Thursday, September 30, 2010

what causes frequent urination?

Question 1
what causes frequent urination?...  

1)   drinking lots of liquids lol - dj

2)   Bladder infection
Lots of fluids
Shrinking bladder

Worst case
Kidney problems

Talk to a doctor - Rocks Toast

3)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Ivar Brumsey

4)   If you got punched in the kidneys or if you simply drink to much which is very healthy - Mojo Dojo

5)   Kidney problems, drinking lots of fluid, bladder obstruction, drinking too much in caffeinated drinks; coffee, colas, and energy drinks.

Caffeine is a stimulant. If it stimulates you, it stimulates other parts of your body like the bladder. It's also a diuretic, i.e. makes you pee. - Remember In November

6)   That is a very broad question..haha.. A lot of things can cause this. Pregnancy, that time of the month, diabetes, kidney problems, nervousness or anxiety, urinary tract infection, drinking a lot, caffeinated beverages,etc. Any of these can cause an increase in urination. Urinary tract infections are usually accompanied by pain, fever, or a frequency, but only peeing small amounts at a time, not large amounts. Diabetes also is usually accompanied by excessive thirst, possible weight loss, headache, fatigue, etc. If you merely drank a lot of caffeine, that can cause it too. I hope that helps you! - cheezheadgal83

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Question 2
Trichomoniasis & Bacterial Vaginosis, should I tell the guy I last slept with and the person I am seeing now?...  About a month ago I had unprotected sex with this guy. We were seeing each other for a month and the last time I saw him was that night. Anyways about a week later I notice my vagina was very very red and the redness spread near my anus. So I called my gyno and went for a pap. In the meantime he put me on a cream for yeast infection. Well I got my results and it turns out I have a bacterial infection. I have Bacterial Vaginosis. But I also have Trichomoniasis (protozoan parasite) which is sexually transmitted infection. I have only been with two people and there was a 1.5 year gap. However I havn't spoken to the one I recently slept with in about 2-3 weeks. IShould I let him know anyways and how do I go about that. Like I don’t wanna text him and be like hey you are spreading bacteria all over? My other problem is I am seeing someone right now. We havent had sex and I want to take it slow do to my last sexual encounter, but should I let him know if not know like ever. Both are treatable and I am on meds so does he ever or any future partner ever need to know?

1)   Perhaps you contracted it from the guy you're seeing???Would you may be want to ask him if he has any STD's you should know of???I'm just sayinn... - Pillpusher

2)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Kate

3)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Ivar Brumsey

4)   Yes, he needs to know he has a problem.
In some countries your doctor is required to report.

Might want to make another visit to your gynno to be sure you're negative before you even think of anything intimate with your current guy, or you'll be part of the problem too. - Hiker

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Question 3
do i have hpv (genital warts) or herpes?...  im a virgin and i never had sex, but i madeout with a guy naked 3 weeks ago and his dick rubbed up against my vagina. 12 days after that i got an std test, as in a pap smear and blood test. It came back that i had nothing, but 3 days ago i noticed a red flat lump on the inside of my upper thigh and its been there the past 3 days. is it possible i have hpv or herpes even though the test came back negative? i'm not sure i waited long enough bc i got tested only 12 days after and the red lump was not there when i took the test. So does that mean I should get retested now? or would it have shown up on the first one if i had it?

1)   Hi there,

This is what I found for you:

What are the symptoms of genital herpes?

Once exposed to the virus, there is an incubation period that generally lasts 3 to 7 days before a lesion develops. During this time, there are no symptoms and the virus cannot be transmitted to others. An outbreak usually begins within two weeks of initial infection and manifests as an itching or tingling sensation followed by redness of the skin. Finally, a blister forms. The blisters and subsequent ulcers that form when the blisters break, are usually very painful to touch and may last from 7 days to 2 weeks. The infection is definitely contagious from the time of itching to the time of complete healing of the ulcer, usually within 2-4 weeks. However, as noted above, infected individuals can also transmit the virus to their sex partners in the absence of a recognized outbreak.

What are the symptoms of genital warts?

In many cases genital warts do not cause any symptoms, but they are sometimes associated with itching, burning, or tenderness. They may result in localized irritation, depending upon their anatomic location. Women who have genital warts inside the vagina may experience bleeding following sexual intercourse or an abnormal vaginal discharge. Rarely, bleeding or urinary obstruction may occur if the wart involves the urethral opening.

I hope this helped.


Calvin - Calvin Mccaw

2)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Hukill Rigel

3)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Kate

4)   Hello,

I thing you must be very serious about it,though you have been concern with regarding medical associates but I still thing that you must be careful about it, here is a link shown below which can help you do find out whether you have genital warts. - Ankit Singh Thakur

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Question 4
Ear piercing infection! Help!?...  Okay, so it has been almost two years since I have had any piercings in my ears. I gauged them to 3/4 of an inch but they have gone down all the way so nothing can go through them. They were infected when I first took out my gauges but healed a while later. They have been perfectly normal until now, when my left earlobe suddenly is severely infected. It is red, swollen, itchy, has yellow pus, everything. It sucks so damn bad. I really need some help with this guys. I need a way to quickly make it stop being like this cause it looks and feels disgusting and really sucks. Help please?

1)   about it you can get information from here - Vasiliki Delmonte

2)   Do you have a fever at all? I would recommend you to try to clean it out with some distilled water or saline solution. You can boil water on the stove, and then let it cool to room temperature before cleaning your ear. If you have any sterile contact solution (saline solution) you can use that to irrigate your ear as well. But be careful not to touch the tip of the bottle to the ear as it will contaminate the bottle, and it won't be sterile anymore. Also, you can buy a saline solution at your local store. Try using that or the boiled water to clean it, by running water over it, to clear some of the pus away. You can also try using some Triple antibiotic ointment (that comes in a first aid kit) if you have any on hand. If not, once again, head to the store. This is fairly cheap. You can put that on once the site is cleaned. Keep it open to the air if possible to dry it up, rather than covering with a bandaid, unless it's oozing. If this happens, cover it, but uncover intermittently (at least every few hours to allow air to get to it). You can also try taking an NSAID med (Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin, Aspirin, naproxen), if you are not allergic. These medications help with inflammation by reducing it, and will also help your pain associated with this. If these methods don't work, then you need to seek medical attention, because you may need an antibiotic to help with the infection. If you get that, you still need to clean your ear regularly. Also, you should seek medical attention if you develop a fever. Don't use alcohol as it will burn. If you think you can tolerate it, you can try peroxide to help disinfect it as well. I hope that helps you, and I hope you get to feeling better soon! - cheezheadgal83

3)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Kate

4)   Nothing is going to be quick when it comes to an infection sweety, but, the good news is you have many options available to you. a few i have used is sea salt water soaks only make the water about as salty as tears, 1/8th of a teaspoon to 8 ounces i think it was and have it as warm as you can stand as this draws out the infection leave on for 5 to 10 minutes. You can also use saline spray, like, like the regular saline nasal spray, not the moisturizing with aloe vera etc. You can also buy h2ocean. IF YOU HAVE EXCESSIVE DRYING AND CRACKING OF THE SKIN: Tea tree oil is EXCELLENT and does not have a sticky base.

I would recommend NOT doing the following: do NOT use alcohol to clean it, do NOT use peroxide because these two things over dry the skin. do NOT put anything with an oily base such as antibiotic ointment or orajel even to numb the pain becuase it has a sticky base in it that after all of the antibiotics are used up ion the cream applied it forms a perfect shell for bacteria to stick to and multiply.

IF YOU ARE GOING TO USE BACTINE TO NUMB THE AFFECTED AREA*** Please remember to not overuse this product as well because again, excessive drying of the skin. try to keep the usage and application of bactine down to 2 to 3 times a day.

