Wednesday, March 31, 2010

10pts.Is Brain tumor a type of cancer?

Question 1
10pts.Is Brain tumor a type of cancer?...  

1)   yes - brodyvegas84

2)   Yes it is. Its when the cells in your brain are affected like any other type of cancer - Dannie

3)   It's a sign of cancer in the brain - Bloo

4)   Yes! Any malignant growth of cells in the body is defined as cancer - indianwhizkid

5)   A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells within the brain, which can be cancerous (malignant) or non-cancerous (benign). - iZack™

6)   It is possible to have a benign brain tumor (not cancerous). If its malignant, then its cancer. - Jules

7)   Not always, but usually. A tumor can have cancer in it, but not all tumors do have cancer in them some are benign, which means they don't have cancer. - the coolcat

8)   If the cells in that tumor are growing uncontrollably, and are destroying the tissues they invaded (read: the brain tissue), and/or spreading throughout the body, then yes, it's considered cancerous. However, if the cells are self-limited, and do not invade or metastasize, then it's considered a benign tumor. - nette

9)   no its a Brain tumor - PuKe!


Question 2
Can I get viral herpes from sharing a drink with someone who had a cold sore 1 year ago?...  I shared a drink today with a friend who had a cold sore about a year ago and hasn't had another since. Could I get viral herpes?
By the way, she's a good friend of mine, I see her everyday. So I knew that she had a cold sore a year ago because I saw it and she I know she hasn't had one since because I would have noticed.
Also, she only took one small sip and afterwards I wiped the lid quite thoroughly.

1)   dont think so but possibly - Ryan

2)   wtf no alot of people get cold sores - Jleep23

3)   I think you're probably fine. The risk is highest when the person actually has a cold sore and lowest when they don't have one, but its certainly possible that you contracted it since it definitely is a disease that can be passed through bodily fluids - Sam

4)   Usually if you are to contract the same virus they have, they must be breaking out at that time. Because then the germs are spread through the open sore.

Although that's also if they aren't getting one soon. I feel like people get cold sores more frequently than that though, are they telling you the truth? I could be wrong though viruses are tricky things. - . . . .

5)   For acne ,darkspots,blemishes,stretchmarks and other
skin care tips and geting clean and fair skin
u may refer to this blog
(copy n paste tis link in browser to open it)
n u ll find tips for curing acne and
solution to all your skin problems - Kelly

6)   yeah you possibly can but would be unlikely but still possible. Once someone gets a cold sore or herpes they always carry the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) in their system. So although their not displaying any symptoms, they still have it but the fact that they didn't have a cold sore at the time, contracting it is less probable. - Danni

7)   yes you can. it can take up to a year for you to really notice the effects of herpes. it doesn't go away, but the outbreaks will get less intense and farther apart as time goes on. - Jon


Question 3
How can I get a natural tan?...  My skin is very very very light, im fourteen and im embarrassed because im super white. my skin doesn't tan easy, so what is the best way to get a tan and that warm glowy look?

1)   you shouldn't be ashamed of being white!
but if u want a tan get a sunburn - Fabby

2)   stand outside in florida for a few months - daisy

3)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Raid

4)   Get jergens natural glow facial moisturizer..

I have read a lot of reviews and read peoples opinions on it and it seems amazing! they said that it doesnt leave you orange either and it will tan you in about a week..

I havent tried it yet but im gonna go buy it this week to get start off a good summer tan! - Oakster:)


Question 4
Are kidney stones painful?...  

1)   yes - sage

2)   I've heard they are VERY painful - Gretchen

3)   worse than giving birth - only1lkme

4)   I have never had one, but people describe it as close to being as painful as child birth, so its probley painful. - the coolcat


Question 5
Question about Shingles(the rash)?...  Ok so my bf had bearable pain in his right arm and developed a rash on his back and shoulder which then blistered and looks exactly like shingles. But it hardly itches and isnt painful at all which was surprising to me because I thought the pain n tingling that accompanied it was a classic symptom.
I was vaccinated for chickenpox as a child but had a full blown bout of it, I was wondering if I could get chickenpox again because of my bf..the fluid in his blisters are clear which means they can be contagious but what do you think? any experiences?
He's going to see a doctor tomorrow I was wondering if me hanging out with him could increase my chances of getting chickenpox

1)   For acne ,darkspots,blemishes,stretchmarks and other
skin care tips and geting clean and fair skin
u may refer to this blog
(copy n paste tis link in browser to open it)
n u ll find tips for curing acne and
solution to all your skin problems - Kelly

2)   He must see a Dr. right away. If it is shingles, he needs to take anti-viral medicine. Otherwise the shingles will not go away and it is extremely painful. I know because I had it. Insist that he go to a Dr. - notyou311

3)   for him... he needs to call his doctor and be seen. if it is shingles...if he does have it, they won't let him sit with other patients in the lobby waiting. he will need to be in a room isolated or close door, away from other. if it's shingles, it is contagious.

as for you.....question is, does your body have any antibody for varicella (chickenpox)... doesn't matter if ones been vaccinated or had the chickenpox as a kid. sometimes ur body may not even build up the antibodies to protect u from it. the only way to find out for sure is to have a blood test screen for varicella titer.
i had chickenpox when i was 5 and i thought i was safe that my body has form antibodies. i work at a health care and when i screen for my antibody for varicella, there was none. my body didn't form any. i had to get vacccinated, total of 2 doses with 1 month apart. there are many people like that. it's the same if one person got 1 dose shot of chickenpox. u actually need 2 dose and to be certain is to get a titer screen for it. of course, keep in mind that nothing is 100% but just to prevent it, so anyone can be that SOL person and catch it. we all risk everything in life. - Butterfly


What Happens When I Swallow Someones Spit With Blood In It?

Question 1
What Happens When I Swallow Someones Spit With Blood In It?...  Hi there. :]
Well, im kinda troubled right now because i think i swallowed my boyfriends spit that had a little blood in it. i just wanna make sure that it can or cant cause anything before i start freaking out. can you get hiv/aids from that? please help, thanks. :D

1)   You can if he has it. Does he? ask him. - Niblib

2)   Ew, weirdo-rama - NONYA

3)   maybe get a new b/f, if ur concerned he has aids - Tyreal

4)   You could be exposed to blood borne pathogens. HIV is an example. - Buster Hymen

5)   Ew.

You could only get HIV or AIDS if he has it.
If he is clean, then nothing will happen.
Unless he's sick with something (flu, cold, stomach virus, etc.) - KAiT

6)   eeewww thats soooo damn disturbing girl wat where you all doin, playin spit war gross!!!!!!! - EmpYre bOi

7)   yes you can get aids or any type of disease he is carrying. it is the same if you were to swallow his cumm or if he is to cumm inside you. what happens? just happens....sometimes we don't mean to do the most simple thing's but more than likely if he had something now you have it... - Big smoke

8)   technically its possible, but if he is ur BF why dont u know if he has hiv or not??

anyway, as long as there is no contact of his blood with urs, ur fine (cuts etc. inside mouth/throat)
the stomach should kill the virus (acid), but u can "help" by drinking orangejuice (acid)...

so chances of u gettin HIV are small, but not zero.

u cant change what happend, so wait 3-4 weeks and get a test to be on the safe side. - Oliver

9)   As long as he is not infected with anything like Hep A or C, HIV, Gonorrhea or other transferable STD's you should be alright. People swap spit all the time. Without deep kissing you'd lose a lot of the pleasure of love making.
God bless. - Dave

10)   well thats actually how hiv and aids gets spread :( u might wanna check urself to be on the safe side...even if he dotn have aids u can still get it :(..but if its a small amount it may be flushed out..good luck! - Mimi

11)   some girls find blood is a turn on. if ur clean and he's clean, then dont worry about. i knew a girl who would pick my stabs and lick the blood. - Audio Fan


Question 2
Whats the condition where u quit breathing in your sleep?...  

