does the blood taste sweet if you have diabetes?...
sorry im not those of twilight but is just that i cut my finger today so in the reaction y swallowed the blood and it tasted sweet that is why i aks
1) no. - Sebastian D
2) no - Introvert
3) HAHA, your fin' funny. No! - *EmOBoy*
4) No blood is sweet,
Unless you're a vampire (; - c h e !
5) No.
Instead of being a Twilight wanna-be, just eat some chocolate.\Jeez - deb.peg1
6) If you are on the verge of a diabetic emergency, your breath gets fruity from acetone. - Chem Girl
Question 2
Should I go ahead with the treadmill stress test?... I am scheduled for a treadmill stress test tomorrow at 2:30. My paper with instructions says to avoid caffeine and I was thinking it was just for the day of the test. Then I noticed it says no caffeine for 24 hrs. prior to testing. I drank a caffeinated diet Coke around 5 pm today. Will it really make a difference as to where I should cancel the testing? I never consumed any caffeine since that Coke around 5 pm. I drank another one but I believe it was before 2:30.
1) Yes you need to cancel. Caffeine stays in your system for quite a while. With it in your system you won't get accurate results. - Binka
2) yes go - but be sure and tell them - Angel most of the time
3) I have tried every diet under the sun but nothing worked as effectively as acai berry. I realize they say that pills will not work, but they definitely worked for me, and they've been featured on CNN too. There's a free trial on at the moment at , try it, how worse could it make things? - Camila
4) I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Dr Ashely
5) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use venlafaxine. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Alysia
Question 3
Boyfriend has tried everything for acne?... My boyfriend has pretty bad acne on his cheeks and he's tried pretty much everything and is getting frustrated... does anybody have anything that has worked miracles for you?
1) I've used the Neutrogena Fight And Fade gel. Little tube. Apply a thin amount. I've used it on my cheeks. My brother who is just going into high school was breaking out terri-bad from wrestling. he used it and had beautiful results. - balderdash1789
2) spectro gel and spectro pads use 2 times daily - Betty
3) Proactive worked pretty well. But even better was Burts Bees acne spot treatment.. dried everything up for me after months of frustration! - Sarah S
4) What's good to do is putting gel deodorant on the zit/pimple. It dries up the pus, and it gets removed. Same with the white on toothpaste. I've done them both and I personally think the deodorant works better. Just have him put a little on his fingertip and then on the parts of acne. It may take a couple of days to happen, though.
Best of luck - Lysa
5) about it you can get information from here - Alysia
Question 4
Does pills prescribed by a doctor for acne really work?... I have been dealing with very bad acne since the fourth grade and I don't trust acne products anymore, they never work for me. How long does it take for my face to clear up If I get the pills?
1) it starts working in about a week.. have you tried spectro gel that works great for me.. better then the pills - Betty
2) There are several pills. They work for many, but there are no promises for an individual. See the dermatologist for an evaluation of the type of acne that you have. The pills don't work at all for some types. They can give you a better idea of how long it may take you to respond depending on your type of acne and the treatment chosen for your acne. - curator
3) No medication is going to work the same for anyone. What works for someone else may not necessarily work for you. However Rx pills from a dermatologist do seem to work more efficiently than topical treatments. BUT remember that those kind of medications are going to have side effects, some of which are serious. Your dermatologist will discuss these things with you. - Ashnc89
4) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Alysia
Question 5
helllllllllllllllllllllllppppppppppppppppppp?... ok i had sex with a risky person about 3 weeks ago with a condom on the whole time and no oral sex and not even any kissing.... first i really want to know how likely it would be that i got hiv and how soon can i get a test that will give me at least some kind of Relief i know its like 12 weeks but cant they be like 80% sure After like 2 weeks or what ever???just an example
1) you can get the test now!!!! and with a condom you have about 80% chance of NOT getting it! Good luck! - Alexander
2) HIV doesn't show up in your system for about 3 months, so stop having sex with risky people. - Andie
3) I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Dr Ashely
4) No it can take up to a few years to show - Milli
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