Also i forgot to mention that ibuprofen will take down the swelling.

IF you have further questions, please feel free to email me at

and I will try to get back to you as promptly as possible.

~Shanah~ - kitty_got_claws18

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Question 5
White bump inside eyelid?...  I have a white bump inside my right eyelid, it's not painful or anything but it does cause a rather irritating feeling on my eye. Does anyone know what this is and how i can get rid of it without going to the doctor? it's size does not appear to be very big but nevertheless it is still very annoying
The bump is on the INSIDE of the eyelid, not on the OUTSIDE

1)   it's an allergic reaction. go talk to your doctor - Ben

2)   its a Sty, an acute infection of the secretory glands of the eyelids

it'll go away in a couple days, don't pop it or it'll just get more infected and you'll need to go to the doctor - Aram

3)   It may be a sty (unsure how to spell the word). Go see a dr and they can remove it. I used to get them, and learned I have to make sure to get all the eye makeup off at night. Also it may help to put a warm washcloth over closed eyelids. suggesst look up eye infections. - Lisa

4)   Sty But a hot towel on your eye for about 30 minutes it will pop. Wash you eye lids real well with baby shampoo. - royal_angel30

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I can't stop smoking weed?

Question 1
I can't stop smoking weed?...  I've smoked weed for many years now, i smoke it everyday.. If i dont smoke it I feel terrible and paranoid, get head aches and can't leave my house.. What should i do?
I've try smoking less but i can't when i'm high i smoke till its all gone

1)   Get a Doctor ! - cool

2)   Do cocaine instead. - Insomnia

3)   You should probably just keep smoking it. Best not meddle with these sort of things. - James

4)   you should try smoking less amount then what you smoke on your daily day basis try smoking less and less each time and keep going that way until you can officially stop. take your time on trying to stop that way so that you wont feel the change so hard. - Marissa

5)   Your gonna have to try to stop cold turkey. Weed really doesn't have withdrawl symptoms. Honestly its just in your head that you need weed on a daily basis so you become anxious and paranoid. Just cut the usage until you stop cold turkey...Weed isn't the worst thing for you but it is an expensive habit. I used to be that way...and one day i realized how much money i was wasting so i just do it occasionally now...GOOD LUCK - Jennaayy

6)   So much for weed being harmless! You need to scale off and stop using it, but see a doctor you'll probably get something like Diazepam to help you with the withdrawal symptoms....they DO exist, after all you've just described some..
Some of the cannabis resins have tar yields 40 times that of most tobacco's, there's a limit to what you can stand. - Athame57

7)   Stop buying it. If you don't have it, you can't smoke it. - Sheena

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Question 2
My 6 year old daughter had a high fever for 2 days and now has a rash!?...  Can this be roseola? The rash started at the back of the neck and now has spread to stomach, chest, back, face and arms. She has no fever now and is eating and acting normal!

1)   Rashes that spread so quickly are usually cancer.

Sorry. - Winston Marshall

2)   Really a fever for two days is scary enough take her to the doctor. RASH what kin what coloris it bumy, ect. Dont take chances. - Nora

3)   You should see a doctor. No one here is able to correctly diagnose your daughter's condition. - Dresden Rose

4)   This very well can be Rozella, German Measles, an allergic outbreak. Something on this order. - cowboydoc

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Question 3
how to get rid of dandruff?...  im having dandruff since 3 to 4 years and im tired of it plz help me out to get rid off it plz

1)   There are several medications to treat dandruff, but one of the best medication solution is an shampoo called Nizoral. It has an chemical agent called ketaconazale to treat dandruff and its proven by dermatologist worldwide. Try Nizoral 2% or 5 % but before consult an Hair & skin specialist doctor. Nizoral is available easily in medical shops and is advertised in TV too. - Ganesh R

2)   show to the doctors it will be best for you he can give you a best suggestion - pintu

3)   cant believe u r wasting ur time here....consult a doctor ..That's ur best option - Light

4)   Try using either TGel or Sebulex shampoo. wash hair and massage the lather onto scalp very good with the pads of your fingers. Rinse. Apply Listerine Mouth Wash liberally to your scalp.

Repeat every other day.

This should clear up your dandruff quickly. - Dresden Rose

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Question 4
In europ they have people intercoursing with animals will that give them aid or any disease?...  

1)   it could make other people sick too. - MR K

2)   There are people who do this all over the world, not just Europe. The most famous was an american man who had sex with horses but one of the horses killed him. - Nutmeg Steele

3)   It might affect their ability to write properly... in-breading and bestiality are common among really thick people. - Robin

4)   Infections that are transmitted from animals to humans are called zoonoses. Some zoonoses may be transferred through casual contact, but others are much more readily transferred by activities that expose humans to the semen, vaginal fluids, urine, saliva, feces and blood of animals. Examples of zoonoses are Brucellosis, Q fever, leptospirosis, and toxocariasis. Therefore sexual activity with animals is, in some instances, a high risk activity. Allergic reactions to animal semen may occur, including anaphylaxis. Bites and other trauma from penetration or trampling may occur. - gangadharan nair

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Question 5
Acne passed on by genes??...  I'm getting very depressed lately because of my acne. Im 18 years old and i have severe or mild acne. All I know that it was passed on by genes. My grandpa and my dad had it at the same age for a while. I don't know what to do how to stop it. Its not caused by any food i eat, so don't say to eat more fruits and drink plenty of water. I do that. No skin medication works, and I dont want to try tetracycline because it has crazy side effects. Does any one knows any methods on how to cure acne that no body else knows? Like something special that your grandma told you? Thanks For your help guys.

1)   Acne is not genetic. Just try a healthy diet, exercise and fresh air. And sleep. - anastasiastarz

2)   Yes, it is genetic.

You need to go see a dermatologist and get treatment for your acne. There are many pills and creams and treatments that can stop your adult acne. There is absolutely no reason in the world for an adult to still suffer from acne.

IT IS A MEDICAL PROBLEM with medical treatments.

You just have to go out and look for them. - Meatwad

3)   you haven't tried Clean and Clear, ProActive, or AcneFree? yet?

Yes, acne is genetic, and technically, there is NO CURE for acne, only ways to treat it, such as washing your face on a regular basis. I know you said "skin medication", but by that you could mean I suggest trying one of the brands I suggested above, or going to a dermatolagist. Otherwise, don't touch your face, keep your hair out of your face, the simple things - TheKnightsPrincess

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Is there a name for this condition?

Question 1
Is there a name for this condition?...  What is the term to describe my behavior?
I "groom" myself a lot, by picking off the loose skin, and hair that's too long, and earwax, and everything else kind of obsessively. I'm a clean person, I wash my hands after I groom myself and never do it in public. It feels almost animal-like, sort of like I'm a gorilla picking things out of my hair. Is there a condition for this-? I've asked whether this was normal and people told me to get professional help.

1)   slight obsessive compulsive disorder - Nikki

2)   were all gonna say the same thing get professional help.. - Clara Burton

3)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Kate

4)   It's a form of obsessive compulsive you thus have OCD. - Nick W

5)   Possible narcism or obsessive compulsive disorder. - the_aussie_pilot

6)   i think your slowly turning into a black person - Anthony

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Question 2
why cant we breathe in steam?...  why is it when there is steam i cant breathe when i do a facial or when the weather is humid its difficult to breathe am i the only person or is this normal and why does this happen?

1)   you are used to a much different humidity. People who live in a more humid country are used to a more humid climate, and wouldn't mind as much steam. - Russell

2)   its not that we cant but its just more difficult because the air has more moisture. - Missym

3)   I can breathe in steam, you might have bad Asthma. - Joshua G

4)   Steam is very hot and should not be breathed, it will burn your respiratory tract. high humidity is more dense with water content and is heavier taking more energy to move it in and out of your lungs. it is normal to recognize more effort needed to breathe in high humidity conditions. - creggztr

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Question 3
what does it mean when you cough up blood?...  