1)   insomia - Mimi

2)   sounds like sleep apnia - jxt299

3)   sleep apnea - TwinkaTee

4)   sleep apnea - Deed

5)   sleep aphnia (spell check?)

insomnia is when you can't sleep - samisrandom

6)   apnea, Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea occurs when your breathing is disrupted during sleep. Men, overweight people, and people over 40 are at greater risk for sleep apnea. Untreated sleep apnea can cause hypertension, stroke, or heart failure. - because I said so

7)   There are basically two conditions in which you stop breathing while asleep. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Central Sleep Apnea (CSA). The first is an extreme form of snoring. The second happens because of some defect in your brain. OSA is much, much more common.
God bless. - Dave


Question 3
Should I pop my blisters?...  I row and I just want them to develop into calluses as quickly as possible. Would it be better to let them pop on their own or do it myself?

1)   I'd let them pop on their own. If you pop them yourself there will be red raw painful skin underneath. Give the skin time to heal. Put bandaids over the blisters if it hurts to row with them. - Coplumdrum

2)   keep your hands off it! And let them heal on there own, - because I said so

3)   You should never pop blisters. if they get really bad see your doctor but they should pop on there own. - Deed

4)   Let them burst of their own accord - this gives the new skin underneath time to harden up and be ready for use. When they've healed, put surgical spirit on your hands regularly to harden them up.

Don't whatever you do but Band Aids on them - this will just make the skin soft. - Soap


Question 4
urgent rashes on feet help pleeeeeeeeeeeze?...  I have red spotty rahes on my feet and there is a tiny bit of swelling and little bit pain. also this dissapears withing a few day. It usuallyy happens when i strain ma legs a lot AND EVER SINCE I MIGRATED TO THE UK FROM A HOT COUNTRY. wHATS WORNG

1)   It could be Athletes Foot, it's a very common fungal infection.

TEA TREE OIL will treat it.

Put 1 drop of tea tree oil on a damp cotton wool pad and wipe all over your foot. Use one pad per foot.

You can buy Tea Tree Oil from health shops and most pharmacies...costs about £4 a bottle.

Tea Tree has lots of other uses I have included a link about it. - pink flower

2)   Climate adjustment seems my first guess. But I'd watch this and see if it subsides to be seasonal or if there is something environmental that is causing this to be a disturbance in your body chemistry. I would want to be sure the swelling doesn't increase, if it does see a dermatologist there. - tj

3)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Ftyew


Question 5
Does anyone have any good remedies for cystic acne?...  

1)   buy some proactive that stuff works for reals it gets ride of it in one day - EmpYre bOi

2)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Ftyew

3)   I suggest you to see ---->
I found this link here on few days before.
It contains lots of helpful information to maintain a healthy lifestyle - Dr Ashely


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

i have awful gas, bloating and constipation?

Question 1
i have awful gas, bloating and constipation?...  embarrassing to discuss this but i need help

1)   stop eating crap food - Leichenteilchen

2)   Hi,
try this thing called : Ultimate Cleanse - from GNC

I used it occasionally, and it works very well. - shirley c

3)   You need probiotics. That is the good bacteria in your gut that helps you to digest food. You can get them in a pill form in the refrigerated section at a health food store. Or you can eat yogurt. It sounds like you will need pills though to get things back in order; the yogurt takes longer. No big thing. Just take them for a few weeks. You also need to be drinking at least half your body weight in ounces. 8 ounces is 1 cup. So get a large water bottle and use it throughout the day. I measure out my water in the morning using a mason jar. I need 2 of them full of it. Then I just drink that amount for the day. You also need more fiber. You can either get some psyllium husk at a health food store and drink it with water or juice or eat whole grains. You can eat bran cereal, or any high fiber food. It can include fruits and veggies as they have a lot of fiber as well.

Probiotics, fiber and water are three very important things to good digestion and soft movements. I had been in your shoes for years and I finally found these simple answers and feel so much better now that I have it under control. - Katie

4)   For immediate relief...

Step 1: take a Gas X to relieve bloating. Step 2: Drink 8 fluid ounces of prune juice. Remember, a tall glass in your kitchen is usually 16 fl ounces not 8. If you drink the full glass you'll regret it if you have to go somewhere. However, if you are looking for a good cleaning out – you might want to try it.

For long term relief...
How much water do you drink per day? Chronic constipation is often the result of dehydration. Try and drink eight cups of water, plus increase your fruits and vegetables intake and decrease breads, nuts, rice intake. Try this for a week and see if this helps to regulate your bowel movements. - Investigative Chic

5)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Nydia


Question 2
how do i get rid of dandruff in a 1/2 an hour?...  my friends at school ARE noticing white things in my hair and asking if its dandruff.
im in 7th grade,
well i dont have time to go to the store and buy anything

1)   Try Selsen blue. - Joe

2)   use curd
apply it with cotton in yr hair scalp
leave 4 half hour
n den wash with cold water
........... - lost in thots

3)   The quick fix for scaling scalp is salicylic acid shampoo or liquid. T Sal shampoo or Scalpicin yellow label liquid for example. Sal acid just peels scale, it doesn't cure the dandruff. You need another dandruff shampoo for long term control like Head and Shoulders, T Gel, Tegrin, Selsun and so on. - curator

4)   .try use selsun blue or head and shoulders.
.it'll work.
.that happened to me already. - nikkocyte

5)   You cannot get rid of it in 1/2 hr - you need to treat it with anti-dandruff shampoo like selson blue, nizoral, or head and shoulders. If that does not work you need a prescription strength on from your doctor.

In the means time, be sure to scrub really hard when you shampoo and rinse well - this will loosen the flakes so you can probably go a few hours without seeing any.

I know people probably will not understand and might make fun of you, but you cannot help it and it does mean you are dirty or anything. Lots of people get it.

You culd say the flakes are product like gel or hairspray that is flaking if you are embarrassed. - diosaalx6


Question 3
Why does my head itch?...  My head itches all the time... In the morning evening and night. But somehow i cant get rid of the itching. Is it dandruff? Thanks.

1)   surely its dandruff. start using andti dandruff shampoos or oils immediatley. If not you can try it in natural ways also. - koneru

2)   sometimes it is, or lice or just irritation from your shampoo, trying using a different brand then go from there, or nerves - brittany

3)   i would say dandruff. sometimes if you dont shower enough, head can become itchy too. but if not either, might be lice... - a russian fellow.


Question 4
how do you prevent yeast infections?...  I'm 17 years old and since I've had my period since I was 15..almost 16(yes i was very late) I've had reoccurring yeast infections (so I think). I've read up on them and most places say that the change of your PH levels cause them, ex: finishing/starting your period. It usually happens about two weeks before I get my period. I ALWAYS get them, i've never had a span of time between periods that i have not gotten the infection. I'm a virgin, however, my boyfriend knows how to give me orgasms. Could that have an affect? I'm almost great-full to get my period because the infections can get really bad, and they are very embarrassing. Does anyone have any tips about how to prevent getting them?

1)   get cream, and see doctor, avoid tight undies - IOWNTHISPLANET

2)   I suggest you to see ---->
I found this link here on few days before.
It contains lots of helpful information to maintain a healthy lifestyle - Dr Jake

3)   about it you can get information from here - Karissa


Question 5
Can you often get headaches and nausea during the hot weather?...  I have had them for a couple of weeks and it worries me. I drink water and I eat good food. Is something wrong? I don't think so.

1)   could be heat stroke, or dehydration. could be something else. could be pregnant. could have the flu or some bacterial infection. could be anything. if it lasts longer than two weeks and is serious, see a doctor. - King Yahoo

2)   Consuming the desired food is vital for your health. You can try supplementing your diet with acai berry, it's not only a widely tested and acknowledged weight loss product, it's a superfood too. There's a risk free trial on offer at I've been using it for 2 weeks now and it is definately having an effect!! - Mikayla

3)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Nydia


How do you know if you have Stomach Ulcer?

Question 1
How do you know if you have Stomach Ulcer?...  My Stomach really hurts and i have been skipping meals lately because i am not hungry. My friend told me that it might be Stomach Ulcer. But i want to make sure! How do you know if you have Ulcer? which side of the stomach will hurt? Help me please! I need an answer and fast!

