Monday, March 29, 2010

Does Oral Sex cause cancers?

Question 1
Does Oral Sex cause cancers?...  Is it true that Oral Sex causes cancer and assumed as harmful for human?

1)   no - Chrys

2)   No - David B

3)   No...

it can cause herpes and various other stds, not cancer though.

Your mom did a good job in scaring you away from sexual activity though. - Amanda

4)   Pfft, maybe, but it is unlikely. There are going to be more serious carcinogens in your day to day environment than oral sex is (bad syntax, let it go ok?)

I would rather get cancer than not give oral sex, I like it.

And also, many many things cause cancer, even breathing (because the more you breath the more Radon gas you inhale, the more likely you are to get lung cancer, its like 20% chance over a 80yr lifetime) - Cjeam

5)   Ummm...NO - Danielle

6)   Not cancer but you can get sexually transmitted diseases ranging from herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, etc. especially if you have recent cuts, sores, bleeding gums, etc. in your mouth. If someone has HPV there is a possibility it could be transferred. Like always know your partners and where they have been. These days protection is your best option no matter what. I hope this helps. Good luck - RipCity

7)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Ema

8)   You obviously don't nkow what a cancer is. A cancer is when the DNA of your cells start messing up and the cell's in your body starts growing uncontrollably or doing some other malfunction. Anyone can get cancer. Little children can get cancer.

The only thing oral sex could give you is a bacterial or viral disease, such as Herpes, and that's if the other person is infected with it. Cancer is not a virus. Cancer is not contagious.

Cancer is caused by many things. Sometimes it just happens because you're cells accidentally mutate. There's no real way of knowing if you'll get it or not. However, it is known that exposure to certain elements, such as smoke or radiation will damage your cells, which can cause cancer. However, it doesn't always happen to everyone. There are some people who smoke everyday and don't get cancer, and others taht do. Every body is different

We are exposed to varying amounts of radiation in our daily life, with cell phones, when you're on an airplane, when you're getting an X-ray, all of these things ionize the cells in your body and can cause mutations. Your body usually fixes some of it, but not all of it will ge fixed. It really is random. You shouldn't worry about it. There's nothing you can do about cancer, it's just your own cells messing up.

I wouldn't worry about cancer, because it is believed that the longer you live the more chances you get of forming cancer. Also, you'll probably die of something else, before a cancer takes place. You could die at any moment. Don't worry, you'll end up dead anyway. - gossamer presents... Sarah!


Question 2
swollen painful lyhpnodes on my armpit which grow and reduce in size. What could be the cause?...  

1)   Anything from an infection to cancer. It's time to see a doctor. - FaZizzle

2)   It is usually bacterial infection, then endocrine disorders or cancer. See a doctor. - Van Bo

3)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Lesha

4)   You should use Tramadol, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Kristan


Question 3
are you unhealthy if a black mark appears on your face from rubbing gold on it?...  

1)   ermm..... the gold was probably dirty - Cjeam

2)   hope this helps

Why does gold darken some women's skin?

Our AP chem class was discussing the fact that if 14k gold touches some women's skin, it will turn the skin grey or black. This generally only works on women, and is said to be a sign of iron deficiency. It is also most noticeable on the face. However, we were able to find no chemical explanation for this. If you can help, I would love any information you can give me.
Margie Dickerson

I don't know what's causing the color change. If there really is some connection between the darkening and iron deficiency, such a noticeable symptom would be familiar to diagnosticians. You might ask a doctor about this.

Gold is chemically rather inert. One of the other metals present (silver, nickel, copper) in the jewelry is probably causing the color change. Skin reactions to gold do exist. But they involve gold salts, not the metal, and the reactions are described as contact dermatitis, not as dark spots.

Gold is a soft metal, and it probably wears off the surface of the jewelry a bit faster than the other metals. If the jewelry is just gold-plated, the plating may be wearing away and allowing the base metal or plastic to contact the skin directly. It may be the base material that's causing the darkening.

Nickel causes most of the skin problems with jewelry. But as with gold allergies, nickel hypersensitivity seems to be a burning rash, not a darkening of the skin.

