what is a good moisturizer for oily skin?... I have oily skin but i heard i still need to moisturize
1) I suggest you to see ====> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
This site provide very helpful information about many ailments and health issues.
I hope that will help you, keep using answers.yahoo.com - Dr David
2) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Khushi
3) Yes, clean the oil off good. Then use a moisturizer to lock in water. Pure aloe is wonderful, you can get a big tube for $2-3. Don't buy the name brand, it's all the same. Cheap Suave is good also. Try to get the unscented type, the others can aggregate your skin. - Rastro
4) When it comes to oily skin you will want to wash your face at least twice per day. You want to use some type of facial cream that will remove the oil from your face. You do not want to put anything on your face which will make it produce more oil or make it look worse. You will to use some type of acne pads with alcohol. The alcohol will dry out your skin and stop it from being as greasy or oily. You will want to use these in the morning and at night. I used to have oily skin and I would purchase the acne pads with alcohol. After that I've never really had a problem with oily skin. - Catherine
Question 2
do i have a blister on my foot or what?... http://s128.photobucket.com/albums/p200/graybaby135/cute%20pics/?action=view¤t=untitled-2.jpg
that is what it looks like.. im 17 and i dont do any sports.. what should i do? should i pop it?
1) Just a blister. Dont worry 'bout it. It'll take care of itself! But if you wanna pop it just imagine someone you hate has shrunk to minuscule size and step down on it really hard,. Just have the peroxide ready! - Myhoo
2) i pick at mine...but if it is hard and unpleasent feeling it my be a corn and thats nasty - smiley
3) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Khushi
4) I suggest you to see ====> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
This site provide very helpful information about many ailments and health issues.
I hope that will help you, keep using answers.yahoo.com - Dr David
Question 3
HIV window period -- how long is it usually?... I was wondering about my chances for HIV. I engaged in some risky behavior, but got tested 5 months post incident. I was sick a lot during those 5 months and showed symptoms of HIV; however, when I tested my blood, the doctor said I was HIV negative but had mono (which explains a lot since the symptoms are alike). It's been 8 months since the incident and I've started to get swollen lymph nodes, a sore throat, diarrhea.. I was just wondering, would this be a relapse of mono (i've been stressed out a lot) or could it still be HIV (I heard the window period is 6 months and I got tested at 5 so....) Thanks for the responses!
1) I suggest you to see ====> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
This site provide very helpful information about many ailments and health issues.
I hope that will help you, keep using answers.yahoo.com - Dr David
2) The window period 97% of the time is at 3 months, but for very few it could be at 6 months. And VERY rarely it could be over that. I'd get another test done just to be sure, if it comes back negative, then its definitely the mono, and you'll know what to do! - Dude Guy
3) 2weeks to 6 months. get tested again that's the best way to find out. It may be just nerves but get tested asap just to put your mind at rest. Best of luck - Lella
4) Typical seroconversion occurs in 6-8 weeks post exposure. It can take longer, and some people never seroconvert. When you get checked, have your doctor check for the HIV antigen, not the antibody. Or both. - Jody
Question 4
I burned my throat eating a scalding hot piece of tofu. How can I make my throat better?... I felt like my heart was on fire and had to lay down on the couch. My chest felt terribly. Can I still drink ginger tea? Do I need to avoid spicy foods? What about honey?
1) Mabe a glass of cold milk will help? - Mandy
2) I did not even know tofu was supposed to be hot... - Mad V
3) Sugar - Russell
4) honey is a good idea. really, there isn't that much you can do except for drinking soothing drinks, like tea with a bit of honey or a cold glass of milk. your throat should heal itself in a few days, provided it not some gaping hole or something that the flaming piece of tofu did to you. - Elliott
Question 5
I am looking for a moisturizer with SPF in it for my face.?... I cannot use clean and clear morning burst because it clogs my pores
1) Neutorgena is always a good moisturizer - malicious fix
2) Oil of Olay---- - Idealist
3) Neutrogena works really good! they have one with SPF 15 it's the one I use and it moisturizes so good - fjc28
4) aveeno has some great mosturizers with sunscreen inthem - John
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