1)   Easy. Go to the Doctors. - Betty P

2)   A stomach ulcer can be from a virus..
Its basically a pain-symptom..
Go to the Emergency Room. - Mark M

3)   Burning pain is the most common peptic ulcer symptom. The pain is caused by the ulcer and is aggravated by stomach acid coming in contact with the ulcerated area. The pain typically may:

Be felt anywhere from your navel up to your breastbone
Last from a few minutes to several hours
Be worse when your stomach is empty
Flare at night
Often be temporarily relieved by eating certain foods that buffer stomach acid or by taking an acid-reducing medication
Disappear and then return for a few days or weeks

Less often, ulcers may cause severe signs or symptoms such as:

The vomiting of blood — which may appear red or black
Dark blood in stools or stools that are black or tarry
Nausea or vomiting
Unexplained weight loss
Appetite changes

If you do see a doctor for these symptoms they will do a simple test where they take a quick sample of your stool to see if there is blood in it. They don't make you go #2, they stick their finger (with gloves on) into your bum for a quick sec and you're done.

good luck. - Mercy

4)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use aciphex. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Vita

5)   Avoid fried and greasy foods, no dairy products. Only a doc can diagnose ulcers. Do not do OTC: Tums, etc. If not better avoiding those foods, then see an Internal Medicine MD --- if you do that, ask for samples before buying medicines. - painfredoc


Question 2
my gall blatter was taken out at 15 what can i not eat?...  

1)   i'm guessing raccoons - pumpernickel

2)   Fried foods. nuts. - John J. S

3)   you need to consult a doctor - Naman

4)   You can eat anything you want but pay attention to how your body reacts. I had my gallbladder out 5 years ago and have had no restrictions on my eating. - Ellen

5)   Just avoid fried and greasy foods and should be good to go. Keep sodas (pop) to a minimum. - painfredoc


Question 3
is this a skin allergy?...  ok for the past month and a half I wake up around the same time between 2 and 4 itching...all over my body....thighs, chest, stomach, legs, and I thought it was my bed so I replaced it, but the itching continues, so i tried lotions and creams, still nothing, i took baths in oatmeal, nothing, the itching continues, only at night though, then goes away during the day, i noticed now i have bumps on my penis (i dont believe there stds because i havent had sex in 7 months) and these rashes on my stomach which usually go away, i dont know what to do, i cannot even sleep through the night, only if i am extremely tired i can do so, the only night i havent had a problem was when i slept at friends house in another town, i am trying to figure it out on my own because i dont have insurance or money for the doctors

1)   You could have bed bugs or some other critter infesting your bed if it is only happening at night.

Have you been wearing any new clothes?

Try a hypoallergenic laundry detergent or just a different - Ian

2)   Try calling a pharmacist as their advice or ideas can be for free, just the cost of the call basically. Describe that to them and ask if there is some over the counter medication they could recommend.
I would not wait with this as it will just continue and possibly worsen. If you have no insurance the medical association can not refuse you treatment. I'd say you need to get seen most by a dermatologist and see what the cause of this is, odd you only get that when you sleep but changed the bedding. How often do you vacuum and dust your room? Could be a sensitivity to dust or dust mites as they tiny to see but those can feed on shedding skin cells. Some people are allergic to them. What material do you sleep on? It may be the fabric of your bedding and sheets also. Wool is a known skin irritant. Cotton is most compatible , try using only cotton bedding. Take a benadryl before bed, it helps reduce allergic reactions and it can make you groggy enough to sleep more. - tj

3)   You should use clarinex, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Vita


Question 4
Can stryofoam cause cancer?...  Basically from exposure

1)   Hardly... why would they make cups out of it? - Thumbs down

2)   I suggest you to see ---->
I found this link here on few days before.
It contain lots of helpful information to maintain a healthy lifestyle - Jennifer


Question 5
can a diabetic eat grilled cabbage?...  

1)   One time rationed eating won't hurt. On regular basis you should ask your doctor. - Vladimir Y

2)   Consuming the right food is vital for your health. You can try supplementing your diet with acai berry, it is not solely a widely tested and acknowledged weight loss compound, it is a superfood too. There's a risk free trial available at I have been using it for 2 weeks now and it is definately working!! - Ahmed


Monday, March 29, 2010

is weed bad for lungs?

Question 1
is weed bad for lungs?...  is smoking weeed bad for lungs

1)   smoking anything is bad for lungs - Kate

2)   duh - KC

3)   smoke is bad for your lungs yes. - Why So Serious?

4)   Of course not, inhaling smoke is great for your lungs. - ikillyou

5)   smoking anything is bad for your lungs, but compared to cigarettes, no - Heather

6)   Uhhh Yeahh ?
Lol. - [βeβe ♥)

7)   bad for the lungs. bad for the wallet. but makes up for everything else because it is good for everything else. - dave

8)   It's bad for everything. - Wizkid

9)   would throwing you lungs into a wood chipper be bad? - JohnnyBeGood

10)   about it you can get information from here - Petronila

11)   Smoking anything is bad for the lungs. Then again, alot of things we inhale every day are bad for the lungs as well. Keep in mind though - 1 joint contains 10 times the tar that 1 cigarette does. - smokeater1213

12)   yes, but not as bad as cigarettes - lizardking

13)   YES! It has resin/tar that has same effects as cigarette smoke. and it contains more carcinogens. - balibot

14)   well no shit sherlock. where were you in health class? - bum in the bushes >:D


Question 2
If someone was raped during their sleep, would that person have know that it happened when you wake up.?...  If someone was raped during their sleep, would that person have know that it happened when you wake up.

I'm a guy, and I'm just worried that something like that happened to me from a girl. and worried about getting hiv from it... During the time I am worried about I wasn't drunk or drugged. But then again it could be my ocd making me worry that it happened.

1)   k - Insomnia19

2)   Can you say hypochondriac? You seriously wouldnt wake up if you were being raped? - hockeyfight

3)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will help you to find your answer, keep using - David

4)   uhh im not sure... go to the doctor and get tested for stds... and then you might want to report the rape... - ((__(_C_r_a_y_o_l_a_(_((>

5)   if your a guy you may never know. How would you unless you had a sticky lap the next morning. - Mike

6)   How the heck do you get rapped without knowing if your not high or drunk? - t

7)   There is no way for a male to be sure if they have been raped but you might have a feeling of contentedness or you are overly relaxed (the feelings that you have after having sex). I am only speculating, and this would be my assumption being a 19 year old male. - Danny

8)   No, you would know if you were being raped. unless you were drugged. But youd know the next day if youd been drugged.

chill out your fine. - Sam D

9)   ok, buddy, you were "sleep"... but seriously... what guy would wake up to stop something like that from going on...? - Victor


Question 3
was the H1N1 influenza in 2009 a over panic?...  when it killed less than seasonal flu influenza viruses

That the media around the world may have made it a bigger issue than it really was

1)   They wanted to sell their vaccines. - Billy Mays

2)   i would have to say yeah it was - woljj5400

3)   yeah, the damn pharmaceutical companies wanted to make their $$$$$$ - JohnnyBeGood

4)   umm it has been known since the panic that it was an over panic.

Thank You Fox - Mike

5)   Yeah. If you look at it, more people die from the regular flu. Also, the vaccine was probably more dangerous then the actual virus was - hockeyfight

6)   TOTALLY and over panic - luverofpeace ; )

7)   Han
There is an inquest at the World Health Organization starting in april.Did the Media overkilled
it ,I would say yes,but did 16,931 people die from it (today's number) yes also.....Is it completely resolved , for a final did some companies made money out of this,scammers and all yes also.Before passing judgment on the subject let's wait for the final showdown

Regards - Med-CME

8)   The flu vaccine was not more dangerous than the flu... dont really know what kind of facts of logic you're using there. And i guess at the end of the day it ended up not being as bad as some people predicted, but plenty of people still died of it that didn't have to. Viruses are not an easy thing to predict, and a mutation here or there and who knows what could have happened. - kelly d


Question 4
what ever happened to swine flu?...  we heard so much about it and now its never on the news or in the paper or anything... well i dont watch tha news or read the paper but still....

