Friday, July 30, 2010

Neosporin on acne ,good idea or no ?

Question 1
Neosporin on acne ,good idea or no ?...  I have alot of acne scars , if i apply Neosporin to them will it take the scars away ?

1)   Hey before you buy any acne products or follow other people's advice, please read the articles here first:

That is NOT MY SITE. And I'm not spamming.
That site contains really informative acne articles that has helped me get rid of my acne and pimples, get rid of acne scars quickly, and also with a lesser oily skin now! Best part is... it is FREE! Read them and follow the free advice. - Carley King

2)   I suggest you to see ---->
it contains very useful of information about many health issues.
hope that will help you as well. keep using - Lisa K

3)   Yes, I have done that after I pop pimples and it prevents scarring - papillon17

4)   uhhh... go to your doctor and ask for a prescription of Differin (adapalene gel) for 0.3% if the scars are really bad, or 0.1% if your skin is easily dried. - Paste

5)   No, try Mederma. Neosproin is an antibiotic and scars are not caused by bacteria. - Just Me

6)   I suggest TRY Scarxus!
I use it 7 weeks, my acne scars was completely gone!
you can get From Google Search Scarxus Official site.
Hope it works for you. - Cindy Koepfer

7)   depends: if you have acne that looks like it has infection inside, yes. it has antibiotics and will dry up the infection. But if there is no infection, and just a scar, it won't do a whole lot. they way you can tell if there is infection: press on it gently with you fingers, if there is pain or burning sensation, there is infection. - Marymiss


Question 2
how to cure bad breath?...  even after i brush my teeth like 20 mins later they stink :(
i am moderately healthy not fat..
i don't drink too much water like i need too, might be the problem?

1)   There are several reasons for bad breath, not just poor hygiene. You could have gum disease, or cryptic tonsils, or diabetes. - Adair

2)   chew on parsley or mint. - liSA

3)   Uhhh,This might not help the problem all the time but try chewing flavored gum ! The fruity kind work best like 5 React Gum . Hope it helps ! :) - Tori H.

4)   first thing to remember is that bad breath is caused by many factors- food, health, medication, among others. the easiest, quickest temporary solution would be to use mouthwash. however, i think the link below would help you better:
hope you get better! - auberiginz

5)   The bacteria that makes your breath stink may not be on your teeth but your tongue. Are you using mouth wash (gurgling for 30 seconds)? If it stings, it's doing its job. If it's not stinging... try a new brand. Brush your tongue too. Some people use tongue scrapers, available at your general pharmacy store. Don't eat breath mints that have sugar in it, because that only feeds the bacteria of halitosis. Perhaps it's time for a new toothbrush. Or you could just soak it in a baking soda solution. You could also use baking soda as an odor killer.

Just take about a teaspoon (or half, depending on how much you like to use) and add a few drops of water and mix it up until it forms a paste with the consistency of toothpaste. If it is not enough water just add more, a drop at a time. When you brush with this solution, make sure you're brushing the roof of your mouth, under your tongue, and on your tongue, even if it makes you gag a little. Let the paste sit in there for a while, and add warm water to your mouth, and swish. Don't swallow, it tastes horrible. You can repeat as much as you like.

For the toothbrush solution, take about a teaspoon of baking soda (maybe not even) and add warm water until the baking soda is dissolved. and let your brush sit in that for about 3 - 6 hours. - Alexa Lyons

6)   Aw, it's nothing to feel bad about at all- everyone goes through this whether they want to admit it or not :) To cure chronic halitosis (aka bad breath) you need a step-by-regimen to rid your mouth and tongue of bad breath. While chronic halitosis is often thought of as a sign of bad hygiene practices (which, you obviously don't have), bad breath can be the result of improper dental work, gum disease, food lodged between the teeth, and other things going on in the body which you might not think about off hand.

While it is difficult to detect chronic bad breath on your own sometimes, there are methods to cure chronic halitosis and bad breath that are simple, inexpensive and effective.

