How do you know if you have Stomach Ulcer?... My Stomach really hurts and i have been skipping meals lately because i am not hungry. My friend told me that it might be Stomach Ulcer. But i want to make sure! How do you know if you have Ulcer? which side of the stomach will hurt? Help me please! I need an answer and fast!
1) Easy. Go to the Doctors. - Betty P
2) A stomach ulcer can be from a virus..
Its basically a pain-symptom..
Go to the Emergency Room. - Mark M
3) Burning pain is the most common peptic ulcer symptom. The pain is caused by the ulcer and is aggravated by stomach acid coming in contact with the ulcerated area. The pain typically may:
Be felt anywhere from your navel up to your breastbone
Last from a few minutes to several hours
Be worse when your stomach is empty
Flare at night
Often be temporarily relieved by eating certain foods that buffer stomach acid or by taking an acid-reducing medication
Disappear and then return for a few days or weeks
Less often, ulcers may cause severe signs or symptoms such as:
The vomiting of blood — which may appear red or black
Dark blood in stools or stools that are black or tarry
Nausea or vomiting
Unexplained weight loss
Appetite changes
If you do see a doctor for these symptoms they will do a simple test where they take a quick sample of your stool to see if there is blood in it. They don't make you go #2, they stick their finger (with gloves on) into your bum for a quick sec and you're done.
good luck. - Mercy
4) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use aciphex. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Vita
5) Avoid fried and greasy foods, no dairy products. Only a doc can diagnose ulcers. Do not do OTC: Tums, etc. If not better avoiding those foods, then see an Internal Medicine MD --- if you do that, ask for samples before buying medicines. - painfredoc
Question 2
my gall blatter was taken out at 15 what can i not eat?...
1) i'm guessing raccoons - pumpernickel
2) Fried foods. nuts. - John J. S
3) you need to consult a doctor - Naman
4) You can eat anything you want but pay attention to how your body reacts. I had my gallbladder out 5 years ago and have had no restrictions on my eating. - Ellen
5) Just avoid fried and greasy foods and should be good to go. Keep sodas (pop) to a minimum. - painfredoc
Question 3
is this a skin allergy?... ok for the past month and a half I wake up around the same time between 2 and 4 itching...all over my body....thighs, chest, stomach, legs, and I thought it was my bed so I replaced it, but the itching continues, so i tried lotions and creams, still nothing, i took baths in oatmeal, nothing, the itching continues, only at night though, then goes away during the day, i noticed now i have bumps on my penis (i dont believe there stds because i havent had sex in 7 months) and these rashes on my stomach which usually go away, i dont know what to do, i cannot even sleep through the night, only if i am extremely tired i can do so, the only night i havent had a problem was when i slept at friends house in another town, i am trying to figure it out on my own because i dont have insurance or money for the doctors
1) You could have bed bugs or some other critter infesting your bed if it is only happening at night.
Have you been wearing any new clothes?
Try a hypoallergenic laundry detergent or just a different - Ian
2) Try calling a pharmacist as their advice or ideas can be for free, just the cost of the call basically. Describe that to them and ask if there is some over the counter medication they could recommend.
I would not wait with this as it will just continue and possibly worsen. If you have no insurance the medical association can not refuse you treatment. I'd say you need to get seen most by a dermatologist and see what the cause of this is, odd you only get that when you sleep but changed the bedding. How often do you vacuum and dust your room? Could be a sensitivity to dust or dust mites as they tiny to see but those can feed on shedding skin cells. Some people are allergic to them. What material do you sleep on? It may be the fabric of your bedding and sheets also. Wool is a known skin irritant. Cotton is most compatible , try using only cotton bedding. Take a benadryl before bed, it helps reduce allergic reactions and it can make you groggy enough to sleep more. - tj
3) You should use clarinex, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Vita
Question 4
Can stryofoam cause cancer?... Basically from exposure
1) Hardly... why would they make cups out of it? - Thumbs down
2) I suggest you to see ---->
I found this link here on few days before.
It contain lots of helpful information to maintain a healthy lifestyle - Jennifer
Question 5
can a diabetic eat grilled cabbage?...
1) One time rationed eating won't hurt. On regular basis you should ask your doctor. - Vladimir Y
2) Consuming the right food is vital for your health. You can try supplementing your diet with acai berry, it is not solely a widely tested and acknowledged weight loss compound, it is a superfood too. There's a risk free trial available at I have been using it for 2 weeks now and it is definately working!! - Ahmed
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