1)   It's still there but it's less now cuz everyone got all paranoid and washed their hands/ took the vaccines. - JazKraz

2)   well they found a cure so its no longer an issue - Nycgirl92

3)   The media went ape-shit over the whole thing and blew it out of proportion. They are now trying to ignore the fact that they even talked about it. - JohnnyBeGood

4)   I think that the media originally over-hyped it

now they don't want to talk about it because that would be admitting a mistake - K K

5)   It was all a lie created by the drug companies to sell their toxic vaccinations. They have done it before and they will do it again. Don't fall for it. Just take care of your health by eating right or take vitamins if you don't. - Winston2

6)   its because the swine flu wasn't all that big its just the news and paper made it sound that way
the regular flu was worse than the swine flu
the swine flu has messed up many economies and not because of the illness but because of the over dramatization of catching it

it's still around though - luverofpeace ; )


Question 5
after waxing my hands i got rashes on my skin help me to get rid of it?...  the beauty parlour ppl told me its normal and would subside after 2-3 days but its nearly a week still the rashes are there so wat should i do to get rid of them (no jokes pls)i really need help from the experienced ppl

1)   u shuld avoid waxing - vishu bharal

2)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use diphenhydramine. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Petronila

3)   Vitamin E and Aloe Vera in moisturisers, CONSTANTLY. Don't use any abrasive products like exfoliants, wait until the rash subsides. If it gets worst or doesn't get better, you might want to go back to them and/or approach a doctor. - charlza_rox

4)   please do one thing after waxing if rashes came in ur hand put turmeric and sandal in ur hand apply in in ur hand it avoid rashes and keep ur hand smooth and shine without any rashes - hari


Does Oral Sex cause cancers?

Question 1
Does Oral Sex cause cancers?...  Is it true that Oral Sex causes cancer and assumed as harmful for human?

1)   no - Chrys

2)   No - David B

3)   No...

it can cause herpes and various other stds, not cancer though.

Your mom did a good job in scaring you away from sexual activity though. - Amanda

4)   Pfft, maybe, but it is unlikely. There are going to be more serious carcinogens in your day to day environment than oral sex is (bad syntax, let it go ok?)

I would rather get cancer than not give oral sex, I like it.

And also, many many things cause cancer, even breathing (because the more you breath the more Radon gas you inhale, the more likely you are to get lung cancer, its like 20% chance over a 80yr lifetime) - Cjeam

5)   Ummm...NO - Danielle

6)   Not cancer but you can get sexually transmitted diseases ranging from herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, etc. especially if you have recent cuts, sores, bleeding gums, etc. in your mouth. If someone has HPV there is a possibility it could be transferred. Like always know your partners and where they have been. These days protection is your best option no matter what. I hope this helps. Good luck - RipCity

7)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Ema

8)   You obviously don't nkow what a cancer is. A cancer is when the DNA of your cells start messing up and the cell's in your body starts growing uncontrollably or doing some other malfunction. Anyone can get cancer. Little children can get cancer.

The only thing oral sex could give you is a bacterial or viral disease, such as Herpes, and that's if the other person is infected with it. Cancer is not a virus. Cancer is not contagious.

Cancer is caused by many things. Sometimes it just happens because you're cells accidentally mutate. There's no real way of knowing if you'll get it or not. However, it is known that exposure to certain elements, such as smoke or radiation will damage your cells, which can cause cancer. However, it doesn't always happen to everyone. There are some people who smoke everyday and don't get cancer, and others taht do. Every body is different

We are exposed to varying amounts of radiation in our daily life, with cell phones, when you're on an airplane, when you're getting an X-ray, all of these things ionize the cells in your body and can cause mutations. Your body usually fixes some of it, but not all of it will ge fixed. It really is random. You shouldn't worry about it. There's nothing you can do about cancer, it's just your own cells messing up.

I wouldn't worry about cancer, because it is believed that the longer you live the more chances you get of forming cancer. Also, you'll probably die of something else, before a cancer takes place. You could die at any moment. Don't worry, you'll end up dead anyway. - gossamer presents... Sarah!


Question 2
swollen painful lyhpnodes on my armpit which grow and reduce in size. What could be the cause?...  

1)   Anything from an infection to cancer. It's time to see a doctor. - FaZizzle

2)   It is usually bacterial infection, then endocrine disorders or cancer. See a doctor. - Van Bo

3)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Lesha

4)   You should use Tramadol, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Kristan


Question 3
are you unhealthy if a black mark appears on your face from rubbing gold on it?...  

1)   ermm..... the gold was probably dirty - Cjeam

2)   hope this helps

Why does gold darken some women's skin?

Our AP chem class was discussing the fact that if 14k gold touches some women's skin, it will turn the skin grey or black. This generally only works on women, and is said to be a sign of iron deficiency. It is also most noticeable on the face. However, we were able to find no chemical explanation for this. If you can help, I would love any information you can give me.
Margie Dickerson

I don't know what's causing the color change. If there really is some connection between the darkening and iron deficiency, such a noticeable symptom would be familiar to diagnosticians. You might ask a doctor about this.

Gold is chemically rather inert. One of the other metals present (silver, nickel, copper) in the jewelry is probably causing the color change. Skin reactions to gold do exist. But they involve gold salts, not the metal, and the reactions are described as contact dermatitis, not as dark spots.

Gold is a soft metal, and it probably wears off the surface of the jewelry a bit faster than the other metals. If the jewelry is just gold-plated, the plating may be wearing away and allowing the base metal or plastic to contact the skin directly. It may be the base material that's causing the darkening.

Nickel causes most of the skin problems with jewelry. But as with gold allergies, nickel hypersensitivity seems to be a burning rash, not a darkening of the skin.

Some electrolysis of the metals in the jewelry will occur on the moist, salty surface of the skin. This definitely happens with copper; its ions stain the skin green. In fact, copper rings were once worn as 'blood purifiers'- the green discoloration was thought to be impurities drawn from the blood. If silver in the jewelry is oxidized on the chloride-rich surface of the skin, light-sensitive silver chloride might be formed. The AgCl will photoreduce to black silver crystals on the skin. Or, you could be getting an oxide or sulfide of one of the metals; many of those are black.

I suspect that the real story involves more than just simple metal redox reactions on the skin.

Reader Comments
Hi. Great site. I just read your answer to the question about why some women's skin turns dark when gold is rubbed on it. You may not have much experience with the mysteries of cosmetics, so I just wanted to let you know that it's the "foundation" or "base" that turns dark, not the woman's actual skin. Way back in high school, girls used to sneak up on each other and streak a ring on a face to test if someone was wearing make-up.
Kate Petersen, 3/01/00
I do not wear any makeup/foundation etc on my hands and in the winter more so than in the summer my fingers turn very dark from my gold jewelry. So, I do not think it is from foundation.
anonymously contributed, 10/08/00

I have repeatedly tried rubbing my gold ring on my hands (no makeup) and also my cheek with zero makeup, and it always leaves black streaks. Some of my friends' skin in the same places leaves no marks whatsoever. Some mark very easily and darkly. Weird! I had heard long ago that this signified and iron deficiency, but perhaps this is a myth. The rings I used to try it are all 10 or 14 karat.
Jen Hughes, 10/18/00.

I recently bought my girlfriend a diamond with a 14kt gold ring. One reason that gold can make skin darker is because of certain types of makeup. One day she just took the ring off and made a line on her face with it. I couldn't believe it. I guess that is a way to tell if it is real gold also.
anonymously contributed, 11/15/00

Author: Fred Senese

General Chemistry Online! Why does gold darken some women's skin?
Copyright © 1997-2010 by Fred Senese
Comments & questions to
Last Revised 02/15/10.URL: - John 21350

3)   Yes, it meas you have a lack of iron.

You should get that checked out with the doctors to make sure your not anemic - Chrisdyann


Question 4
Is a teenager more likely to survive ovarian cancer than someone who is older?...  I'm 16 years old and I might have ovarian cancer. What are the chances of dying for my age?