1)   time to go to the doctor - Daniel (suspended)

2)   Coughing up blood
Definition:Coughing up blood is the spitting up of blood or bloody mucus from the lungs andthroat (respiratory tract).Alternative Names:Hemoptysis; Spitting up blood; Bloody sputum
Hemoptysis is the medical term for coughing up blood from the respiratory tract.
Coughing up bloodis not the same as bleeding from the mouth, throat, or gastrointestinal tract.

Blood that comes up with a cough often looks bubbly because it is mixed with air and mucus. It is usually bright red.
Common Causes:
A number of conditions, diseases, andmedical testsmay make you cough up blood.
Diseases and conditions may include:
Bleeding gums such as with gingivitis
Blood clot in the lung
Cystic fibrosis
Goodpasture's syndrome
Irritation of the throat from violent coughing
Lung cancer (see metastatic lung cancer)
Pulmonary aspiration (inhaling blood into the lungs)
Pulmonary edema
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Wegener's granulomatosis
Diagnostic tests thatmay make you cough up blood may include:
Lung biopsy
Upper airway biopsy - cejay

3)   twang, if you cough blood that would be from your lungs, otherwise spitting up or vomiting blood would be from your stomach - creggztr

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Question 4
whats something i can use that kills bacteria on your face?...  

1)   soap? - robo

2)   rubbing alcohol? if you don't have sensitive skin.. - lucy in the sky with diamonds

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Question 5
i know someone who smokes and wont stop coughing!?...  Its DISGUSTING and I can't deal with it any more.
isn't there like a cough drop or something this person can take.

1)   Medically, it is usually diagnosed as "bronchitis" which simply means an inflammation of the bronchial tubes. Also, it can lead to a diagnosis of "asthma" due to the severity of the coughing, which can indeed produce an inability to draw breath. But these terms "bronchitis" and "asthma" dont really tell where the coughing is coming from however if he is smoking he need to stop. - cejay

2)   The only thing that will make the cough go away is for the person to stop smoking. The cough is due to excess mucous building up in the lungs from the damage the smoke is causing. - Garry

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how can i get a mole removed from my face?

Question 1
how can i get a mole removed from my face?...  its annoing and i catch it when i shave what can i do

1)   Plastic surgery. - The Circus Bearded Lady

2)   Go and ask your GP. Shouldn't be a big deal for them to have it done. - Hugo

3)   You can't, sorry. Try remove a mole like that and blood will spill everywhere. - David Macpherson

4)   Go to the doctors and they will drug you up so youre numb, then the'll burn it off. Pretty painful. - Afraa Chohan

5)   A friend of mine had his removed at the GP surgery using the Freezing technique.

Pretty quick and straight forward and done at the local surgery so no need for a hospital visit.

Go and see you GP; I am sure it will be a simple fix!

Good luck. - sdh

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Question 2
what are the odds of getting aids if you have sex with someone who does have it unprotected?...  ive heard that even sometimes when u have sex with someone who has it u still might not get what r the odds that u will>?

1)   Depends on the activity - if you're taking it up the butt, your chances are MUCH higher than through vaginal sex. - Scott

2)   hmm quite playing russian roulette. - yardley

3)   That's like asking what the odds are of blowing your brains out by playing Russian Roulette with a revolver that you know is loaded but don't know with how many bullets. - lunatic

4)   this is an obvious question. if you value your health, you need to avoid this activity. - David

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Question 3
how to get rid of a severe cold?...  i have had a really bad cold for about a mo now. i tried all kinds of diffrent cold medicine nothing is working at all my ears are plugged now for couple of days now they hurt my stomac is hurting from coufing so much could some one please help me out on what to do i donot want to go to the doc at all

1)   pray to god jesus the bible he healed many people. that had worse than that and ask people to pray for you. - David

2)   Colds usually last 7 to 9 days. A month? You better go see a doctor. - Errol K

3)   Sounds more like a sinus infection than a cold, a cold only last about a week.I had the same problema and it takes a doctor to cure it so get to a doctor. - CJlove

4)   Vitamin D deficiency = cold and flu. Recommended - 5000IU of vitamin D a day. Check with your doctor about your vitamin D levels. Optimal levels - 80ng/ml or 200nmol/l.

The truth about vitamin D>>>

If You Think You’re Getting Enough Vitamin D-3 From The Sun And Food You’d Better Be Thinking Again!>>> - ƦєdAиgєℓ

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Question 4
how do you stop yourself from peeing alot?...  i usually pee alot...but recently i have peeing like once every hour,
can i stop it? if so how can i stop it?

1)   Drink less, eat more - Ashley

2)   sew your pee-hole closed.

conversely, you could just stop drinking altogether. that one's guaranteed to work. - Ol' Dirty Drunkard

3)   dont drink so many liquids. - Hannah

4)   probably drink less. i know with myself, because i drink SO MUCH damn water, i piss a lot - chitown2k9

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Question 5
Have i got acne or just lot's or spot ? Photo Included?...
im 14 have i got acne or spots and how could i make them clearer ?

1)   Acne. - Scott

2)   that would be the beginning of acne - Mason El-hage

3)   That's acne. Go see a dermatologist or just buy some face wash from a drug store. - Cindy

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Any tips to help stop my nail biting?

Question 1
Any tips to help stop my nail biting?...  I'm 17 and I've been biting my nails and picking at the cuticles/skin around my nails since as long as I can remember.

I've tried to stop but I seem to do it without noticing and compulsively. My hands always feel gross and I want to wash them a lot.

I've been told to 'get over it' but it's not working :(

I don't like using nail polish because it chips off and then I have to chip the rest of it off because I'm ocd or something, it gets so annoying. :(

1)   We have the same problem in my family. Painting my nails helped me becaiuse I'd taste the nail polish. My mom has to get fake nails for her like the ones at the salon, I've heard that helps a lot of people. - Candy

2)   try using germ x a lot. it will taste bad if you bite your nails and burn if you pull your cuticles off. oh yeah and it will keep your hands clean (: - brooke

3)   Me too!
Its a BAD habbit and i have had some ingrown nails that hurt like shit. But what you can do is either go the Hot Sauce way, or they make products that you dip your fingers in to make them tast HORRIBLE. babies use them for thumb sucking and it works. Good luck:) - Rae M

4)   will power!!!!!! - bloop

5)   Get a job in a sewage treatment plant.

Or get some of that nasty tasting stuff from the drug store to put on your nails. - DaveW79

6)   i have the same problem. i usually paint my nails and that helps with the picking and biting you can try a nail strengthener or just putting something on your hands so when you put them in your mouth to bite them then they taste gross and you don't want to. all those seemed to help me a band aid around your nails can help too but it looks dumb and it can get a bit uncomfortable so i would suggest just using nail strengthener some nail polish and putting something on your hands to make them taste bad - Kali

7)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Ytgew Gfcew

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Question 2
Did homosexuals really cause aids?...  I've heard a lot of people say this, but I don't know if it's actually true or not.

1)   No. Poachers caused AIDS. - Lisa A

2)   Anyone who practices unsafe sex can catch-pass along aids. When aids first make it's appearance, it was in the gay hence it was labeled a gay disease. - Veritas

3)   No, but there is some responsibility for the spread of it sexually. In the 80s a lot of homosexuals didn't practice safe sex because their partner couldn't become pregnant but that doesn't stop the spread of hiv and other STDs. That's why you always glove up before loving! - Megan

4)   Nobody *causes* a disease. Those who do not have "safe" sex are partially responsible for spreading it though and particularly those with high numbers of partners.

