Sunday, November 15, 2009

what could this be? (my son)?

Question 1
what could this be? (my son)?...  For the past year my son has been sniffing through his nose constantly. its hard to explain. like he moves nose and breaths through it forcefully like when someone has a cold and are congested. but he doesnt have a cold. he also blinks his eyes when he does it. i told him to stop but he says he cant. He cant controll it. I dont know if this is a medical problem. My sister said it could be tourettes but i dont really know what that is.
noo i went to the doctors and they said his sinus's are clear. But i didnt mention the nose thing. i shouldve but didnt.

1)   Get him to a doctor so they can xray his sinuses to see if they are actually filled up or not. If not it may be psychological like that little girl who sneezes constantly. - Liz

2)   Could be as simple as an allergy.
Take him to his pediatrician and have him tested! - katydint

3)   Sounds like he's on the cocaine - itsgallus


Question 2
How's about a rousing round of House, MD. Symptoms galore?...  I've been experiencing the worst fatigue. I've been anemic before, I've been severely malnourished before, but I have NEVER felt this weak. I can't walk 300 feet without needing to sit and getting out of breath. If I'm standing, I have to keel over and lean against something. When I stand up, I'm orthostatic. I'm dizzy, I lose sight, blood rushes to my head, and my balance is completely off.

On top of all this, I have body pain everywhere. Many of my bones AND joints hurt, but the "stumps" of my entire right hand are swollen. I have not hurt my hand, and my other hand feels exactly the same, just no swelling. My hands and feet are VERY cold all the time. I put them on my stomach or legs to warm them and there is a considerable difference in temperature. Lately, my face has been getting flushed at random times. I don't have a fever, but my face gets so hot and red. I use my face to warm my hands, which helps. Yesterday, on my hand that is swollen, I felt this excruciating burning pain on my index finger. It felt like I had put my hand on the stove and it lasted for about an hour. It also got red, but gradually faded overnight. I can't walk normally. I couldn't figure out what exactly was different about my walking, because it has become harder. I noticed that I've been walking on the balls of my feet. Both feet/legs.

What can cause this? I am so scared and in so much pain. I have a doctor's appointment, but not until Tuesday. I know I am not anemic (family friend is an anesthesiologist and ordered a basic cbc for me). I had some neurological problems a few months ago and was supposed to have an MRI/EEG, but could not for insurance purposes. I don't know if these issues are related. I have a history of anemia and in my adolescence was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, but it was never like this and it went away (and never came back) right after I was diagnosed.

I'm also very sensitive lately; prone to bouts of anger and crying. My hair has been falling out in huge clumps and it's turning red (I have never dyed my hair. Have not switched shampoos either).

I maintain a healthy diet and up until recently was active. I do not take any drugs, illicit or otherwise. I don't drink. I'm not on the pill and there is no chance of pregnancy.

1)   Could it be lupus? Nah I'm just kidding. But seriously it could be or maybe something equally serious but I'm no doctor so I can't say. - helloworldtomorrow

2)   ermmm. obviously something is wrong, and i suggest you go see a doctor.

Other things which cause what you're explaining could be stress. x - Belle


Question 3
bit confused................................................?...  Im on an insulin pump and want to test my basal for the morning if I eat eggs and bacon for breakfast and dont bolus as there is no carbs should I expect level bg if my basal is correct?Please only answer if you have experience with this.

1)   Consuming the correct food is vital for your health. You can try supplementing your diet with acai berry, it is not solely a widely tested and acknowledged weight loss produce, it is a superfood too. There is a risk free trial offered at I've been taking it for 2 weeks now and it's definitely working!! - Miriam

2)   You would be better of talking to your doctor about this. What I do know is the fat in the eggs and bacon will raise your blood glucose level as they contain fat and this can be broken down by the body into glucose, but I am not sure how they will translate into affecting you and the insulin pump - crazyowl


Question 4
Itchy and hard armpits?...  For the past few months my armpits have been extremely itchy. I've tried changing deodorant, going without deodorant (ew), holding off shaving (eek), and even changing laundry detergents and soaps. The past week or so I have noticed that my arm pits on the outside portion are hard to the touch, like my lymph nodes or swollen or something. My skin has no rash, although there are some fissures in the skin that have broken open when I couldn't resist the urge to itch. I've applied everything from moisturizing lotion to neosporin to cortisol cream. Any ideas?

1)   Go to the doctor - Questionare

2)   It is probably a fungal infection. Nothing to out of the ordinary. Try putting tinactin spray on it, or you can go to your doctor and get something more prescription. Try to keep the area soft by putting lotion on it at night. When leaving for the day, put the anti-fungal spray or cream on and blow dry the spot. You probably just have moisture under there and unfortunately the arm-pit is a hot area and a breeding ground for that activity. - Noah G


Question 5
when is impetigo contagious?...  I get impetigo on my upper lip every now and then and today i looked in the mirror and I think It may be coming back, anyway I was out the night before last and I kiss a girl so now I'm worried that my impetigo may have been in the incubation period and I'm afraid she may get it. So can someone please help me out here and tell me when exactly is impetigo contagious.

1)   i think itm most contagous when its leaving you - Chris

2)   Impetigo is highly infectious and can also affect the hands. It will be most infectious when the blister breaks and discharges but it is possible that you have passed it on to the other person.
The good thing is its easily cured with antibiotics. - bty81216349


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