Friday, September 3, 2010

Will seeing a dermatologist help with acne?

Question 1
Will seeing a dermatologist help with acne?...  I've had mild acne for two to three years now. I'm a sophomore in high school. I have a healthy diet, never drink soda nor eat candy/excessive sugar, keep a healthy diet, exercise 4-5 days a week, and have been using proactive for 2 years. I have a rigorous high school schedule but I manage my time very well and never seem to be stressed.

So, I'm eating healthy, exercising, using overcounter acne treatments, and maintaining a structured life with little stress, what is the cause of this and can a dermatologist help? Thanks.

1)   a dermatologist can help. but you're a sophmore, everyone goes through it. if you do go to the dermatologist only use the creams they give you (which works very well, ive tried it) but don't take the oral stuff they give you, its very bad for you - Eve Whillier

2)   I suggest you to see ---->
I found this link here on few days before.
It contains lots of helpful information to maintain a healthy lifestyle - Alex

3)   Well a dermatologist can help you find out if your using the right acne wash. Proactive doesn't actually work for everyone. So they can help you with that, but that's about it, because you seem to be doing everything else right! Acne sucks, I know. I'm 15 and I have mild acne too but it's just part of being a teenager and it will go away when you hit your 20's probably. - lilballerina112

4)   OMG YES! I did that, I had the WORST acne. Really big, all around my face. It took awhile for the doctor to find the medication that fit me (i tried a few dif ones a few months each), and now I'M SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!!!! DO IT! It doesn't help with scars though........ if any are scars, they'll be able to tell if some of your pimples are going away and some just arent. In that case, you need them lasered. Either way, the dermatologist is the one that helps you. - Da Master

5)   Seeing a Dermatologist is a great idea cuz she can review all your concerns, medications taken and current problems. Make sure to ask about everything you want to know and follow its suggestions and treatment. Regular follow up is also a must so the dr can manage you properly. Remember that acne is mainly cause by surging hormones or an unbalance of it. Take 6-8hrs of straight sleep...if your a girl acne will come and go monthly due to your menstruations, so a regular regimen will lessen your breakouts if done properly. Hope this helps, goodluck! - joan s

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Question 2
why do people get cold sores?...  

1)   ever hear of herpes/herpes simplex?

If you mean the regular cold sores, its because the spread of regular germs and bacteria. - OnionCookie

2)   1. Usually people who lick their lips alot, it gets wet, and stays moist.

2. It can be a pinple, but when its to wet, it takes longer to heal, and becomes a future coldsore

3. An STD/STI coldsore can be mistaken for a coldsore. - jessica masterton

3)   I've been told this reason to be because the mouth is "the dirtiest (germ-infested) place on earth."
With all these germs and moisture, the gum tissue is the most susceptible place for infections to start.
And with the blood flow having the least dermal "protection" within the mouth, the gums offer the quickest release-point for the body to cool off (during a cold.) - chasvanblom

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Question 3
If put ice on my acne will it help clear it up?...  

1)   It won't clear it up. I guess it's good for the type of acne that's under the skin and hurts a lot, but it won't actually clear it up. - marilyn

2)   You should use accutane, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Eugenie Fryman

3)   Well Visually yes, it will reduce the swelling/size/redness however acne is a bacterial infection on your face and ice is not a cure. Proactive gets expensive but is worth it. - Black Bird

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Question 4
I keep getting boils on my skin?...  I am sooooooooooooooooo sick of this!!!!!!!!
its making me sooooo unconfident, i read its hormonal but i keep getting skin boils that are huge.. like 6 at a time on my chin mainly and sometimes my forehead!

they come and once i get rid of them, they come back!:(

what can i do??

1)   Boils isn't a particulary descriptive symptom. Try and give some more information if possible. Pictures would be much preferred. If you have a concern see your GP please. If the condition is affecting your life then you need to seek some sort of help. It could just be hives so keep a watch on what products you use. - Ske

2)   I suggest you to see ---->
I found this link here on few days before.
It contains lots of helpful information to maintain a healthy lifestyle - Steve

3)   drink lots, lots of water... do not try to pick them until they are ready... microwave salt water in a nice size bowl. Place a rag in the bowl, get the rag nice and hot. Place the salt water rag over the boil. Do this from time to time. I would say continue to drink plenty of water, and stay away from eating foods that are bad for you. If you run a fever while you have these boils, go see a doc, you may need some antibiotics. - jdq240

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Question 5
breast cancer spread?...  my mom was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer last 2007. she had chemo once but can't handle it so she just did radiology. since 2007 to 2009 she was regularly checked up, her last check up was october 2009. since then she was not able to go to the doctor because we moved to another country and we don't have insurance. she had an accident last month and she hurt her back, we went to the doctor and he said it was muscle spasm and gave her pain reliever and muscle relaxant but after a month it just got worst. she's experiencing so much pain since then, the pain reliever doesn't work. she's having a hard time to walk and do regular work. she just got a bone scan few hours ago and we're just waiting for the result. do you think the cancer has spread? i hope not!:(

1)   Listen I am so sorry your mother is in pain. I hope her cancer hasn't spread, which I don't think it did. Look for the positive side, you must be strong for her. The last thing she wants is to see her child upset. Please be brave, and whatever happens I pray you will support her 100%. I will pray your mother will be alright. - A concerned person

2)   Since her pain and all her problems started after the accident I would try not to worry about the cancer coming back. - Cathy G

3)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Eugenie Fryman

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