Viruses exist... - Julie R

5)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Courtland Dolen

6)   No, not at all. HIV has been in humans since at least the 1950s (it's been found in blood samples dating back that far), and some scientists theorize that it may have been in humans for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Variations of HIV (Simian Immunodeficiency virus, or SIV) have been found in many different primates in Africa, including monkeys on the island of Bioko, which have been isolated from the African continent for at least 10,000 years. The latest evidence would suggest that SIV and HIV may have been being passed back and forth between monkeys and humans for a very, very long time.

The bigger question is why did HIV suddenly go from being a minor (and perhaps completely harmless) virus into a serious, life-threatening illness. Studies have suggested that this actually came about through the combination of population growth and the introduction of cheap syringes to Africa - which not only opened up isolated communities with blood-borne pathogens like HIV, but helped to then spread those pathogens around as people re-used needles in medical treatments.

So did homosexuals cause AIDS? No. But doctors might have. - Kim

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Question 3
my wife died recently on death certified @sepsis @lowerrespiratory tract infection@chonicobstrution pulmonaryi?...  what does this mean

1)   Sepsis is a blood infection....
Lower respiratory tract infection could mean pneumonia
COPD ....airflow limitations, chronic obstructive lung disease ( bronchitis, emphysema)
It means she died of a blood infection compounded by severe COPD - Veritas

2)   Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic condition affecting the lunds where the alveoli of the lung constrict and decreases the body's ability to take in oxygen.

Lower Respiratory Tract Infection is just that, an infection in the lower lungs.

Sepsis is a system-wide bacterial infection often affecting the blood and is very dangerous. - KB929

3)   about it you can get information from here - Courtland Dolen

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Question 4
My husband has been treating his jock itch for the past 2 weeks. Is it safe to have sex now?...  It looks MUCH better and very dry now and scaling away but I won't have sex with him because I dont want a fungal infection. Is it safe to at this point?

1)   Jock itch? Maybe he should stop wearing that kilt. - My head's balder than yours

2)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Ytgew Gfcew

3)   You should use cialis, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Courtland Dolen

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Question 5
bleeding rough dried skin on top of hands causes?...  9 year old son has extremely dried, rough, bleeding from dryness skin on top of his hands, have tried everything - nothing is working. desperate

1)   He may have Eczema or simply dry skin. If you take him to your doctor then he will be able to get a better look at it and tell you what kind of cream or treatment he'll need. - KaneAR93

2)   is he eating a lot of oranges, my sons hands bled because the acid was eating them off.
try: Corn Hushers Lotion, it goes into the skin quick and helps heal. its in the stores with lotions. - kathy

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Monday, September 27, 2010

boyfriend has trouble?

Question 1
boyfriend has trouble?...  My boyfriend and i are a little worried about this because sometimes he goes to the restroom and he has trouble passing urine. We were sexually active a couple times. do you know what it could be? we are both worried. please help.

1)   pop a few flomax and iss allll good - Michael Seifert

2)   Nothing big, it is just a Urinary track infection, if it itched them you would have some issues. but other than that nothing to worry about.. tell him to drink lots of WARM sprite, heat it up in a cup and lots of water... this usally helps.
Hope This Helps~Larissa - Larissa

3)   Unless there are other symptoms like burning or a rash or discharge or something nasty like that, it's probably just that he can't relax that muscle very well, or he might have something wrong with his prostate. - fin

4)   He needs to go see a doctor about this. - Rainbow Butterfly

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Question 2
mole on my private area.Can it be a cancerous mole?...  im 16 and i have this mole on my penis but its on the bottom part so u have to like look hold the penis up to see it. but anyways its a brown flat mole about 5mm and i had it for about 4 years now and it didnt grow in size or change colour, and i didnt see a doctor about it. Can it be a cancerous mole?

1)   Anything's possible, and no one can diagnose you over the Internet.

That being said: a flat brown mole that hasn't changed size or color? Probably not cancerous. What makes you think that it might be? - James

2)   .. it's just a recent mole?

cancerous mole is

USUALLY elevated
un-even edges
5mm or more
it chages color (usually)
and chages size/it growns - Nicky

3)   if it doesn't grow or change color, it's not cancerous, however you can check with your doctor to be sure - Munki

4)   go to see a doctor - John Stepon

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Question 3
how soon after gallbladder surgery can i shower?...  3 1/2 days ago I had my Gallbladder removed via laproscopic surgery. After 2 days I took of the bandages, and now I'm wondering about showering. My surgeon didnt tell me much of anything before or after the surgery.

Another odd thing is under the bandaids, are a thin white bandage thats stuck to the skin. I did NOT attempt to pull it off cause I think its supposed to stay there.

But can I shower yet and if I do is there anything special I need to be careful of?

1)   Do not remove the little, clear bandages, they are called steri strips and are used to keep the wound closed. You should be able to shower at this point, no problem, but don't "scrub" the wound, just let the water run on it. Check with your doc for the final answer. The nurse should have told you this. It wouldn't be a problem to call and ask. - swedishsamurai

2)   those thin white strips are what is holding your small incisions together. Like a tape version of stitches.
They are called steri-strips and no you should not remove them.. They will gradually come off on their own.
Call your doctor and ask him about showering.
I personally would take a quick one and dry the incision area well. don't go soaking in the tub in any case. - ckngbbbls

3)   Shower without any problems.
Just make sure you rinse any soap/dirt off the wound and dry it gently afterwards.
A shower is actually good for it as it removes any old blood and dead tissue.
That little white strip is a paper stitch.
Leave it until it falls off.
Dont try and pull it. - Sonj

4)   You should keep water proof patches over the tiny cuts until they heal more. The white tiny bandages I'm guessing are holding the skin together from the operation as they don't usually use stitches. When the skin's healed better you can take both off but everyone heals differently, so you're the only one that can tell.
I had this operation last year and you can have showers, just don't wet the cuts until they're closing up more, and starting to scar. They're like small cuts.
Take the smaller white strips off when the cuts have closed up enough.
So have a shower now :) Lol. - Nat M

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Question 4
Hey guys !! I m Prakash ! !7yrs old Indian !!! I have many scars left in my face due to pimples?...  How do i remove these scars ? I feel sick of all these ? any remedies ?? and what about This EVEN OUT from ORIFLAME !?? Please help me friends ?

1)   Try using MEDERMA face cream. It could be a worthy one for you. But bit costly. - vijay

2)   use homepoathy cream THUJA, drink lot of water daily, but dont drink cold water or cold drinks at all. - Samsher

3)   ask doctor for more professional advice - John Stepon

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Question 5
How to get rid of back acne FAST?...  I'm a guy and its really hot nowadays. I want to wear a tank top to school but I need to get rid of acne. Are there anything you know of that can remove it quickly. Like, no products. Just stuff to do.

1)   Wash your sheets often and use an antibacterial soap. Bout the most simple steps you can take. - John

2)   i would say just wash your back...not much u can do unless you use products. - Munki

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can diabetic take sugarcane or honey?

Question 1
can diabetic take sugarcane or honey?...  

1)   No,should not. - ashish c

2)   Absolutely no sugarcane but very little amounts of honey is allowed! And banana (more than one a day) is a no-no too, as are most very sweet fruits. Remember, fruits also contain sugar, so they'll add to the blood sugar. Also, too much of rice, bread etc. is also frowned upon. - Robin

3)   Sugar cane and honey are sugar and should be treated as such. A simple carb that will raise your glucose. Neither one is a substitute for sugar. - Viking

4)   They can be eaten safely if they are part of a larger meal, but they should not be eaten as a separate snack. They will cause the same problem as eating candy, fruit, or any other form of sugar if you eat them on an empty stomach. - formerly_bob

5)   Yen bllod.s, but according to his sugar level i - Malay

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Question 2
did a stupid thing and got a cigerette off someone who looked like a heroin user i :(((((?...  on saturday night i was on my way home and got off the local train. i had no smokes and asked a guy who looked like a drug user god knows why i did this im a total idiot for this, it was a hand rolled cigarette and he took maybe 2 or 3 puffs and passed it me and i smoked it, the next morning i remembered and have been out of my mind since, thinking since he had too lick the pre rolled cig, im thinking have i got hiv tb mono or hepatitis, i don't even know if the guy has anything but im going crazy thinking about it. am i being stupid here? my gf mum says dont worried il be fine. also i bite my nails and wondered if his blood might of touched me in some way. if anyone has got any answers to this complex question then id be very very happy. thanks guys in advance i just hope im being paranoid.

