PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! why am i always thirsty?... i am 17 (if that matters) and i feel thirsty all the time! and water does not help. i drink about 3 cups of water a day and i am still very thirsty. and i even drink a can of soda and i am still very very thirsty.... what do you think?
wow these answers SUCK....
1) there alot of reason for this 1 might be one of your parents were acholics or you might have diabetes if i were you i would see a doctor about this to be sure. good luck - young_augusta_kid
2) OMG!!! Your turning into a vampire... Water won't cut it anymore, you need blood... LMAO - riiss718
3) 3 cups of water? Seriously? That's about half as much as you should have. - Tiktaalik
4) You are dehydrated. If you are feeling thirsty by mouth, it's too late. Your body is already dehydrated. 3 glasses of water is nothing. You need to drink 8-10. I know it seems like a lot but your body is all fluids. Sodas only dehydrate so keep those at a miumum. - MP3
5) Unless Its Well Over 8 Cups Of Water A Day I Wouldnt Worry About It. 8 Cups Is Recomended Daily (I Personally Go Through About 12/Day). And The Soda Will Actually Make You Even Thirstier. I Wouldnt Worry About It Being Diabetes Related Unless You Have A Terrible Diet And Family History Of Diabetes. - Greg C
6) sounds like diabetes. one of the symtems of diabetes is constant thirst no matter what or how much you drink. - rayray
7) 'i even drink a can of soda"? soda dries you out. and you're 17? you can drink 8 glasses of water a day. drink water whenever you feel thirsty. and maybe it's where you spend your time. Is your house hot? stuffy? drinking water should help. and if you're still dry with 3 cups of water a day, DRINK MORE. and any sugary drinks, even juice doesn't really count. especially sugary drinks that are carbonated, they wont help if you're thirsty. think a little. - Candace
8) Well I have diabetes also and signs of it is thirsty,Use the restroom allot, dizzy, Mood chage alot, etc. so yea. - Meg
Question 2
is this a kidney infection?... two nights ago,i went to go lay down in my bed to watch some tv.i had a headache earlier,but it wasn't that bad.but as soon as i went to lay down,it turned into an intense migraine,to the point i couldn't even open my eyes.then i started shivering uncontrollably(more like convulsing).i was SO cold out of no where,and nothing was making it better(blankets,sweaters and whatnot).the color in my hands drained,they were pale white,then my nail beds were bright blue and my hands became numb(along with my feet).also,along with these symptoms came nausea.i also felt as if i were about to pass out.couldn't drink or eat anything,felt too sick.also,im 32 weeks pregnant.i have been to the doctor but they didn't seem to take it seriously.they said i MIGHT have a bladder infection.but i looked online and all my symptoms match a kidney lower right back has been hurting as well,like i was punched there or something.and its warm to the touch,plus i have stabbing pains in my abdomen.the doctors gave me some antibiotics for a bladder infection and im supposed to go in on monday for another checkup.i still feel like shit even after taking the tired,could barely get up today at all.and my back is still killing me.could the meds they gave me for my bladder clear up an infection in my kidneys?any advice would be much appreciated.
1) I've had a ton of bladder infections, and none of them were ever so severe that I had a fever, chills and nausea. Sounds like you had an incompetent doc. See another. - Tiktaalik
2) You should use sumycin, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Silvia
3) if you have been peeing blood yo may be passing a kidney stone - David
4) It could possibly be a kidney infection or stone that's passing. You have some of those symptoms. They can do a cat sca but not sure if they will if you are preggers. I can't explain some of your other symptoms but as long as your doctor knows about them, thats all that matters. Giving birth is easier than passing kidney stones. I've passed more than a few. Drink your water! :) - MP3
Question 3
Can iodine be classified as drug?...
1) i'm pretty sure it is or its illegal to buy anyways.. we aren't aloud to sell amounts of it to people unless they have a special certificate at my work. I think becuase its a harmful chemical though. - Shelly
2) depends on what form you are talking about.because i am taking a vitamin that is kelp which it is iodine (as kelp). which i bought at gnc - sweety_8402
Question 4
Could I possibly have an STD?... Okay so I just went to go pee, and when I pulled my penis out there was alittle bit of whiteish yellow stuff slight coming out the tip of my penis. This is the only time it has ever happened. It has been burning when I pee alittle bit, but I have had bad pains in my kidney area lately so I figure the pee problem has something to do with that. On another note I did masturbate earlier, and i figure it might have been alittle left over semen in my penis, but that was like 5 hours ago? But I do have unprotected sex with my girlfriend, she's 18, she's definitely had sex with more than one guy that I'm aware of in her life. She's the only girl I've ever had sex with though. The first time we did it was about 2 months ago sooo.... What do you think? Should I be worrying?
1) You should see a doctor for the best evaluation, sounds like it could be some kind of problem, or it could just be something harmless, so a doctor would be the best place to start. I hope that I've helped. - Kirsty
2) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use clindamycin phosphate-vaginal cream. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Allene
Question 5
How do you get rid of a cold sore?... It hasn't actually become a cold sore yet but I can feel it coming in. Is there anything I can do to stop it before it even starts showing?
1) Use Zovirax, always helps me. - Taylah
2) l- lysine - Unagi
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