Can I get pregnant from using a towel that my dad used or using the same toilet?... I was just wondering about this cuz I live with my daddy and i was just wondering if anything like this cud get me pregnant it worries me (it probably shouldn't but anyway) like this one time i went to the bathroom in the toilet that he had just went in and i didn't notice......
1) - RT
2) i doubt it, or i wouldve had several babies by now - Pearl L
3) If he masturbates into the towel or on the toilet seat I guess it's possible if you use it immediately but that really isn't likely. - xanzibar
4) Not a chance from either event, they are just common myths about pregnancies or STDs.
Sperm die very quickly when the temperature drops, or the the semen dries out or is left outside the body for even a few minutes. - Ron
5) absolutly!! dont EVER use share towels. that is actually the reason that guys pee standing up. - Travis
6) Not likely. Sperm dies immediately when outside of the body so I don't think you have anything to worry about. - jackie
7) lol..wt...... - GroundZero
Question 2
is this a sign of cancer?... i occasionally feel something like a heartbeat on my thigh and neck, but its not a heartbeat, its kind of like a little shake or tremble. anyone know what this is?
1) its ur pulse.. - today was a fairytale<3
2) it could be blood pressure or nerves. let me guess you drink a lot of caffeine (coke pepsi coffee etc)?Whatever it is you MUST go see your doc tomorrow first thing because it is serious. good luck - C M
3) Its definitely not cancer. It's a muscle spasm. It's caused by dehydration, smoking, and exercise. Nothing serious, just a muscle twitch - Kfan
4) dude cancer?? definately not. thats normal everybody gets that from time to time its just a vein even a small veing where blood has mild clot and its gives that bubbling tingling trembling feel. we= all ge that sometimes - GroundZero
5) if i had to take an educated guess i would say that, that is your pulse not cancer - mimbim
6) i also some times feel this
this is becoz of pressure of blood at a particular site - Aby A
7) it's not cancer anyway, i don't know medically speaking what it is but it normal - Shannyn
Question 3
how do you get rid of pimples on your forehead?... im 13 years old and i have pimples all over my forehead. i've tried a lot of the products but they never seem to really work. do you have any solutions that will make them stay away?
1) clearasil, sparingly, or a medicated face wash.
also, if your hair is dirty, that is a breeding ground for the pimples to keep coming, ie the oils in your hair. it's a teenage thing. it will go away in time. - Daydreamer
2) lemon juice, or vinegar - anonymous
3) Well, one way to help prevent them is: when your in the shower, try & keep shampoo & conditioner off your face. Also try using Olay Face Lotion with SPF 15 after your shower. Your skin will not dry out as much. Pat your face dry, dragging a towel across your face will only irritate your skin.
Good luck. - Miranda
4) honostly, i hate to tell u this, but u just gotta wai until ur about 18 and they naturally go away. when i was ur age i had tham too real bad on my forehead and nothing really made them dissappear. by about 18 they had all cleared up. its a puberty thing that your body goes thru u really cant stop least i couldnt i had to wait until i was 18 and they went away by themselves - GroundZero
5) If you are going to use a store bought product you have to be faithful to it for it to work. Use twice a day, once in the morning, and once at night. Rinse afterward with water, and PAT dry with a towel. Keep your face moisturized with a NON-OIL lotion. Don't let it get to dry. And like someone previously said, make sure you have clean hair that can contribute to extra-oily skin. Also, try NOT to touch your face throughout the day, it makes your skin very oily.
I have used clean and clear sensitive foaming gel, and that has worked VERY well! :)
Also, Jergens lotion is very helpful to moisturize my face and it is pretty in-expensive! :)
Hope this helped! :) - Mie Mie
6) your on your puberty stage that's normal, also try not to let your hair fall into your face. Use hair clips or hairband. Wash your face regularly with hypo allergenic soaps. - gigi
Question 4
How long does my friend have to live? Caner?... Today my best friend was diagnosed with stage IV kidney cancer.. it's spread to his lungs and it's in his blood stream (metastisized) <<sp? How long does he generally have to live? he is turning 17 this year and is in otherwise great health
1) you could ask a doctor but they can only give you a rough estimate that may turn out to be wrong anyway. - Shannyn
2) it depends but i would ask him or his doctor - mimbim
3) he still has lots of time left so spend it with him and value the moments youll have together. the cancer may even go into remission and he may end up liveing for decades even. dont worry he's good. - GroundZero
4) Cherish your friend while there is time. If the cancer has spread to that extent it's very serious. Make sure your friend is well cared for and the physician is willing and ready to dispense Morphine (the chosen medication for advanced cancer pain, and there may be horrid pain. It really makes me sad to tell you this. My friend just experienced a similar cancer with her mother. Make certain that your friend looks into the possibility of hospice care or hospice is able to send caretakers to the home in some circumstances. Your friend is fortunate to have someone who will want to help care for him. I am so very sad for you and your friend. - Clover_McGee
Question 5
What does ... mean cause?... my friends boyfriend texted her tht and i dont know wat it mean and my friend doesnt either anything tht could help????FAST PLZZ
but they were talking about sex
1) long aqkward pause - ~Red~
2) maybe your friend was mean to her boyfriend and so he's just bringing it up or maybe she was mean to one of her boyfriend's friend. - :)
3) I don't know what your question means! Speak ENGLISH. Or why doesn't she just reply.
"What? I don't get it."
If it is "..." you want to know. It's a long pause.
You can't end a question with the word "cause". "Cause" isn't even a word to begin with.
To us it looks like
What does ... mean cause?
That doesn't make sense. Please try and type correctly. Or at least legible. - Diablo8247
4) I bet he's just playing around with her- nothing seroius... lol why is this in "heart diseases" - feelgoodinc
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