1)   Eww that's disgusting anyways to smoke after a complete stranger on the streets and there's nothing we can help you with. If you're worried about contracting any viruses/disease just visit your doctor and have him/her perform regular screening test on you to clear the air. =) - NegritaBoricua Te Perdona

2)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Alex

3)   You might just be a little paranoid, but you can't be too sure about anything in the world today. If this is really stressing you out go take some tests at a free clinic and tell them what happened. The only way you can get HIV is through fluids like blood, so his saliva wouldn't cause you to get HIV if he even has it. But as you know there are other diseases you can get. As for your nails if there was an open cut and his blood did manage to get on your hands then IF he does have something it is possible it went into your system, but if you have no cuts anywhere then his blood can't get into your system.

Next time you want a cigarette, i'd suggest you just go buy a pack. Good luck to you and hopefully you are just being paranoid. - nice but mean

4)   you are just being paranoid.. you are fine! - sparkle <3

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Question 3
Feeling weak, is this a medical condition?...  I feel weak whenever I see open wound and blood, is this a medical condition?

1)   I think it's actually mental, but it's extremely common. Some people even pass out. - silvermoonstar3

2)   lol! have you seen 'Forgettin Sarah Marshall'? a guy on there is just like that. this is totally a normal thing, some people just can't bare the sight of blood, nothing to be worried about, its actually quite common. x - Risie★Roo

3)   it's perfectly normal,some people can just be squeemish to that type of thing,
im the same, even if i just walk into a hospital,i feel sick and my sight starts to go,
it's weird i know,but normal :) - Keelz Heron

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Question 4
I have a big bump on my forehead which is sore when I touch it, will it turn into a pimple?...  How do I get rid of it or atleast if its going to become a pimple how do I prevent it from doing so?

1)   poke it - Preeno The Great

2)   it could be what you call a , under the skin in grown zit. which them are pretty big and hurt!... all i know is to wait it out... - Laura Smith

3)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Ytgew Fdcew

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Question 5
I was told rash on leg is eczema but creams aren't healing it?...  I was prescribed hydrocortosone and a very strong steroid cream called Betnovate, as my eczema was so severe.

Betnovate cleared up all my other areas i had eczema (neck, back, tummy) but it hasn't worked on my legs, the rash is still as bad as ever. Itchy, red sore and looks like excema

what could it be if it isnt eczema and how can i fix it?

thank you !
thanks for answers so far. Much appreciated.
I fortunately don't have any symptoms of Lupus apart from a rash - but i do think if i was a guest on 'House' they'd probably diagnose me with it.

1)   I think that you may need to get a second opinion from the doctor. My mom went through something almost like yours. She was told that she had lupus and she didn't have it at all. the doctor made her freak out for nothing. and then she got a second opinion and she found out she never had it in the first place. - Mandy

2)   I'm guessing it probably is eczema.. But sometimes creams just don't work, I have eczema and I have tried many of them and never was much help. Go to your doc and ask could it be something to with your diet/allergies. To successfully get rid of it you must understand why it's there in the first place. - RedNoseDay2009=]

3)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Ytgew Fdcew

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

What's the best way to remove hair from legs?

Question 1
What's the best way to remove hair from legs?...  kk so my legs are starting to get hairy...and my parents are lyke: dont shave or else the hair will come back faster, thicker, and longer!! so what's the best way besides plucking, waxing, or laser? and i wanna know about the shaving cream...does it work? i heard about those women shavers that makes ur hair smoother does that work better than a average razor?

1)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Steve

2)   sugar wax - Mark Will

3)   your parents should know better than to think it comes back faster, thicker, longer, darker ..etc
not true - Mopar Muscle Gal

4)   Waxing Is The Best.. - Younqq Love

5)   The cream does last longer, but the thing is, it's just stuff that your skin absorbs. I honestly hate the smell, and hate how my skin feels afterwards, i turn all red, it's like i have a reaction to it.

I would suggest shave with a razor, or don't shave at all.
The cream would be my last resort. And don't use it often. - EM MD

6)   If you don't want to shave or wax, go get some hair-removal cream or foam - you just put it on your legs for like 5 mins and then wash it off and the hair goes with it. It is supposed to keep the regrowth hair soft and your hair shouldn't grow back black and bristly. Hope I helped! - KissKiss

7)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use tramadol. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Vastha Machuca

8)   I shave my legs. It's just a myth that hair comes back thicker and darker, it just appears so because it hasn't been bleached by the light from the sun yet. Unless you have dark leg hair then i suggest shaving. - Quelly

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Question 2
I think I have diabetes... What do I do?...  

1)   stop eating sugar gravually... take Dr... advice.... be cool@@@ with me!!! - rock

2)   call for a doctor's appointment immediately so that you can be tested. - idiotsgetinfree

3)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Steve

4)   I recommend you go to the doctor, pronto. If you think you do, you should make sure you have it, or don't, so you can take some action. Like eating right. - thejunk08

5)   about it you can get information from here - Rola Johnson

6)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use avandia. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Theis Plumber

7)   How do you know you have diabetics? Have you taken any tests? Is it type 1 or 2

Don't jump to conclusion reading stuff online. Consult a doctor, take some tests and confirm. - SEO_CEO

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Question 3
Can't find the words for a friend who's mom might not live through the night, Cancer...?...  Any good quotes that might make my friend feel a little better, or at least show her that I'm here for her?
Her mom is in the hospital, and the doctors say she probably won't live through the night. And my friend is in Hawaii, while her mom is in California. So there's no way to see her.
I just don't know what to say.
Her mom is afraid of dying, and that makes my firend even more scared for her, and even more sad.

1)   All you can do is be there for her. - Tiffany K

2)   Death is a part of life. Everyone's going to experience.

All you can do is make the painful time less painful. - Sydnie ™

3)   "Let go, and Let god."

I will be praying for her, and her mother. - EM MD

4)   sometimes there is simply no words to say. when my husbands mother died suddenly nothing i said made him feel any better, so i just settled for being there for him all that i could. just tell her to let her know if there is anything at all you can do, and that she can call you any time, even if it is in the middle of the night, if she needs to talk. even if she just wants to sit on the phone with you and not say anything, sometimes that will make a person feel less alone. - Katie

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Question 4
WHY AM I ALWAYS SICK? 10 points best answer!?...  so, this year has been horrible.

i started it off by going to the doctor atleast once or twice a month until like july or august, literally.
soo, basically i had sinus infections, strep throat, & ear infections almost every single month until april when i had my tonsils removed. then after that i wasnt as sick, but i still never felt good.
i was always tired, headaches & sometimes migrains almost everyday, and just didnt feel great. (even in the summer) i missed tons of school because of this. then just a few days ago i went to the doctor and he told me i had strep! howww?? i got my tonsils out to solve this chronic strep and now im getting it again! but anyway, i no i have a low immune system. and im vegetarian. so i no i need to stay healthy and eat better. and drink lots o water. but im just wondering like, why am i always so sick? i keep missing school. and i hate this. even when im not sick, im just so tired and keep getting headaches. ive had my blood taken and i didnt have mono but that was done in like march. so i guess it couldve changed. and im allergic to cats & dogs and i have 2 cats & 1 dog.

also i had a cat scan of my head and everything was normal. so what the heck?

should i get re tested for mono? like is anyone else like this?

