for. - Raquel
2) i had flu last week and i started with a sore throat and headaches, then i was sweaty and had a really high temperature - Hannah
3) first thing that happened was that i felt like my body ached...later that night i got a am was REALLY naseaus..sp? - stressingout
4) i had it last month. first day i started with an annoying dry cough and it started to hurt when i swallowed. then that night my neck got really sore which turned into full body ache and chills/fever. - Ang
Question 4
Do any animals living in saltwater acquire cancer?...
1) yes most animals, with the exception of sharks (I think), can acquire cancer. Doesn't mean they will though, its just possible. - Josh
2) Yes. - Tiffany B
3) yes and any living being can get cancer. - april
Question 5
Mysterious ailment, can anyone help me figure it out?... I have been getting heart palpitations on and off for a couple of years now. I was told it might be related to temporary hormone irregularities due to my endometriosis; I'd take magnesium supplements for a little while and they would subside. However, this past summer a new wrinkle appeared with the palpitations: shortness of breath. It's easier to breathe when I'm up walking around than when I try to lie down, so I don't get much sleep when this happens. I went to a doctor who told me I had acute sinusitis, prescribed Cephalexin; upon taking this I proceeded to get a lot worse, with diarrhea, fever with chills and weakness. I was told I must be sensitive to Cephalexin and to stop taking it, so I did. Then another doctor told me the problem was a rampant yeast infection and gave me Flagyl. The cycle repeated itself, and added extreme thirst to the list of symptoms. Off the Flagyl, I was having a lot of trouble keeping food down, but once I was able to eat again I recovered.
Well, now the palpitations and shortness of breath are back, along with the thirst which I had thought was a side effect of the Flagyl but now believe to be related to whatever is going on with me. As in the past, magnesium supplements ease my palpitations, but they do nothing for my shortness of breath. I've just been to a doctor who told me I have an acute upper respiratory infection and wants me on Amoxicillin. I am afraid to take the Amoxicillin, but I don't know what else to do.
Here are some things I've ruled out through lab tests that were ordered over the past six months:
I am HIV negative
My thyroid is functioning within normal range
I haven't had a flu virus lately
I am not in early menopause
My cholesterol is normal
My blood glucose is within a normal range, although the nurse who administered the test did advise me to get a home glucose monitor to verify her findings (which I haven't done yet).
A couple of things seem to be precursors to an attack, although they could be just coincidental: they always seem to accompany hormonal changes, such as my period, or this latest time my attempt to get started on the POP pill; and also this latest time I realized that it seems they usually come on not long after I've lit a candle and/or incense.
Has anyone ever heard of anything like this before? What could it be, and what can I do to nip it in the bud? Thanks for any advice you have.
1) Consuming the desired food is crucial for your health. You can try supplementing your diet with acai berry, it's not solely a widely tested and acknowledged weight loss compound, it's a superfood too. There is a risk free trial on offer at I've been using it for 3 weeks now and it's definately having an effect!! - Shyanne
2) i have never heard of anything like this however this def seems to be a hormonal problem - junior
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