I ate poop and I feel horrible?... Ever since I ate my poop yesterday I have been feeling very sick. I don't know if it is bad to eat poop but I did and I havn't been able to stop throwing up. What should I do?
1) start eating your puke, too. - servmal
2) *Head, desk* - KeroKero
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4) dude u can dye from eating poop go to the docter now! its poisonous! - Kezie
5) Not eating feces is a good place to start. - Jacob M
6) Trollllllllllllll in the dungeon.......…… - singitplayitwriteitliveit
7) I doubt if there is anything that you can do. This must be evolution in action- the survival of the fittest, and all that. - Falcon Eddie
8) For the benefit of humanity's gene pool, please keep eating. - Teenie
9) Really .
My dog loves it !
Maybe you should try cat poop thats his favorite ! - Ed 9455
10) First off who the hell eats their own shit!? Are you crazy or is this a stupid question just to see what people say? I think your a sick twisted fuck. I mean seriously who eats that kind of thing? I think that your best bet is to go to the hospital and then tell them to check you into the pyschiatric ward for observation. - London
11) Always cook your poop to an internal temperature of atleast 180 degrees. A simple meat thermometer works fine. - boing
12) Consuming the right food is crucial for your health. You can try supplementing your diet with acai berry, it is not only a widely tested and acknowledged weight loss produce, it is a superfood too. There's a risk free trial on offer at http://jawock.mydreamdiet.info I have been using it for three weeks now and it is definitely having an effect!! - Zachary
13) hahaha youre an idiot - iGo
14) i have been in your situation. i am from mexico. we used to have to eat poop because of poor harvest. malnourishment. we used to get sick too. but after two or three times you get used to it. just drink some coca cola from a machine and you will feel okay. wait two days. - Pedro
15) drink ur pee its known for curing poop poisoning - sarmo
Question 2
swollen an red vagina lips?... i had sex with my boyfren with a condom and like 3 daiis later i strted itchin then my vagina lips turned red and theryre so freakin swollen like im so scared
1) like go to the gyno - ???
2) He HAD AN STD! lol jks It is probably cause it was your first time an your vagina is not used to it I guess an you did it too rough? Oh god this sounds dirty lol. If I where you id lay off the sex till the swelling goes down an if it doesn't after a few days see a doctor. - Karan
3) It could be genital herpes. Genital herpes can't be prevented through a condom. You should see your local doctor or physician for them to prescribe you medication. Hope I helped and good luck. - Crazy Wishes
4) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://mdmedusa21.notlong.com/3AAWGtj - Carina
5) Sounds like a mild yeast infection which can cause redness and burning. To be sure, go to the drug store and purchase the Vagisil pH Testing Kit. It will tell you if it's caused by yeast, bacteria or something else.
If it's yeast, it's easily cured with a box of Monistat. If the test results tell you it's something else, you will need to see your gynecologist for a proper diagnosis and medication.
You could also be experiencing an allergic reaction to latex condoms.
Follow the web link I've posted below. It's a wonderfully comprehensive site for women and explains the symptoms and treatments of yeast inf., bacterial inf., std's, menstrual problems, etc. Just type your symptoms into the search bar on the home page.
Many women get this occasionally, and it's probably a simple yeast infection or allergy.
Health & Blessings!
www.theVbook.com - FeeVerte
Question 3
why do i have dark armpits?how can i lighten my skin there?... i have eczema and wax my underarms in order to avoid reactions to razors.
but my underarm is itchy and the skin is darker.
i shower daily and have good hygiene. what is the problem?
1) ask the doctor - Zach S
2) I recommend you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using answers.yahoo.com - Dr Dave
3) rub with lemon - Kalikamba
4) you can try dove ultra clear. it worked for me :) - eli
5) It could be that you see the roots of your hair beneath your skin. Skin is very thin right there. I am blonde and sometimes I am dark there too. You may invest in laser hair removal. No more shaving! I would also stay away from deodorants with alluminum in them. I LOVE Lavanilla. Its a natural deodorant that is sold at Sephora. This stuff is great! - crystal m
Question 4
HELP! What would the following symptoms go with?... My boyfriend had an incident almost a decade ago where he fell and hit his head on the pavement. He had an inch long wound on the right side of his head and he was hammered drunk so he didn't go to a hospital. Since last night, he's been feeling strange; his head has been bothering him and he says that he has never felt this way before.
I was wondering if anyone can tell me what the following symptoms may go with:
*Feeling of numbness on the right side of his head (where he had the previous injury).
*Difficulty speaking / understanding others.
*difficulty writing
*Fingers tremble
*Difficulties with concentration, balance, coordination and alertness.
*Strange spasm feeling in head (around the area of previous injury).
*Periods of poor vision (right eye is worse).
*Periods of pressure in head.
*Difficulty paying attention.
*Periods of a strange feeling in left arm.
*Shortness of breath.
*Pressure in chest. / Heart hurts.
*Periods of fatigue.
All of the above symptoms are not felt all at once. They have been occuring since last night and there are periods where they are more stronger than other times. I would greatly appreciate your immediate help / possible answers!
1) Get him to an emergency room ASAP he maybe has some internal bleeding from a recurrent choc - patrickgt
2) Parkinson's Disease, MS or some other neurological disease. See a Dr. - notyou311
3) Take him to the doctor first of all.He should've gone in the first place.Not to be mean or anything.But it sounds like he may have injured one of his nerves because of a brain injury. It's not just because of the numbness on the right side of the head, but also because remember that the brain controls EVERYTHING in the body.including the chest hearts and hands.PLEASE take him to the doctor.don't wait any longer.hope all works out well. - lsmitherene
4) A lot of those symptoms sound like those of a stroke. This could be serious, and there could be an underlying condition here to the head injury, whether it developed now or a decade ago. He needs to see a neurologist and maybe have some scans done. Talking to his primary will help too. It's better to be safe than sorry. - Robinnn
5) This could mean something serious or something not major. It defiantely means its time to go and see a doctor and make sure that there is no internal bleeding which if not treated in a timely manner can also lead to serious consequences like stroke, hemorrage and maybe a permanent functional loss. Dont waste time on internet searching for what but step up and get the test done in order to get answers to all your questions.... - nijini
Question 5
Can you get an infection "down there" if?... You masturbate alone using your own saliva as a lubricant? (for female)
1) sure if you have an infection in your mouth - amaya1216
2) Your mouth contains bacteria and yeast, so yes... it's possible to develop an infection down there. Because you already have antibodies to the organisms in your body, it would probably fade away quickly.
Invest a few dollars in a good lubricant (Astroglide is amazing). It works much better than saliva. - FeeVerte
3) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://mdmedusa21.notlong.com/5AAcJGy - Carina
4) I recommend you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using answers.yahoo.com - Dr Dave
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