1)   u're not smokin enough weed..

marijuana is a great place to get antioxidants

"There may be a silver lining to a cloud of marijuana smoke.

While most medical researchers don't condone recreational marijuana use, marijuana derivatives may prevent brain cell damage in strokes and slow the growth of breast tumors.

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health, led by A.J. Hampson, found that cannabidiol, one of a class of marijuana constituents called cannabinoids, is a powerful antioxidant. When tested on rat neurons in a lab dish (no smoking was involved), the substance prevented the death of brain cells during conditions simulating a stroke. " - Mr. Hands

2)   Do you still have your adenoids? You can still keep infections in the adenoids if they are not taken out. You might just have a low immune system, I did when I was younger but now I rarely get sick. Also if you are constantly on an antibiotic it will wipe all the good flora in your body and allow the bad bacteria to grow again. - mypoorbrain

3)   "i no i have a low immune system [by your own admission]" "and im allergic to cats & dogs and i have 2 cats & 1 dog.[need i say more?]" "and im vegetarian. so i no i need to stay healthy and eat better [implies you don't eat well now]. and drink lots o water."

"but im just wondering like, why am i always so sick? " -- You have to ask? Read your own question. It might give you much needed insight. - TweetyBird

4)   It sounds like your immune system is a bit weak. Has your doctor ordered complete blood work in order to see if there are any nutritional deficiencies? Are you getting your vitamins, minerals and antioxidants? As a vegetarian, are you getting enough protein? A lack of protein in some people can lead to fatigue and weakened immune system. Some people require more than others, and if you are one of them, your diet may not be helping. Just some thoughts. Best of luck. - Ron

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Question 5
Is there something I can use on my elderly cat's coat to help with dandruff?...  My cat is 15 years old and weighs about 22 pounds. I brush her every other day and feed her dry cat food. Occasionally she gets can food. She has dandruff and I'm not sure how to treat it. She does not tolerate baths in a tub so I use dry shampoo from time to time. I would like her coat to look shiny. What can I do?

1)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Steve

2)   stop feeding her dry food it can kill her at that age by wrecking her kidneys and liver and a sure sign is dandruff , read about dry food on the internet it is mainly cereal by product with ground up animal byproducts including dead pet cats , dogs and even road kill, the dry food industry has bought all the vets and sponsor most veterinary courses so you can't trust them any more, feed your cat good quality canned food with a minimum of cereal and grain and occasionally give her raw mince to eat - Harley Drive

3)   You should use salicylic-sulfur-shampoo, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Rola Johnson

4)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Ytgew Xdsew

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Is this a rash, allergic reaction, or acne? PLEASE HELP!!!?

Question 1
Is this a rash, allergic reaction, or acne? PLEASE HELP!!!?...  Hi,
I'm currently sick. I've had a throat infection since Thursday, along with a fever, and a cold. I'm thinking it's due to the change of weather. Anyways, last night I went to bed without washing my face, but I always wash my face before bed, last night was the only exception, this morning I woke up with little red bumps that have pus in it, pretty much all over my nose, chin, and inner part of my cheeks. I have NO idea what this is, Im not sure if it's some sort of bug bite, or a rash. It's not really itchy, its kind of painful bit only on my chin. I washed my face with cleanser, and also exfoliated it. I put some polyfax (it's like neosporin) but it didn't seem to help, so I iced it. That didn't reduce the redness or size. Nothing's working! I'm about to go take a shower, maybe that'll help, but if you know what might he causing this, or have any remedies please let me know! If you're wondering, the antibiotic that the doctor gave me for my my throat is something called Moxcillin or whatever it's pink. And I THINK I'm allergic to pizza, I has some yesterday, but there wasn't any reaction until this morning, it may also be milk. I'm not sure, for all I know, I've never been allergic to any of those.
I went back to check the name of my medicine called AMOXICILLIN it's an anti biotic, it's pink in color. I goggled it's symptoms and it stated a rash! So maybe that's it, still not sure. Thanks for ur help, but does anyone know any remedies?

1)   hypochondriac! go 2 the doc x - xxjack_08xx

2)   about it you can get information from here - Jazmin Mcglown

3)   i think you are allergic to something! that cant be acne...
call your doctor! it might be the medicine - Suzy K

4)   these pimples are zits. if you ate a lot of pizza and other greasy junk food, this may be the cause. grease causes your face to make acne bacteria and spread around your face. its recommended to drink a lot water after eating junk food because water can replenish all the grease thats in your stomach, which can delete all the acne bacteria that can occur in the future. just stick to your acne routine daily by putting your facial cleanser and if the zits are really red and big put ice on it and then put a DAB of toothpaste on it. dont leave the dab of toothpaste overnight. this can irritate your skin. just leave the dab of toothpaste on the pimple for 1-2 hours and continue your routine again. do not touch the pimples because this can interact with your hand germs and can continue on to acne bacteria making it more bigger and effective plus more noticeable. need more help follow these home remedies in the source link. P.S. the toothpaste will dry out the pimple put a moisturizer on it or any type of lotion

p.s. if you see that the solutions arent working or its getting worse. go to your doctor fast. this may be a allegy or severe irritation - Pedro

5)   It could be an allergic reaction to something.

Wash your face gently with warm water and mild soap. Pat dry. Do not scrub, exfoliate or apply any medication.

Call you doctor or go to the ER of your local hospital if you're really worried. - Dresden Rose

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Question 2
every time i eat or drink i feel like i will vomit when i do my throat burns like it was acid?...  
what should i do about eating liek is there anything i won't throw up

1)   sounds like your stomach is producing too much acid.. go to your doctor for medication to treat this then you will be back as good as new - Yorkshire Gal

2)   Maybe you threw up a little but it went back down your throat. It could feel like it's burning or acidic because when you throw up, HCl( Hydrocholric Acid) comes up from your stomach. Hope that helps. Try taking an acid blocker or something like alka selzer to settle your stomach after you eat. - Kali

3)   My boyfriend had this every time he ate he would vomit and it turned out he had a herniated stomach and too much stomach acid go to your doctor and they will be able to prescribe tablet - Colour Blind

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Question 3
weird lines on my back?...  ok so I have weird horizontal lines on my back...PLEASE do not tell me its sctrech marks ITS IS NOT STRETCH MARKS, Im not overweight never been overweight in my life,nor did I have a giant spur growth watever thats called.
i also have cystic acne on my face, I have a reason to believe they are connected. because i know someone who have the same exact thing it started with the cystic acne on face and now they have the lines on their back just like me.
Went to the doctor , but the doctor is too dumb to know whats wrong.

any clue why am i having these lines and cystic acne?

1)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Kevin Jay

2)   We may be good out here in Yahoo-land, but without a picture, we're not great!! You've already told us that they're not stretch marks, but without showing us a very good, sharp picture or two, it's really impossible to help you out. - zitdr_02

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Question 4
my feet get so sore in the shower!?...  when i'm in the shower my feet go red and itchy and legs go blotchy!? im 14, 5"6, and 8 stone 4. i dont think its because of my weight. but it only happens in the shower and i it makes me need to sit down. does anyone know why this happens?
and mostly ive just been in the shower for about 5 mins.

1)   Its becuase you have been standing for a long time in the shower and barely moving, trust me i know...and im not even over weight - PEACE, LOVE, HOPE

2)   you could have very sensitive skin try a cooler shower and change the shower gel for another brand and see if that helps - idac123

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Question 5
Can the symptoms of Salmonella be distinguished from Norovirus symptoms?...  I have read about the different strains of food poisoning and I was wondering if Salmonella symptoms can be easily distinguished from Norovirus. I have also heard there are different strains of Salmonella and some can be worse than others.

