Hi, i'm 21 years old and i'm looking for someone who knows something about sleeping disorders...?... Recently in like the past month i have missed a huge amount of college class due to not waking up in time. Everynight i set my alarm clock across the room, and the 5 that i can set on my phone all at different times about 15 mins apart. Occasionally i'll hear the one across the room but most of the time i don't even remember waking up to shut it off. I have trouble getting to sleep at night and sometimes with school i don't get a whole lot of sleep at all. Lately i've been irritable, exhausted and completely stressed....So if anyone has any suggestions and knows something about sleeping issues i'd love to hear it...and please dont be a smart ass.
I am not depressed i wasn't depressed when it started and i'm not on any medications.
I'd love to have a sleeping schedule if i could fall asleep. thats part of the problem...i lay down...and then i just lay there for an hour +. I've been trying to go to bed by midnight which is really early for me and for the major i'm in...most people are up all night doing projects.
1) It's not a sleeping issue. You're probably suffering from depression. Look up the symptoms on the web. - DO-NOT CLICK-ON PHOTO
2) Stop being so tired? - Nadia
3) Are you taking sleep medications? Most of the time with sleep meds you can very well sleep through alarms, even Tylenol PM can have this affect.
If not, then exhaustion could be the answer. I don't think you have a sleep disorder, I think you are just overwhelmed and stressed out. Stressing over sleep and losing out on sleep will cause more and more stress and time goes by. It's miserable, I know!
The best things to try if you have a hard time falling asleep, make sure there aren't any lights.. cover up all clocks that have a light. TVs off, etc...
Try some white noise... a fan, or even something that makes rain sounds could help you fall asleep at night. Stop drinking sodas or anything with sugars and caffiene a few hours before you plan on going to bed. Eating late in the evening, I have found, can also keep you awake for much longer than you want.
Try the simple home remedies for a while, if that doesn't work either - you need to seek help from a physician. Get some sleep aids or even a relaxer medication if you are over-stressed.
Hope this helps you. - Lulin
4) I've suffered from Insomnia but nothing anywhere near as bad as what you've described i cured mine through cutting out any drinks with caffeine (coffee, tea, fizzy drinks) started to take regular exercise and eat a diet that consists mainly of fresh fruit and veg,
all i can say is try that and then just state the obvious by saying go to your doctor you maybe depressed sounds silly and you may not feel depressed but sleep deprivation its certainly a side effect, or your quack might just give you some sleeping tablets it sounds as if your body isnt really relaxing into a proper state of sleep
anyway good luck mate
Olly :) - Ollyos
5) Well, you need a better bedtime routine probably.... dont watch tv or get on the computer at least 30 mins before you go to bed. Second.. drink a sleepy time tea about 20 minutes before bed. Do something calm, like read, or take a shower.bath right before you go to bed. You need to start going to bed earlier for one if your having trouble waking up... second make sure where you sleep doesn't have any type of lights on in the room.. they say as simple as a clock on the radio can keep your brain active. So turn things in a different direction from your face. Also, do you have a lot of electronics in the room where you sleep? If so, i suggest getting rid of most of them.. they have electro magnetic fields that actually can keep your brain awake and make you crazy and unable to sleep...and stress you out. Also NO CAFFEINE past 4 in the afternoon.. none at all! Also i keep a fan in the room on a medium setting to help drown out any possible noise.. and that REALLY helps keep me in a deep sleep. Exercise as well... you may have a lot of anxiousness keeping you awake which really gets relieved with exercise.. but make sure you do it in the afternoon not at night.. whenever i exercise at night i get tons of more energy and has the opposite effect. So, i suggest just trying these things for a few nights. I use to have HORRIBLE problems falling asleep and staying asleep... then i strictly adhered to these guidelines and haven't had much a problem since. So i wish you luck! - KnottyPine1213
6) Try Melatonin 3mg (can be purchased in the vitamin aisle) taken no more than 30 minutes before bedtime. Make sure you can get at least 8 hours of sleep. It won't happen "overnight" but Melatonin helps regulate the sleep cycle. Follow all of the other suggestions (i.e no caffeine, no TV/computer, block all lights, etc) and try the Melatonin. I have CFS and Fibromyalgia. Constant problems trying to get to sleep/stay asleep. This would result in me being tired and irritable during the day. I tried sleeping pills, anti-depressants, etc. Melatonin worked for me. The key is....make sure you can get at least 8 hours sleep!