Difficulty: Moderate

Things You'll Need:
tongue scraper
baking soda
dental floss
halitosis prevention kit
electric toothbrush
bad breath regimen

Step 1
Clean and scrape your tongue daily.
While brushing your teeth three times a day is critical if you want to cure chronic halitosis, don't neglect tongue scraping. Starting at the back of your throat, take a plastic tongue scraper and remove the thin layers of residue on the top of your tongue. Repeat until you have removed and bacteria and mucus residue left on your tongue.

Step 2
Visit a medical doctor and a dentist to cure chronic halitosis and bad breath.
Bad breath may reveal a deeper cause of infirmity in your body. Diabetes, lung infections, digestive and metabolic disorders may trigger bad breath or halitosis effects in the human body. To cure chronic halitosis have a thorough exam by your physician, followed by a checkup at the dentist to cure gingivitis, chronic gum disease or any ailments not removed by mouthwash, teeth brushing and flossing.

Step 3
Use baking soda and parsley to reduce the effects of chronic halitosis and and breath.
A few sprigs of parsley after a meal can offset bad breath. A mixture of baking soda and peroxide are natural halitosis cures to help reduce the bacteria in your mouth.

Step 4
Get more spit! (I know- ew, right?) Bad breath creates an odor when you don't have enough saliva. Make sure you cut back on alcohol and increase drinking water to balance out your spit intake.

I hope these tips help! :) xoxo - Miss Ivy


Question 3
Getting rid of acne fast?...  i have a huge udly pimple on my chin that i kinda been picking at so it will pop. nut it wont and school is comeing and i dont want to look ugly. any thing i can do?

1)   Hey before you buy any acne products or follow other people's advice, please read the articles here first:

That is NOT MY SITE. And I'm not spamming.
That site contains really informative acne articles that has helped me get rid of my acne and pimples, get rid of acne scars quickly, and also with a lesser oily skin now! Best part is... it is FREE! Read them and follow the free advice. - Carley King

2)   WHAT? REALLY? Stab it with a plastic knife... - Daniel C

3)   I would recommend Acneace!!!!
I used it, and after 1 months, my acne was COMPLETELY gone!
you can get From Google Search Acneace Official site
Hope it works for you :) - Cindy Koepfer

4)   You can try a home remedy my brother uses. Take a potato (or two depending on the size of the area) & cut them up into stringy little pieces , kinda the size of hash browns. Then just put them on the area you would like to treat. Let it sit for about, 30 - 40 minutes depending on the severity of your acne. Do this daily. It opens your pores and gets rid of acne & prevents them. - Handicap Zombie

5)   use alcahol and hot water and scrub our face with it it works quickly - barbiee gurl rockin this world


Question 4
What is the purpose of the little hanging ball thingy in the back of your throat?...  Just wondering.... i think it's called a gobble?

1)   its called a uvula

The uvula plays a key role in the articulation of the sound of the human voice to form the sounds of speech - Drake

2)   It's called a uvula.

The uvula functions to rise up when you swallow to keep food from going up into the nose. - Jenny

3)   Called a Uvula. used as a sort of antennae for initiating the "gag" reflex - Jonah

4)   Look up UVULA on they have a great explanation. - Waytootiny


Question 5
My pee sometimes smells like a port-a-potty.?...  Really really strong. It sometimes smells up the whole bathroom. Idk what it is, i thought maybe it was because i drink a lot of Mountain Dew. Bu i stopped drinking it and it still smells like that sometimes.

1)   drink more water,your pee is probably dark yellow, thats not good for men.

if you drink more water, your pee should be light yellow, not transparent (that means your body is throwing it out) but drink a bottle of water twice a day ? (:

just plain water. and the smell should go away - bikkboi

2)   Only drink water and it will go away. Artificial flavoring and processed beverages will turn the urine dark yellow and emit an odor. - Marc

3)   uh-oh - liSA

4)   Thank you!
I asked this question too, and all I got was @ssholes making rude comments.

I've had this same issue for about 2 months. I don't know what it could be. Anyway, I guess I don't have an answer for you, but I am in the same boat. - Smiley Sue


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