1)   i have no clue but they probally will because there immune system is a lot stronger than someone older - Lauraine

2)   It would toally depend on the stage of the cancer, 1 through 4, or if it has spread. Nobody can give chances at your age, but maybe 15 - 20 percent, vs. 50 percent over 40 or 50. But, level of progression is everything, more important than your health and resilience/immunity. - Van Bo

3)   Simply put, your chances are much higher than a person of middle-age. Out of the research that I have done about various cancers, it appears that people of younger age (meaning younger than middle-aged) are more likely to survive various types of cancer than their elderly counterparts, mostly due to the fact that the immune system is much stronger and recovery from harsh treatments such as chemotherapy is generally quicker.

With cancer it is always to remember that attitude is very important in overcoming any kind of cancer and your outlook on the recovery of cancer can truly make a difference not only in the chances of recovery, but the overall recovery in general. Keep your chin up, and don't give up.

God Bless. - Jacob


Question 5
How long does it take for a recovering meth addict to not act crazy?...  My brother used to smoke meth (I'm not sure how much he would do/how often, but it was at least 2-3 times a week for several months.. he's a really big guy tho) and now he says he hasn't done it "for a while." I know for a fact that he did it at least 3 weeks ago but I don't know if he's done it since. But he's still kind of acting crazy and in his own world and talking nonsense, and seems bi-polar a lot. So I am wondering how long does it take for these withdrawal symptoms to go away, or, alternatively, if these symptoms are symptoms of him still doing it. I mean, this guy is batsh!t crazy. Did he do permanent damage? Please note, he hasn't lost any teeth and doesn't look all methed out. His behavior is just crazy nuts.

1)   Meth reallly messes you up so bad you may never come back to normal unfortunately

View private myspace albums @ - The Answer

2)   your brother has some problems - Mitchell

3)   ~not to rain on your parade, but I have a younger sis' that did it for years, leaves it, goes back, etc. She likes to steal and always finds a way to get it back in her blood. It's something that's easy to acquire and most ppl use their 'shortcomings' as excuse. And most ppl are lazy so it all comes down to their personal choice. Nobody's holding a gun to them, and if it took that for them to stop, sorry; they aren't worth the drama. - anelektrix


Sunday, March 28, 2010

I keep getting pimples down near my vagina...ingrown hairs or herpes or just pimples?

Question 1
I keep getting pimples down near my vagina...ingrown hairs or herpes or just pimples?...  I always use to get boils...they would get real big until they would bust and they would have white pus and blood come out of them and then they would heal up. But now that I am pregnant I have not been getting boils thankfully because they leave a lot of scars down there. Now I just keep worrying I have herpes or something. I keep getting pimples in my pubic hair and I have 2 pimples down near my vagina in the crease of my leg....I had 2 pimples there about 2 weeks ago but they went away and now there is 2 there again...I thought they was boils but there not as big as boils. I use to shave a lot and my ob/gyn said to stop shaving because I have a lot of ingrown hairs down there. I have not shaved in like over a month now but why on earth do I still keep getting pimples. Should I just go to my family doctor and get checked for herpes? I am worried because I am pregnant and I don't want my baby getting anything. The pimple/ingrown hair things don't hurt until I start touching them and looking at them then they hurt a little but then thats it. When you have herpes you don't keep getting them right? Idk I am just so worried...someone please ease my mind thanks.!!!!
The only pill that I take is my prenatal vitamin for being pregnant and that is it.
I was tested for Hiv and stuff a while back before I was pregnant so I didn't think I would need to be tested again since I was not with anyone new since my last pap test. They did do another pap test on me and he looked and said I have a lot of ingrown hairs. I do wear tight underwear all the time. I think I will mention this tuesday so they can maybe take a look because I have another prenatal visit tuesday.

1)   soap and water hon. - kungdrew

2)   it could be alot of things and the best way is to go to the clinic or your doc and get a test to be can look up herpes on the net and see up close pics of females with herpes.then look at yours real close with a mirror under a light.but the best way is a blood test.girls do get jock iche if your active in some thing that causes excess sweat and it may cause you to break out in a rash.are you taking meds,meds can cause rashes and make people freak for nothing. - Mark

3)   HERPES!
FUCKLOAF! - Mattykins

4)   Please mention this to your OB. He can culture the drainage and set your mind at ease one way or the other. He might want to do a blood glucose test as well as frequent infections in this area can indicate high blood sugar as well as herpes infections. If it is a herpes infection, your doctor will need to monitor your pregnancy a bit closer and will probably plan for a C-Section in order to protect your child. - Mama Mia

5)   well,if your seeing a ob/gyn regularly during this pregnancy your were tested for herpes and other stds at your first blood screening test. If you were positive for anything you would have been told and treated..especailly for herpes because, if you had an outbreak around delievery time you would not be able to deliever vaginally. Sounds like you have ingrown hairs and i honestly have no advice on how to stop that..maybe your underwear are too tight and rubbing and pulling on the hairs? trying trimming instead of shaving. - Jameston Chandler's momma &l

6)   about it you can get information from here - Cassondra

7)   Zits are what happen when the oil glands in your skin get clogged and pus is what comes out when you pop them. But don't pop them! It only spreads infection and can make your embarrassing zits even worse! Zits do not care about color, sex, or age, everyone from teenagers to grannies get zits. In fact, zits can be found on the faces and bodies of over 70 million people!

A lot of things can cause zits including stress, and a build-up of toxins including infection. Stress is not just a mental state of being, it can also affect your physical wellness. If you have an infection, it will find an outlet through pimples.

While Herpes in the beginning stages of an outbreak, herpes may in fact look like a pimple or the so called zit.. A blocked hair follicle might as well give the same appearance as that of an early onset herpes outbreak. But this is only during the beginning stages. Later on, in the evolution of the disease it is pretty hard to mistake herpes with a pimple.

Herpes blisters on the other hand, start as small red spots either on your face or in your genital area. Even at the first stages the experience is different from having pimples, since most people feel tingling, burning or even painful "streams" coming out of the mentioned areas. Some people might get a lot of flu-like symptoms, like a fever, muscle pain or sensitivity to light. You could experience pain while urinating or difficulty in emptying your bladder, swollen lymph nodes around the groin area and itching in varying degrees. Women usually experience discharge from the vagina. Usually, you don't get those symptoms from pimples.

There are a lot of things that can give you zit, most of which have nothing to do with herpes at all. The skin area around the genital area, although more sensitive, is the same as on the rest of your body. If it gets irritated, whether it be irritation from clothes, chemical/hygienic products or from hair, a resulting pimple might appear. This does not mean it is an STD or Herpes. But if you suspect that the zits could be an alarming STD infections, the best way for you to do is to undergo STD Testing at Local STD Testing Labs. The test ensures you accurate and reliable results, another is, it is done confidentially. - STD Jason


Question 2
I have a random lump of skin under my armpit...?...  i noticed it yesterday, i thought it was a pimple or something, so i just ignored it. it hurts really bad. & the size has like doubled since last night. it's not red or anything, it doesn't itch. it just hurts bad! i think it's a swollen lymph node. how bad is this? does this mean i have cancer?

1)   Possibly yea hun... you should probably go to the hospital. if it didnt hurt it would be normal i guess... - Lucy Lu

2)   It is probably a cyst, which can be removed with minor surgery. The doctor will still biopsy the tissue and make sure it is not cancerous. You should have it scheduled for analysis and removal. - Dude

3)   ewwwwwwwww

lol just kidding my friend too also has a random thing of skin under his armpit but it was nothing. But you should get it checked out if its a fear a cancer ASAP but if you have only had it for two days id wait til a week before doing anything but im a dude so that may be just me - Josh O

4)   Please go to the doctor fast as you can. I had the same thing happen to me just 9months ago. It was cancer for me. I am cancer free now but I had to get my right breast removed. So please don't wait any longer. I had 2 lymph nodes removed also. It"s more hurtful not knowing. - stepdec1220

5)   Cancer- if your young no. 20 and up there could be a chance but if the size doubled overnight it would be a really aggressive cancer.

I would lean more toward a swollen lymph node since they are in your armpit. The swelling will go down and 3 weeks.
Your probably getting sick and that's your body's way of fighting it off. - bartle

6)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Szweq


Question 3
If you could have aids for a day, who would you give to?...  Aids is a cool way of getting at an "opposite sex" enemy, If i had it I would give to my grandmas friend "Mrs Pauline"! Mrs Pauline get on my nerves and she need some "thang thang". would you do this to someone you didn't like?