1)   I have had both and the symptoms are the same. Norovirus seems to last longer. I had it on return from hospital and it lasted 3 days. Severe stomach cramps, diarrhoea and sickness. - Kernow Lady

2)   With Norovirus, vomiting is a predominant symptom (usually). Typically there is no fever or low grade.
Most often, people complain of having diarrhea and vomiting at the same time and very watery diarrhea.

With Salmonella, diarrhea is the predominant symptoms. Vomiting doesn't occur too often. Often with a fever over 101. Some of the Salmonella strains associated with reptiles can be a little more severe. The most common Salmonella is Enteriditis (spelling?), which is very commonly associated with eggs or poultry.

Other sources of food poisoning will look very similar to one or both of these. The only way to be sure is to have a stool culture done to see if a person has Salmonella or one of the other 3 testable bacterial GI pathogens. The bacterial stool culture test typically also include: E-Coli (or shiga toxin producing bacteria), Shigella, and Campylobacter. There are many other bacterias that cannot or will not be tested. Norovirus testing is not widely available and usually done at government laboratories in case of outbreaks only. (at least in the USA). - Flashflood

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Friday, September 24, 2010

Is it right for me to feel like its my fault my granny had a stroke?

Question 1
Is it right for me to feel like its my fault my granny had a stroke?...  I know shes had one about 11 years ago when i was real young. She finally admitted thursday to my mom that she thinks she had another one on monday while i was at her house. She was picking up limbs from the bushes my gradpa cut off and i didnt help as much as i should have. I knew she was sweaty and she did say she was dizzy but i didnt think anything of it. I feel really sad shes sick and i feel like its my fault.

1)   I don't know about all that but we should really have sex! - Empty Superman

2)   You did not cause the stroke, but you should feel like bad for not helping your granny perform a task which elderly people have no business doing. You were there, why not pick up the limbs for her? - Jimmy

3)   No sweety, remember taht everything in life happens for a reason and you can not control a big portion of what is happening and what will. Just enjoy life. Could have happened to anyone. I do understand your love and care for your grandmother, but keep in mind you cant protect her forever.
Hope all will be well! - Diva

4)   ok u lil ignorant people above me go rot in a hole.

No its not ur fault things happen you helping out would not have stoped it from happening so jus stay by her side nd keep ur head up. - GIqqlesxz*Naughty*OR*Nice

5)   what a bunch of wankery trolls
especially that Jimmy, trying to disguise his trollyness and act like he isn't one
don't let him hurt your feeling he's clearly a bald fuck up to life XD
learn to have some sensitivity and realise she needs some reassurance than giving her a lesson on how she should be - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmcr

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Question 2
do tight shorts make your legs itch?...  whenever I where these boxers and sit down for school my butt itches a lot. they are pretty tight. are the two related? how do I solve it?(short of losing the shorts, which if is the cause, will probably happen if no one suggests otherwise)
Please don't just send links. If I wanted to research, I wouldn't have posted the question here.
So far, I like Sarah's answer the best.

1)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem - Kevin Jay

2)   Not for me, no - Sarah

3)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Way Maddalena

4)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Gfvrewn Ytgernb

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Question 3
i ve pnemonia n the gp gave me amoxicilin i ve had it for 3days but my fever is still high. i smoke .help me?...  

1)   Antibiotics ccan take time to start making you feel better, If you have a fever just take some Tylenol. - KB929

2)   about it you can get information from here - Hill Westra

3)   give it at least 5 days to work and the recovery from pneumonia is a slow one it can take weeks and give up smoking that way you will live a lot longer - idac123

4)   Pneumonia is a nasty, aggressive illness. I had it about a year ago and I've never felt so ill. It could take up to 4 days for the antibiotics to really kick in and a fever is generally the sign of your body putting up a fight against the infection. Try taking ibuprofen or paracetamol; you can take the two together if it helps.These should lower your temperature.
I hope you're laying of the smokes until the infection subsides? Smoking will aggravate it and slow down youir recovery. gets lots of rest anfd take good care of yourself - Ali

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Question 4
Its my third day of work and im sick with strep throat... should I go? Or call in sick?...  I started working at Hollister this past Tuesday, today will be my third day of work and I woke up with a horrible sore throat. I went to the doctor who proceeded to tell me that I have strep. And now, considering that I'm contagious, I'm not sure whether I should go to work or not. If I had worked there longer than 2 days I would call in sick, but since this is my third day, I don't want to be seen as lazy or anything like that. What should I do?

1)   Did you obtain an excuse from you doctor? If not, you need to go, but stay away from others if at all possible. Normally, when one has strep, you're put on antibiotics, on which you won't be contagious anymore. Keep your job at all costs, for there aren't many to choose from these days! Good luck and feel better soon. - Charley

2)   I had strep throat just not to long ago actually.:P
It sucks, but I say you should just go to work.(: - Breegasm!

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Question 5
Can a doctor test for anemia without taking a blood test?...  I'm petrified of needles, :'(

1)   No, they can't. You'll just have to suck it up. You have to get used to it because you'll probably have to get lots of needles and blood tests in your life. - Sarah

2)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Gabrielson Kincaid

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

can I test my blood glucose level if I licked chocolate off my finger?

Question 1
can I test my blood glucose level if I licked chocolate off my finger?...  I was just diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I have an hour before I test my glucose and I was making chocolate covered bananas for a party we are having. When I was done, I accidentally licked a tiny bit of chocolate off my fingertip without thinking about it. Can I still test, or will it mess up my reading?

I've been looking this up for a long time and I can't seem to find any info. I'm not used to all this testing stuff yet and I'm worried it might happen again so please answer, even if it has been more than an hour.

1)   Just make sure your finger is clean, though excess chocolate would change the reading, not after an hour. xx - L

2)   If you have chocolate on your finger, then lick it off, then poke the same finger with a blood sugar measuring kit, the sugar (from the chocolate) will not be in contact with your blood for nearly enough time to cause it to increase.
In actuality, the saliva will affect getting the reading more, because it waters down the blood, making it more difficult to apply to the test strip. - Stephen J

3)   You can still test, dear lady, but it WILL mess up the result. It WILL show that your blood sugar (glucose) level is higher than it really is.

Ideally, my friend, you should wash and dry your hands before testing your blood sugar levels as it's not just things such as the chocolate that you've got on your fingers this time that will affect the results.


I'm sorry, but I disagree with the earlier respondents. Just licking off the chocolate will not be enough for it to not affect the reading that you get. The saliva from your mouth will dilute the concentration of the glucose that's present, but it will still give you a higher result than if you had properly cleaned hands ... or finger. - micksmixxx

4)   if u r worried pl do cheack it, many people have glucose, dont worry, if u dont have glucose its relaxin for u ..chill.... - Shraddha Dadich

5)   about it you can get information from here - Nakisha Hackey

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Question 2
a very itchy spot between my legs help identify?...  i have a small round spot on the inside of my leg that has just started itching constantly i am not a virgin but ive only had sex with one girl who has had very limited sex herself so im fairly certian its not an STD its about as big around as a dim meybe a bit smaller but large enough to probably not be a bugbite (why i would have been bitten there im not sure but i was just camping so i wolnt rule it out) its probably just a heat rash but if anyone has any other ideas i would be glad to hear them

1)   Do you notice a small tiny hole with blood/puss coming out? If it is it's a cysts. I recently got one between my legs as well. - Nirvana

2)   It is possible for it to be a bite, could there have been ticks around? The other thought is poison ivy (heaven forbid--I hate that stuff) or ringworm. - ratlover1

3)   You should use tramadol, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Ivelisse Balliew

4)   Since it's a new itchy round spot, in the location that you mentioned, after having been camping, the most likely cause would be a tick or chigger bite. Of course, without seeing it, I can't be certain. But that is a common area for a chigger to have bitten you. - zitdr_02

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Question 3
Heart palpitations. please help!!?...  i have had heart paliptations now since i was 19 (4 yrs ago) where my heart would skip a beat and got checked then and the doc said i was perfectly fine. Now i have noticed that when i wake up in the morning and a few times during the day my heart will start pounding where i can feel it in my chest and i make it way worse by panicing about it. I do have panic attacks (anxiety) i am really worried about this and have been to the doc, i am still waiting for my test results.. i just had a baby 6 months ago and noticed when i was pregnant that the palpitations where bad then. Just recently qiut smoking to.. so im not sure if maybe that is why. has anyone else had this problem?? i am very worried and i cant stop stessing about it.'
thanks for you answers!

