Tuesday, March 23, 2010

my stomach hurts because I can't digest the lactose I had last night, what to do/how to help it?

Question 1
my stomach hurts because I can't digest the lactose I had last night, what to do/how to help it?...  Usually when I eat a little something with lactose it doesnt bother me & if i have alot it does but lastnight I had some of my own birthday cake, and now i'm in serious pain.. & have work soon! Usually once it starts hurting it lasts for hours until it finally comes out. However; im bloated, with sharp pains and have to get in a bathingsuit and teach individual lessons for 5 hours straight. I'm nervous about this which is making it hurt worse... How do I make my stomach better before 1 1/2 hrs from now??

1)   ur probably lactose intolerent--like me :)
go to cvs farmacy and get LACTAID--its a pill. also drink lots of water - ♥Mï§ë®ÿ§ Äñgël♥™

2)   The only suggestion I have is to take a Lactaid pill (if you're lactose intolerant, you've seen them in the store), though it might not help since you would be taking it a while after actually ingesting lactose.. - Megan Says

3)   I recommend you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using answers.yahoo.com - Dr Alex

4)   Drink lots of Gatorade and water and take the lactate pill. - Andie

5)   try heat....a nice warm bath will likely help, what you need to do is go pass your stool though...
you could also take two regular Tylenol to try to reduce the pain.

good luck - Philip


Question 2
little red pimple like bumps, what are they?...  i have these little red bumps all over my body, they started out on my chest and have migrated to my under arms and legs. they look like this. http://www.healia.com/healthguide/images/guides/chickenpox/default.jpg but i dont think its the chicken pox. idk im 14 and these are really gross, how do i get rid of them? o and they start out flat and then raise up then they pop and leave a big sore. :(

1)   Could just be a simple heat rash, but it all depends on what your symptoms are. - SweetiePie

2)   If there on your Weener,see the doctor - Catman

3)   You have a bad case of Herpes. - shawn

4)   If the bumps are spaced that far apart then it's probably just pimples. If they are closer together or in a "grouping", then it could be a heat rash or an ordinary rash caused by stress or poor diet. If it is a rash, it can last from 1-2 weeks so don't worry. - cheese


Question 3
I have this pimple/cyst/eye_infection that hurts. What is it?...  I have this zit on my eyelid (and had some on my other eyelid), and it hurts when it is touched. I asked my friend what it is and he says it is a cyst (sist, syst?). My mother says it is an eye infection. I think it is just a painful zit. What is a cyst? Is it a cyst, eye infection, or just a zit? How do I get rid of it?

1)   It's probably a stye. Stop putting stuff on your eyes, and get rid of all your make up. It'll go away in a few days. DO NOT USE EYE DROPS. I made that mistake once...all it does is irritate it. - Frog on a Lillipad

2)   More than likely it's a stye. Once it comes to a head, scrape off the top and hold a tissue to it until it drains. You can also go to the drugstore and they sell Stye ointment. That will also help it. - IamTinkerbell

3)   No matter what it is, you need to use medication. Cyst is a zit with an exaggerated attitude. Has to be removed by a doctor. A zit is a pimple which will ultimate disappear in its own time. If it's an eye infection, you need antibiotics, from a doctor. And my recommendation is to see a doctor because some eye infections are highly contageous. Touching them can spread to your other eye and else where. Untreated, it can lead to major complications. Doctor. Today. - Joseph

4)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Senorita


Question 4
Why isn't hydrogen peroxide therapy taught to our potential doctors since it has been proven to .......?...  be used by our own immune system to oxidize foreign invaders of the human body . When it can be used to kill cancer and the flu on contact with no side effects. Is the profit , they are making on vaccines and the drugs that they use to control peoples symptoms that cause ten to twenty other things to go wrong that you need more drugs and so on and so on , so great that they can just lie to us and let so many people just die ?
Hydrogen peroxide is the reason vitamin c works so well it has the ability to promote hydrogen peroxide use ( it oxidizes them instantly ) against all foreign invaders including parasites , viruses , bacteria , and yeast / fungus
Hydrogen peroxide use would bankrupt the pharmaceutical companies almost overnight and they have almost all of the congressmen under their payroll to stop the use of it . And any reports that say it is no good were bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical companies our own immune system uses it so are you saying our creator doesn't know what he is doing and the marketers at big pharma know more on how to cure a disease

1)   It's been proven to be no use at all. - thinkingtime

2)   if it worked big pharma wouldn't want it used instead of drugs. it should be tried on cancer patients to see if it does

quackwatch is the american medical association and big pharma - bill

3)   I don't believe it is the all mighty dollar driving this but there are some issues that could come into play treating internal organs such as burning. Although there is a lot of hype and info on this form of treatment on the web there is a lot to be concerned with until more has been learn and methods used in conjunction with other treatments. Below are a couple of sites not agreeing with this treatment you can find lots of them hyped up on this. I hope you read this and see what makes sense for you. I hope this helps and wish you all the best. Good luck - RipCity


Question 5
how can i pass out really easily w/o holding my breath or suffocating myself?...  and nmothing drastic. nothing that takes more than 2 minutes. and just 4 me 2 b able to go unconcious for like 15 seconds.

1)   find a skunk and breath deeply - ƦєdAиgєℓ

2)   go get professional help - doubletrouble88

3)   I recommend you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using answers.yahoo.com - Dr Alex


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