1)   yes. to everyone i hated hahahah - Danica T

2)   Never, aids is nothing funny!! It's serious. Sorry, you should not wish death or sickness upon anyone. It might just happen, I would know =[ - Daph

3)   uhmm honestly if i had aids i would be to depressed to get it on with any one, sorry but i just could not live with knowing that i sentence someone else to death just because of a mistake i made... - Travis

4)   I cant believe you just asked this. :( - PRGfUSMC


Question 4
what do you think of condom and sexual lubricant ads?...  I am all for safe sex.
But the ads are aired day and night. I have a lil girl.
The commercials I see such as Trojan Ecstasy doesn't really point much to safe sex but more for pleasure.
And lubricant ads...
My 8 year old even know what it is used for and I didn't even have to explain to her.
What is your opinion?

1)   about it you can get information from here - Cassondra

2)   Are you such a bad parent that you can't explain to your eight year old that grown-ups use condoms and lubricant to have grown-up fun together, and it's nothing that she needs? If you honestly can't find an age-appropriate way to explain these things, then you don't deserve to be responsible for the raising of a child. - Tiktaalik

3)   a child that young should not know what they are or used for but i see where just watching tv educates them and unless you screen there viewing what can you do.even turning on msn last week the news caption was about the state health dept in cal introducing manditory use of condoms in porn and if your kids play and the net there exposed there to.the best i could say is educating them on morals family value and right from wrong at an early age.when i was a child and there were seens on tv or inapropiate commercails we were told to cover are eyes and don,t watch but you know what good that did both my brothers and i had pregnant girl friends before twenty. - Mark

4)   Well, my parents used to have lubricant in their room and knowing me, i would always look through their stuff. Its funny actually. I only ever found out what it was, in sex ed (in high school). the fact that your daughter already knows what this stuff is, is kind of scary. Heck, I myself didn't even know what std's were until high school either. I wish they would remove those ads. Children shouldn't know this stuff at that young age. That's just sad. - Changmin>3 ♥♥♥


Question 5
Can Aids be used to track homosexual activity?...  Just wondering. I am not exactly straight myself and no I do not consider aids to be a gay killing virus. It dose seem to me however it is an anti male virus. A woman + woman has a very low chance of getting sick. A woman plus male has a higher chance of getting sick and a male + male has the highest. People often wonder how many men perform homosexual acts on the low or not and I am guessing one of those ways would be to fine and follow the spread rateof aids. Using differential equations you can determan accuretly how it will spread so can't you reverse the equation to fine out the number gay male population within a certain group? I meent eh number should be the same everywhere you go as well.

1)   That made no sense. - Tiktaalik

2)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will help you to find your answer, keep using - Dr steven

3)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use cialis. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Darcy

4)   dont worry, man, i am high too - alex


What are the most common types of food allergies?

Question 1
What are the most common types of food allergies?...  

1)   peanut and cheese - Balloon <3 Argenis

2)   wheat/gluten - Melanie-AKA Ebens Mummy!

3)   Gluten
Peanut - Kev

4)   Peanuts, wheat, tartrazine (a food dye), shellfish, strawberries, tree nuts, milk, eggs to name a few. - malica


Question 2
What are the symptoms of mono?...  I think I have mono, it's going around.
And I want to compare my syptoms.
So if you've had it or know the symtoms comment below please thanks

1)   Sore throat. - immattj1

2)   The most common symptoms of mono are:

Fever, which may range from 101F to 104F, and chills.
Sore throat, often with white patches on the tonsils (which may look like strep throat).
Swollen lymph nodes all over the body, especially the lymph nodes in the neck .
Swollen tonsils.
Headache or body aches.
A lack of energy and fatigue.
Loss of appetite.
Pain in the upper left part of the abdomen, which may indicate that the spleen has become enlarged. - Anna

3)   The initial symptoms of mono are

* a general lack of energy or malaise,

* a loss of appetite, and

* chills.

These initial symptoms can last from one to three days before the more intense symptoms of the illness begin. The more common intense symptoms include

* a severe sore throat,

* fever, and

* swollen lymph nodes (glands) in the neck area.

your couldn't have found your answer easily if you Google. Not that hard. - Desire

4)   well you're gonna feel really weak and have no energy and you're not gonna be hungry at all for a while. you should have the chills and probably some time in the next week you'll have a high fever, a soar throat, and swollen glands. feel better :) - Elias<3


Question 3
POISON IVY..down there! What do i do?!?...  My boyfriend had posion ivy and he must have had some on his hands when we messed around, now its around my vagina, not in it but pretty damn close, and there is this white creamy discharge and im really scared! any remedies? or should i just wait it out? or maybe go to the doctor?

1)   Haha, let it be:) It will go away on its own unless you have allergies or something. But if it gets worse, contact a doctor:) Next time, have him wash his hands;) - Samanta

2)   go to a doctor asap! if you are into pain put some hair spray on the redness for a few days. The discharge however you will want to get looked at - Trouble

3)   I was camping and must of sat in poison ivy! Haha :) Leave it alone. The discharge is just a reaction, so there is no need to to the doctors. Go to the doctors if there is any pain, color change, or the discharge is a green or brownish color.

Good Luck! ♥♥♥ - *smiles*


Question 4
Do many people who get cancer eat processed foods?...  for example ingredients such as sugar, enriched wheat flour, corn syrup, and basically any pre-made foods.
the cancer rate is high in america and this is what many people eat. correlation?
I forgot to add about the excess meat and dairy products that americans also eat

1)   no, they eat the same food - Sana

2)   Consuming the desired food is crucial for your wellbeing. You can try supplementing your diet with acai berry, it's not solely a widely tested and acknowledged weight loss product, it's a superfood too. There is a risk free trial offered at I've been taking it for three weeks now and it is certainly having an effect!! - Kai

3)   Processed foods are unhealthy in general and contribute to cancer risk, so its possible. It can be from other things such as radiation exposure or even chemicals absorbed in the skin.

I think stress is also a big factor..stress takes the worst toll on the immune system.
But to answer your question, I would think that since nearly all Americans consume foods with these ingredients its easy to say that most cancer patients eat processed foods. I don't know if this contribute to the cancer or not, it's hard to say as everyone's body makeup is different. - Eric


Question 5
do i have tonsilitis? Someone please help!?...  OK so for like the past three days my thought has been hurting like every time i swallow. Well this morning i looked in the mirror and my right tonsil is really swollen. I also have a really bad head-ace and a stuffed up nose. has anyone else had this so i need to get it checked out???

1)   sounds like tonsilitis I had it that often they took them out, they sometimes have yellow patches on your tonsils where the infection is, if you see a doctor they will give you anti-biotics to clear it up - becca_loo

2)   The suffix "itis" simply refers to inflammation; ergo, I'd say that technically you do, but there could be numerous reasons for it (the strep bacterium, for example). Sure, get it checked. I was 27 when my tonsils were yanked, & for the last 23 years, I've been a happier man because of it. - immattj1


Saturday, March 27, 2010

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! why am i always thirsty?

Question 1
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! why am i always thirsty?...  i am 17 (if that matters) and i feel thirsty all the time! and water does not help. i drink about 3 cups of water a day and i am still very thirsty. and i even drink a can of soda and i am still very very thirsty.... what do you think?
wow these answers SUCK....