Some electrolysis of the metals in the jewelry will occur on the moist, salty surface of the skin. This definitely happens with copper; its ions stain the skin green. In fact, copper rings were once worn as 'blood purifiers'- the green discoloration was thought to be impurities drawn from the blood. If silver in the jewelry is oxidized on the chloride-rich surface of the skin, light-sensitive silver chloride might be formed. The AgCl will photoreduce to black silver crystals on the skin. Or, you could be getting an oxide or sulfide of one of the metals; many of those are black.

I suspect that the real story involves more than just simple metal redox reactions on the skin.

Reader Comments
Hi. Great site. I just read your answer to the question about why some women's skin turns dark when gold is rubbed on it. You may not have much experience with the mysteries of cosmetics, so I just wanted to let you know that it's the "foundation" or "base" that turns dark, not the woman's actual skin. Way back in high school, girls used to sneak up on each other and streak a ring on a face to test if someone was wearing make-up.
Kate Petersen, 3/01/00
I do not wear any makeup/foundation etc on my hands and in the winter more so than in the summer my fingers turn very dark from my gold jewelry. So, I do not think it is from foundation.
anonymously contributed, 10/08/00

I have repeatedly tried rubbing my gold ring on my hands (no makeup) and also my cheek with zero makeup, and it always leaves black streaks. Some of my friends' skin in the same places leaves no marks whatsoever. Some mark very easily and darkly. Weird! I had heard long ago that this signified and iron deficiency, but perhaps this is a myth. The rings I used to try it are all 10 or 14 karat.
Jen Hughes, 10/18/00.

I recently bought my girlfriend a diamond with a 14kt gold ring. One reason that gold can make skin darker is because of certain types of makeup. One day she just took the ring off and made a line on her face with it. I couldn't believe it. I guess that is a way to tell if it is real gold also.
anonymously contributed, 11/15/00

Author: Fred Senese

General Chemistry Online! Why does gold darken some women's skin?
Copyright © 1997-2010 by Fred Senese
Comments & questions to
Last Revised 02/15/10.URL: - John 21350

3)   Yes, it meas you have a lack of iron.

You should get that checked out with the doctors to make sure your not anemic - Chrisdyann


Question 4
Is a teenager more likely to survive ovarian cancer than someone who is older?...  I'm 16 years old and I might have ovarian cancer. What are the chances of dying for my age?

1)   i have no clue but they probally will because there immune system is a lot stronger than someone older - Lauraine

2)   It would toally depend on the stage of the cancer, 1 through 4, or if it has spread. Nobody can give chances at your age, but maybe 15 - 20 percent, vs. 50 percent over 40 or 50. But, level of progression is everything, more important than your health and resilience/immunity. - Van Bo

3)   Simply put, your chances are much higher than a person of middle-age. Out of the research that I have done about various cancers, it appears that people of younger age (meaning younger than middle-aged) are more likely to survive various types of cancer than their elderly counterparts, mostly due to the fact that the immune system is much stronger and recovery from harsh treatments such as chemotherapy is generally quicker.

With cancer it is always to remember that attitude is very important in overcoming any kind of cancer and your outlook on the recovery of cancer can truly make a difference not only in the chances of recovery, but the overall recovery in general. Keep your chin up, and don't give up.

God Bless. - Jacob


Question 5
How long does it take for a recovering meth addict to not act crazy?...  My brother used to smoke meth (I'm not sure how much he would do/how often, but it was at least 2-3 times a week for several months.. he's a really big guy tho) and now he says he hasn't done it "for a while." I know for a fact that he did it at least 3 weeks ago but I don't know if he's done it since. But he's still kind of acting crazy and in his own world and talking nonsense, and seems bi-polar a lot. So I am wondering how long does it take for these withdrawal symptoms to go away, or, alternatively, if these symptoms are symptoms of him still doing it. I mean, this guy is batsh!t crazy. Did he do permanent damage? Please note, he hasn't lost any teeth and doesn't look all methed out. His behavior is just crazy nuts.

1)   Meth reallly messes you up so bad you may never come back to normal unfortunately

View private myspace albums @ - The Answer

2)   your brother has some problems - Mitchell

3)   ~not to rain on your parade, but I have a younger sis' that did it for years, leaves it, goes back, etc. She likes to steal and always finds a way to get it back in her blood. It's something that's easy to acquire and most ppl use their 'shortcomings' as excuse. And most ppl are lazy so it all comes down to their personal choice. Nobody's holding a gun to them, and if it took that for them to stop, sorry; they aren't worth the drama. - anelektrix


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