If none of this works..I would suggest going to your doctor and letting them know how long you have had this problem and all of the things you have tried. Most likely, you will need to see an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist for a Sleep Study. You could have Sleep Apnea (my husband has this) or you could be a sleepwalker and not know it. (very dangerous)
Good luck! - Rachel
Question 2
Have I got swine flu?... My mum rang me this morning to say she has been diagnosed with it, she came to visit Sunday. I have been feeling ok up until now when i have had a bad case of diarrhia.Which is one of the symptoms? I'm worried as i have a six month old baby.
1) You certainly could have it, you'd best schedule an appointment with your GP. No sense risking it. - Anonymous
2) go to the doctor - Rogelio
3) The most prominent symptoms are fever, body aches, dry cough, sore throat, fatigue. Coughing and fever are almost always present. Diarrhea is a possible symptom, but only sometimes. - Professor Logical
4) You may have the flu if you have some or all of these symptoms:
fever *
sore throat
runny or stuffy nose
body aches
sometimes diarrhea and vomiting
*It’s important to note that not everyone with flu will have a fever.
Is that your only symptom?
If you are sick with flu-like illness, you should protect your baby as much as possible and watch him/her closely. When in doubt, call your pediatrician.
The CDC recommends that you stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone except to get medical care or for other necessities. (Your fever should be gone without the use of a fever-reducing medicine.)
Keep away from others as much as possible. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. Put your used tissue in the waste basket. Then, clean your hands, and do so every time you cough or sneeze. - RickRN
5) i dont think so maybe you just stressed out or just have a simple cold..gosh i get tired of people on here with their stressful answers! - BeSmart
Question 3
if your coughing up yellow mucus is that a sign of infection?... i have a headache im tired im achy i threw up i have a fever and im coughing up translucent yellow mucus does this mean i have a sinus infection and should i see a doctor
also my throat is so swollen to the point where nothing helps!
1) yes. - David
2) You have infection in the respiratory system and maybe the sinus too. Call the doctor and see if it is not to late to be treated with antibiotics. As for the throat, buy Chloraseptic Throat Spray. It will numb your throat. They make lozenges too. - peanut
3) Sounds like Strep or the Flu. You should see your doctor. - just me
4) Most likely an infection but the important part: is it viral or bacterial? Viral they don't do much for, like your standard upper respiratory infections.
I'm not a doctor but had similar symptoms. If you have a fever or had a fever I'd go and get a strept test to be sure its not strept throat. untreated strept can lead to scarlet fever (not good). The sign of this is breaking out in a slight raised rash about a week or two after your first symptom. - IreneAnna
Question 4
Hoarseness lasting over a month?... I've been hoarse for a month now and i'm getting worried about it. :| It started last month, I had lost my voice just for a day and on the following day my voice came back to normal, but i noticed that when i speak or shout, my voice becomes hoarse, back and forth. (it doesn't usually happen to me before). the problem with me is i keep on drinking cold beverages and i keep on shouting. I don't smoke nor drink alcohol. So what do you think is causing my voice to be hoarse to last for a month. And it goes back whenever i scream? does it mean i can't scream anymore? omay.! HELP.
1) about it you can get information from here http://nurse19.notlong.com/3AACcFi - Tanja
2) There are several things that can cause a larynx to not function properly. Some symptoms are hoarseness, loss of voice, pain in the throat or ears, and breathing difficulties.
MOUTH, PHARYNX, and LARYNX-- cancer symptoms:-
1. Hoarseness that lasts more than three to four weeks.
2. Ulcerations, whitish plaques, sores, lumps- anywhere on the lips, tongue, gums, inside the cheeks, throat,and so on- that fail to disappear within 2 or 3 weeks.
3. Repeated bleeding from the tongue, cheeks or throat of unexplained origin.
4. A lump in the neck, under the chin, or at any angle of the jaw.
Consult an ENT specialist. - gangadharan nair
3) Go to your dr! - ***t***
Question 5
what happens if you leave pneumonia uncured?... what happens if you leave pneumonia uncured. will it go awaay itsself with rest
1) if luck is on your side, it may. my wife got it, and nearly died because it got out of hand. if you have it, see a doc asap. it kills about 35000 in the u.s. every year, often because it is not treated on time. - David
2) complications !!! - snowsoft
3) People die from pneumonia, it is an infection of the lungs. It is almost like drowning. I was hospitalized with it twice. All you need are some antibiotics, it can turn very quickly. See a doctor. My grandmother died from it a few years back. - V
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