1)   there alot of reason for this 1 might be one of your parents were acholics or you might have diabetes if i were you i would see a doctor about this to be sure. good luck - young_augusta_kid

2)   OMG!!! Your turning into a vampire... Water won't cut it anymore, you need blood... LMAO - riiss718

3)   3 cups of water? Seriously? That's about half as much as you should have. - Tiktaalik

4)   You are dehydrated. If you are feeling thirsty by mouth, it's too late. Your body is already dehydrated. 3 glasses of water is nothing. You need to drink 8-10. I know it seems like a lot but your body is all fluids. Sodas only dehydrate so keep those at a miumum. - MP3

5)   Unless Its Well Over 8 Cups Of Water A Day I Wouldnt Worry About It. 8 Cups Is Recomended Daily (I Personally Go Through About 12/Day). And The Soda Will Actually Make You Even Thirstier. I Wouldnt Worry About It Being Diabetes Related Unless You Have A Terrible Diet And Family History Of Diabetes. - Greg C

6)   sounds like diabetes. one of the symtems of diabetes is constant thirst no matter what or how much you drink. - rayray

7)   'i even drink a can of soda"? soda dries you out. and you're 17? you can drink 8 glasses of water a day. drink water whenever you feel thirsty. and maybe it's where you spend your time. Is your house hot? stuffy? drinking water should help. and if you're still dry with 3 cups of water a day, DRINK MORE. and any sugary drinks, even juice doesn't really count. especially sugary drinks that are carbonated, they wont help if you're thirsty. think a little. - Candace

8)   Well I have diabetes also and signs of it is thirsty,Use the restroom allot, dizzy, Mood chage alot, etc. so yea. - Meg


Question 2
is this a kidney infection?...  two nights ago,i went to go lay down in my bed to watch some tv.i had a headache earlier,but it wasn't that bad.but as soon as i went to lay down,it turned into an intense migraine,to the point i couldn't even open my eyes.then i started shivering uncontrollably(more like convulsing).i was SO cold out of no where,and nothing was making it better(blankets,sweaters and whatnot).the color in my hands drained,they were pale white,then my nail beds were bright blue and my hands became numb(along with my feet).also,along with these symptoms came nausea.i also felt as if i were about to pass out.couldn't drink or eat anything,felt too sick.also,im 32 weeks pregnant.i have been to the doctor but they didn't seem to take it seriously.they said i MIGHT have a bladder infection.but i looked online and all my symptoms match a kidney lower right back has been hurting as well,like i was punched there or something.and its warm to the touch,plus i have stabbing pains in my abdomen.the doctors gave me some antibiotics for a bladder infection and im supposed to go in on monday for another checkup.i still feel like shit even after taking the tired,could barely get up today at all.and my back is still killing me.could the meds they gave me for my bladder clear up an infection in my kidneys?any advice would be much appreciated.

1)   I've had a ton of bladder infections, and none of them were ever so severe that I had a fever, chills and nausea. Sounds like you had an incompetent doc. See another. - Tiktaalik

2)   You should use sumycin, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Silvia

3)   if you have been peeing blood yo may be passing a kidney stone - David

4)   It could possibly be a kidney infection or stone that's passing. You have some of those symptoms. They can do a cat sca but not sure if they will if you are preggers. I can't explain some of your other symptoms but as long as your doctor knows about them, thats all that matters. Giving birth is easier than passing kidney stones. I've passed more than a few. Drink your water! :) - MP3


Question 3
Can iodine be classified as drug?...  

1)   i'm pretty sure it is or its illegal to buy anyways.. we aren't aloud to sell amounts of it to people unless they have a special certificate at my work. I think becuase its a harmful chemical though. - Shelly

2)   depends on what form you are talking about.because i am taking a vitamin that is kelp which it is iodine (as kelp). which i bought at gnc - sweety_8402


Question 4
Could I possibly have an STD?...  Okay so I just went to go pee, and when I pulled my penis out there was alittle bit of whiteish yellow stuff slight coming out the tip of my penis. This is the only time it has ever happened. It has been burning when I pee alittle bit, but I have had bad pains in my kidney area lately so I figure the pee problem has something to do with that. On another note I did masturbate earlier, and i figure it might have been alittle left over semen in my penis, but that was like 5 hours ago? But I do have unprotected sex with my girlfriend, she's 18, she's definitely had sex with more than one guy that I'm aware of in her life. She's the only girl I've ever had sex with though. The first time we did it was about 2 months ago sooo.... What do you think? Should I be worrying?

1)   You should see a doctor for the best evaluation, sounds like it could be some kind of problem, or it could just be something harmless, so a doctor would be the best place to start. I hope that I've helped. - Kirsty

2)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use clindamycin phosphate-vaginal cream. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Allene


Question 5
How do you get rid of a cold sore?...  It hasn't actually become a cold sore yet but I can feel it coming in. Is there anything I can do to stop it before it even starts showing?

1)   Use Zovirax, always helps me. - Taylah

2)   l- lysine - Unagi


I got a cut on the skin between my vagina and butt hole after I had sex for the first time. Why?

Question 1
I got a cut on the skin between my vagina and butt hole after I had sex for the first time. Why?...  Ok about two or three months ago I lost my virginity and that day after we did it, when I went to go pee later on it stung real bad down there. I told my boyfriend about it so he checked it out and he said that there is a cut on the skin that's in the middle of my vagina and butt hole. It sort of freaked me out, but I just left it alone because I thought it would heal well we've done it through out these three months and well the cut has gotten worse. Now the cut seems to not want to heal and it still stings when I pee, but not only that, now I can't seem to go number two without it not hurting on that piece of skin down there. I don't understand how or why I got this cut. My boyfriend has looked at it and says it looks like it was sliced down there and I don't want to go to the doctors because I'm still under age so my mom would have to come in with me and I done want her to know that I'm not still a virgin. Can you please help me and explain to me why I got this cut and get this cut every time I have sex? I don't know anyone else who this has happened to and I'm worried...

1)   that sounds weird. if you think you're old enough to have sex, you should be old enough to tell your mom. health issues like this should not be put off. if it is getting worst every time, it doesn't sound like it'll heal anytime soon. - yvang619

2)   Why dont you stop having sex for a couple of weeks and see if it heals? If it does not get better at all you will have to see a doc - caroogy

3)   You should use premarin, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Jada

4)   The skin in that area is reasonably inelastic, and having sex for the first time will stretch that area - sometimes to breaking point.

Problem is that once you have a fissure in that area they can be notoriously difficult to heal - it's a warm, damp environment and there's a lot of bacteria. You can see your doctor about the cut without revealing that you had sex - you can say you don't know how it happened. Your doc should be able to advise you. - Soap

5)   Not trying to be smart or anything, but it sounds like your boyfriend is kinda big. When you initially had sex, the size of his penis may have been too much and caused a tear...and since you've kept having sex it hasn't had time to heal. But I agree, if you think you're old enough to have sex, you should be old enough to tell your mother about it. - Erica


Question 2
Is it true, doctors are the third leading cause of death after heart-attack and cancer in USA,?...  Statistics places the ratio to 250000 as reported in JAMA the prestigious medical journal

1)   Yes, I read that recently. - pearlmar

2)   Natural causes is the leading cause of death. - OneStepTango

3)   You mean death by medical error, which could be by the doctor, nurse, pharmacist, respiratory tech, nursing home staff, etc. I also believe they count "healthcare-associated" infections which means any infection that COULD have been caught from a hospital, nursing home, dialysis clinic, etc - Roberto

4)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use nolvadex. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Patria


Question 3
Should I show my terrible skin?...  I have fairly severe eczema, all over me. I do everything I can to get rid of it (sometimes it works, sometimes not), but even so, I am left with dark scars that will not disappear. They are on the backs of my legs, my arms, shoulders, torso, neck- everywhere. My solution for the past year has just been to constantly wear long sleeves and pants. It's kind of depressing. So what I am wondering is, should I wear normal clothes and expose my skin? Or is it better to keep it covered?

1)   Wear what you feel comfortable in, just make sure to wear sunscreen :) I have it on my arms, and in the summer I wear tank tops all the time, no one ever even looks at it. I think most people know what it is because its SO common. Don't worry about it, wear what ever you like! :) - kaitlyn c

2)   number 1, u shouldnt say terrible skin. and to answer ur question, yes u should show ur "beautiful" skin. it doesnt matter what other ppl think. do u, and let them do them. if someone says something smart about it, dont worry, keep it moving with ur head held high. - Chey

3)   No my friend use this product I had the same problem (well my wife). She stop using this product because she needed it only once. Celtrixa, this thing made my wife so happy as a friend recommended it to her. IT take cares of all your problems; especially dark scars.