1)   Your probably getting heart palpitations because your worried about getting heart palpitations... I would say it's just stress don't worry. - J_P

2)   Yes, I have had same kind of thing since I was a kid. But, I was born with a heart defect.
Now I am on the sunny side of 50.
Some foods can make the problem worse. Caffeine is a big one. (No sodas, decaff coffee)
High levels of potassium can also have an effect. (No bananas for you for now)
Watch food labels, lower your salt intake, increase WATER intake.

Check your blood pressure. High BP can make you "feel" the heart beats more.
I never smoked, But Nicotine is a known poison. Stay smoke free.
You say your heart starts pounding. do you mean hard feeling beats or racing like 120+ bpm?
The racing very fast beating for no reason needs to be reported to your Doctor. - jadamgrd

3)   Plenty of reasons but smoking is one of them. Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms include palpitations, anxiety and panic attacks. It might not be that but worth trying supplementing for a month and see how you feel. Oral sprays and sublingual tablets absorb far better than normal supplements. Studies have shown smokers deficient in Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Selenium, Zinc, Vitamin B12. These vitamins are cruical to good thyroid function. A sluggish thyroid also has heart palpitions, anxiety and panic attack as symptoms. - ƦєdAиgєℓ

4)   about it you can get information from here - Ivelisse Balliew

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Question 4
what health problems could make me keep losing weight?...  i do eat almost every meal and even snack throughtout the day. I've had three children and I'm smaller now than I was before I had kids, I'm 5'6 and weigh 106lbs. what do you think could b causing thi problem? I'm starting to get worried cause I lose aleast 1lb a week

1)   wat - Daquan

2)   There are lost of problem that could cause.

you DEFINITELY need to ask this question of YOUR DOCTOR. you are WAY under-weight, and that is unhealthy. - Gary B

3)   You should contact your doctor immediately, rapid loss of weight is not a good sign & it could be many things like diabetes or malignancy & sometimes it could be stress making you anorexic & thus you lose weight rapidly. - Dina - LIT

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Question 5
Have you heard of the "choking game"?...  A friend of mine passed away on tuesday, september 22 2010. he was playing the choking game by himself and died because of it. He was 16 years old.

What I want to know is, if you've heard of it, if you've done it, do alot of people do it? also, i've read that doing this gives you some kind of high, what kind of a high does it give you and why.

I'm in grieving and i'm looking for some answers so please don't write anything offensive.

1)   i know of it, and i never done it only dumb hicks do that retarded shit or 10 year olds... people here in new york just do drugs like normal people - Balls

2)   Yes. It's pretty popular in middle school to high school. It does give you a bit of a high. You are cutting off the blood-flow to your brain. People die from it if they collapse the artery or if they play alone and have something set up to hold them in that state after they pass out. - silvermoonstar3

3)   Yes, I have heard of it......dangerous and stupid. Apparently , the high they get is just before passing out. Sadly, some never come to again. Anyone with 1/2 a brain would not do this........ - Veritas

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Monday, September 20, 2010

What do I do about my acne?

Question 1
What do I do about my acne?...  This morning I woke up with what looks like a purplish mosquito bite on my cheek. Everytime I get this it always leads to a permanent or temporary acne scar (not sure if they will go away or not). I've had these red marks on my face for about 2-3 years now and they don't seem to be going away, in fact I've acquired a few more over the past couple of months.

I also use Pro-active and have been for a month or two. It hasn't been doing anything for my acne marks but it does make my skin look more clear.

How do I make sure that this blemish goes away and not turn out to be a scar because every time this occurs, it always leads to a scar. Also are my blemishes actually scars of just temporary? When will they go away? Thanks.

1)   Neosporin - Christian Serrano

2)   about it you can get information from here - Eliz Burgardt

3)   My friend had this happen to her a few months ago. First of all Pro- active dries out your skin alot so try to not use it that much. Maybe do Pro-active like 3 times a week. Make sure to moisturize right after wards though or else you will have twice the oil on your skin than before. After every thing you do wash your face and MOISTURIZE. The green tea moisturizer works sooo good! It isn't oily at all. Also, you need to pop those suckers out! Purple? BAD!! You need to take a needle and LIGHTLY dab it on top of the purple dot. Then pop it right out. Dab neosporin and it will be good. Why needle? Scared? So was I. But the reason it is purple is because of the build up under your skin. It has no whole to get that out with. That is what the needle will do. And IT DOESN'T HURT!! Tell me how that goes. - beatrice

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Question 2
is there any home remedies for bad zits anyone?...  i have big red puffy zits on my face and i am tired of using s*** acne products so i need something affordable if possible a home remedy

1)   crush up a few aspirin and mix it with a little warm water to make a paste. put that on over night and it should reduce swelling and inflamation. - adam f

2)   here are a couple home remedies that have worked for me:
wash your face with plain unscented castile soap. Dr.Bronner's is a good brand.
after washing use a cotton pad to wipe your face with pure wich hazel
after wich hazel has dried, apply fresh aloe vera gel to your whole face.(don't use store bought because it has all kinds of additives that make acne worse. you can usually buy an aloe plant in china town for 5 bucks.)
afterwords here are some good spot treatments:
* make a paste of sea salt and rubbing alcohol and apply to the pimples then cover them with a bandage. Leave on overnight. make sure to use non-iodine salt.
* liberally rub a freshly cut garlic clove on the pimple and leave on overnight
* straight tea tree oil usually works wonders for me. use it as a spot treatment. hope this helps and let me know what you think. - A Fish

3)   The lotions, creams, and pills are just temporary solutions.
If you have zits all over your face and your skin is so oily, than you should try this cure that gonna make the zits disappears after a few weeks. - Blogsite

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Question 3
how can i know if i have rabies?...  early signs of rabies

1)   You would feel pain at the site where you got bitten, have a fever, headache, nausea and some vomiting.

Not sure why you are asking this question i.e. if you've been bitten by an animal. But if you have genuine concerns that you were bitten by a rabid animal and you are exhibiting symptoms as described above, you should seek medical help. Otherwise, you will progress into further stages in which you will suffer from convulsions, etc. - tiny

2)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem - Steve

3)   dude if u had rabies u would be going crazy n foam would be coming out. - Emily Davis

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Question 4
do herpes look like zits?...  i have zits popping up around my genitals and scrotum. i popped a few and alot of blood comes out.
What is it? std?

1)   kinda - Mickayla S

2)   about it you can get information from here - Eliz Burgardt

3)   have you considered seeing a dr.? - jimmy g

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Question 5
how do i stop having oily skin?...  plz help during school it gets oily and kills game plz give me solution,.

1)   Honestly, It is genetics. 99 of skin products attempt to make the skin more moist (or oily). I haven't heard of a skin product making the skin less oily. Go find and talk to a dermatologist. - Kind Mind

2)   If your skin is so oily, than you should try this cure that gonna make your skin clear after a few weeks. - Blogsite

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