Don't wait for those dark scars to become a done deal. - Magic_Man

4)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Tfew


Question 4
What can I eat if I have diarrhea?...  Alright, anything else besides bananas, toast, plain rice and applesauce? I feel really hungry. I ate this stuff and I don't find it very nourishing and it makes me even more sick. Everywhere I look i only find answers related to what I can not eat.

1)   crackers - Kitty

2)   You can eat anything you feel like eating. If you take Pepto Bismol for the diarrhea it will make you feel better and stop the diarrhea. - Marnie

3)   No fruit or applesauce! That will make it worse! Cheese! And some pepto - that stuff fixes me in 15 minutes! - MrsMetal


Question 5
can you get the shakes the day after doing cocaine?...  drugs(cocaine)

1)   yes duh lol - Chey

2)   I've done it a hand full of times and I've had the shakes the next day. One of the many reasons cocaine is really not that great, eh? - Garmin

3)   oh yeah,stop doing that shit it will ruin you - J.M


Friday, March 26, 2010

How can I tell my 13 yr old son that it's not cool to have scars, esp. on his face?

Question 1
How can I tell my 13 yr old son that it's not cool to have scars, esp. on his face?...  Kids at school say it's cool to have scars and he can't understand why. I told him it's not cool and it doesn't look nice. I saw he had a scar from a pimple where he didn't wash his face and he said he kept picking at it and I told him it looks like there's gonna be a scar. His answer is, my friends think they are cool. Any advice on this silly boys think scars are cool?

1)   It is cool. - J.D

2)   You can't tell him and have him believe, sorry to tell you, my parent's think facial piercings aren't cool but I still want them. - Timothy

3)   Some people even as adults think scars are cool. I think scars are "cool" in a sense that the scar meant something happened in the past, sort of like a memento. But when it comes to getting scars just because they're cool, it's stupid. Scars aren't cool themselves, the cool scars are the ones you get unintentionally. - Luna Winter

4)   Scarface is cool but scars on the face aren't especially acne scars. Show him some pics of people who have acne scarring and ask him if that is what is cool. Scars are cool, only if they look interesting or have a good story behind them. But from the story behind his, that scar is a loser. I picked a zit a bunch of times and now its a scar. Its not like he could lie and say it was from a bullet. - Ben

5)   He will probably do what he likes. All you can do is try to tell him that one day when he's in his 20's he might not think its cool anymore, but it will be too late then as he won't be able to get rid of them!! - Monika

6)   Show him pics of scarred people. Not just acne but burns, accidents, injuries, etc...
Tell him the truth and show him online documentation, scars are for LIFE, scars can actually be a lifelong source of pain (personal experience from an injury over 20 years ago. Not a day goes by it doesn't hurt).

Then tell him the truth, GIRLS don't like scarred up faces, they like cute guys. His male friends mistakenly think scars are cool, girls think they are cruel, which is more important to him?

But it is also important to lay out the facts on what scars really are, where they come from, how they form, and that just because a person has scars don't mean they are less of a person! You don't won't to create another problem in fixing this one.

Fact is, there are some cultures that scar themselves on purpose as part of their rituals. Seldom are they choosing their face to make them though some do. But in OUR culture and civilization, we don't scar ourselves and it is usually viewed as a visual blemish and the result of an injury or accident. It's not pretty and it can really hurt bad forever in some cases. - John P

7)   cool cool baby - Jaya


Question 2
What symptoms of a sinus infection will cold medicine alleviate?...  We thought my sister had a cold. She took cold medicine today, and it didn't alleviate any of her symptoms, so we believe it began as a sinus infection instead of manifested into one from a cold. Is this possible? Should the cold medicine helped at least some of her sinus pressure, headache and nasal drainage/congestion?

1)   Cold medicine can help the congestion but definitely not the head pressure.. All sinus infections are a cold gone worse but it could of been minor and she's not feeling sick until now. Best way to relieve her is take her to the doc so she can get put on antibiotics! - Party girl 101

2)   if it is a viral sinus infection then it should go away on its own, however, it could be bacterial so go to the doctor and get it checked out because you don't want this to get worse. - abcd

3)   The only sinus medicine that will really help congestion is sudafed or pseudoephedrine (generic name). You need to buy this behind the counter at the drugstore as some idiots make methamphetamine out of the active ingredient. If it is actually a sinus infection (lasts more than a few days), she needs to see the doctor for antibiotics or even steroids. Remember, your sinuses are very close to your brain and you do not want an infection there. I had to have surgery on my sinuses as many people do, because they are closed off by bone and infections can build up in these closed spaces. Nasal sprays like Afrin are OK for a few days, but no more. They have a rebound effect that makes your sinuses swell up after you use them, so you can be stuck using them for the rest of your life. Does she have a headache in the front of her face (eyes, cheeks, etc.) that feels like pressure? That can indicate sinus problems. If she's not better in a few days, have her bend over forward and see if the pain gets worse-sinus pressure worsens in this position. If she doesn't get better after a few days anyways, she needs to see a good ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat doctor), not just your family doctor. This can be very prolonged and painful if left untreated, trust me. - Krissi

4)   These self-help steps can help relieve sinusitis symptoms:
* Get plenty of rest.
* Drink plenty of fluids.
* Steam your sinus cavities.
* Apply warm compresses to your face.
* Rinse out your nasal passages.
* Sleep with your head elevated.
If you have got chronic sinusitis, consult an ENT Specialist. - gangadharan nair

5)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use sumycin. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Stephani


Question 3
Diagnose me, is something seriously wrong with me?...  Recently, I have been experiencing a dull sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and a disgusting taste in my mouth(NOT METALLIC) but i do have heart burn. I also use chewing tobacco regularly if that means anything. I made out with someone with mono about month or so ago, and the season just changed from winter to spring if that could be a factor. What is wrong with me?

1)   You could have possibly contracted mono. I'd see a GP as soon as possible to get it sorted out. - Ed

2)   you should see a doctor , we can get it wrong - Nick.y s girl

3)   Maybe your burning tongue has to do with your heart burn, because heartburn is caused by stomach acid, so it maybe could've been that.
I'm not a doctor I'm thirteen :)
-Holly xo - HollyAD

4)   There is nothing seriously wrong with you. But consult a physician at the earliest for treatment. - varghese t


Question 4
Vaginal skin rubbed raw?...  I ride horses, and have been doing alotnof bareback lately on thinner horses, and the skin on the. Outside of my vag around the labia is rubbed off. Not all of it, but enough to make sitting a bit sore. Should I be at all concerned? Or take any action?

1)   Put some ointment on it and use a saddle. - Bob

2)   Bob has the right Idea but you really need to find some ointment with Vitamin E or zinc, which both help to heal the skin quickly. Make sure you rub it in up to three times a day, if you can - Ben

3)   Use a protective barrier ointment before you go horseriding. As for treating what's happened already, just use a simple vitamin A ointment :) - Monika

4)   about it you can get information from here - Stephani


Question 5
What if my hands shake for like no reason at all?...  My friend (she's a girl) tells me my hand is shaking, not a lot but like very small shakes like vibrating or something. My arm is just in mid air not doing anything and she says it's shaking. I don't have a muscular or strength problem. I just have no idea why it would be shaking at all. Is it normal or what?

1)   i'd start tracking it to see if there is a pattern or if it is all the time.

Parkinsons disease starts with shaking.

Could be something as simple though as low blood sugar. - E A

2)   happens to me too.
its normal.
it could be from coffee(if you drink it), soda, energy drinks,
not enough rest, fear, medications.
just the nerves. - JessieSep

3)   could be a lot of things...don't know all of your details, so i cant offer much...but here goes:
1. Coffee addiction?
2. Alcohol addiction?
3. Mercury exposure? (I would do the 24 hour urine specimen to test for mercury)...most people don't realise that mercury is most toxic when its vapors are some mercury can be in the floor, its beads spread about, and the vapors might just be coming up into the air, into your respiratory system, into your blood, and into your nerves, destroying your brain and nervous system. - Pedro

4)   Some medicines can cause tremor in hands. Some mild neurological problem also result in tremour in hands. - varghese t
