Thursday, March 4, 2010

how do you get rid of bacterial vaginosis please HELP!!?

Question 1
how do you get rid of bacterial vaginosis please HELP!!?...  I have had bacterial vaginosis for 5 months now...HELP!!!! ive been in the hospital for it and have been to my OBGYN over and over again and have gotten antibiotics and creams and nothing had worked i have had this for 5 months straight a nasty heavy discharge and sometimes a foul smell. me and my fiance' cant have sex because the discharge is so bad. someone please help me its ruining my life!! what can i do to get rid of it!! is there other things besides those. i have been searching the internet forever and still cant find anything HELP!!!!!!!

1)   All you can really do is grin and bare it. - Ponch

2)   you could probably douche to make it go away. - Lizzy

3)   husband is OBGyn and I just ran this by him.
He says it may not be bacterial vaginosis. - hunnerbunner

4)   Tell your GYN you need a new antibiotic. Tell him/her that he better find something that will work and stop wasting your time. When you get new antibiotics...You have to follow the antibiotic directions carefully. Alcohol can also alter the effects of antibiotics. Don't miss any doses.

If I were you, I would find a new GYN or get a second opinion with your treatment. That is far to long to be having an infection without at least a little bit of relief. - Serena T

5)   did they prescribe cipro, it's gross tasting but it should work - lulume00

6)   I just googled " bacterial vaginosis" and found 50 sites.

There is treatment. - Kelle

7)   Boy, if those antibiotics aren't helping you, you are going to find it difficult to get rid of. I can send you some links to home treatments, but I have found that home treatments for this do not work well. Maybe you will have better luck. - carboluver


Question 2
HOW BADLY CAN YOU GET IT?...  Can you get hurt if you eat aluminum foil?

1)   a little bit is harmless. You could probably ingest quite a bit before you would get ill but of course if you ate a big wad of it, your intestines could get blocked. - SethSpeaks

2)   Eating the correct food is crucial for your health. You can try supplementing your diet with acai berry, it's not solely a widely tested and acknowledged weight loss product, it's a superfood too. There's a risk free trial offered at I've been using it for two weeks now and it is certainly working!! - Kamari

3)   Yes, you can get very badly hurt. Aluminum is not an edible substance.

Why would you want to eat it? - Sincere

4)   Why would you want to eat it? If it was by accident, little amounts will probably do no harm. If, however, you eating to get your stomach full, and don't want to gain weight, I suggest celery. - Dante the Demon Fae

5)   if you eat a full sheet, well then your just stupid. why are you eating foil. that is a freak thing - M-pack


Question 3
why does my heart race when i smoke weed?...  idk why my heart goes nuts it gets really painful because it wont stop beating it dosent happen to my friends last time my heart was beating at 162bpm for about 20 minutes nonstop it hurts really bad idk why it happens to me and not my friends can anyone give me an explanation of why it happens

1)   I hope you have a heart attack. - Bo Jackson

2)   Because that is what weed does to you. Duh. - Lys

3)   Perhaps it doesnt like it when u smoke weed. - xXBlizzXx

4)   If it hurts, then why keep smoking weed already? Quit before you have a heart attack and die! - NormalR

5)   Some immediate physical effects of marijuana include a faster heartbeat and pulse rate, bloodshot eyes, and a dry mouth and throat. No scientific evidence indicates that marijuana improves hearing, eyesight, and skin sensitivity. Studies of marijuana's mental effects show that the drug can impair or reduce short-term memory, alter sense of time, and reduce ability to do things which require concentration, swift reactions, and coordination, such as driving a car or operating machinery. - Guerita


Question 4
Do i have herpes & how could this affect me?...  I noticed that I have a quite large bump on my vagina. It looks a little swollen, but I haven't really thought much of it until I took a shower the other night. It hurts a little more each day & I've began to get concerned. I've looked up details on herpes, but the pictures look nothing like what I have. This bump looks more like a large mosquito bite or something of that form. The description kind of follows what is happening to me, but I would just like to know if I really do have herpes. I was fingered maybe 4 weeks ago & I'm pretty sure he hadn't touched himself beforehand. I'm just very concerned & need a little more info on this because it's my first time to ever have been "active" beings that I'm 13 years old & I'm a little nervous. Please help!

1)   Mercy.

Get tested. It is the only way you will know. - Kelle

2)   Do you go kayaking??? usually in the commercials that is what people, with herpes, do for activities. if not did you get a spider bite or something? or shave your pubes and get an ingrown hair? go ask your parents if you do not know. suck it up and stop screwing around if you don't know what you are doing and too afraid to ask for help because you cant even drive. - Joe

3)   Normally herpes spreads itself around a bit, similar to a rash, but more the size of pimples than a large mossie bite. You would need a certain medication for Herpes that you can't get over the counter. If you only have that one lump it could possibly be a cyst ( a collection of fluid). They are very common and lucky for us girls, vagina's are trouble from the get go. If the lump keeps getting bigger and doesn't go away or it spreads like a rash the best thing would be to get it checked out by a doctor. Also i know it's a scary thought but talking to an older female figure in your life, whether it be a mum, sister or aunt, possibly a school councilor can help a great deal. I know you're only 13 but everyone's been young once! Good luck - Mj

4)   Tell your mother you having trouble that you do not want to talk about and need to see a gynecologist. - Mr. Fix It


Question 5
Could constant drinking cause blackouts?...  My partner drinks a lot every night then passes out or I would find him on the carpet floor, dead drunk. When I ask him somethings that happened that night he could not remember at all. I drink with him too, but not as much, and I seem to have short term memory or is this a blackout? I have a hard time remembering exact details of sad events or I do not recall anything at all. Is this what alcohol does to a person? After a month or sometimes even 2 months would pass, out of the blue, when I am under stress again, I would remember everything again.It is so weird. Can anybody tell me if this is a blackout caused by alcohol consumption? It is so scary. Thanks

1)   Yes it is a blackout caused by alcohol abuse. - Kelle

2)   how much are you drinking? age? weight? Without knowing that, I couldn't tell ya. The symptoms sounds a little bit like a blackout but more like a "brownout" which is where the memory is there but just vague. Be careful how much you drink. - Warren A

3)   As a recovering alcoholic from a family of acoholics I can say YES with certainty. I have had many of these "spells", not fun. I drank daily anywhere fronm 12-24 beers a day. I blacked out a lot! I can also tell you that once I got sober it took a good year for me to get my memory back. Your brain does regenerate somewhat, but a lot of that damage is permanant. I believe I have some damage that won't ever go away. For instance I used to be very quick witted, and the 1st with a good comeback. I am no longer the quick thinker I used to be. It's sad but alcohol is really dangerous. My mother is also an alcoholic. She drinks a lot of vodka every night, and has for the past 25 years. You can't tell her anything becuase she never remembers. I am slowely watching her slip away. She is becomming paranoid as well. Be careful because alcohol is not the harmeless drug people think it is. GoodLuck - Princess

4)   It is smart of you to question what drinking does to you. Yes it can be very scary. Yes, it can cause blackouts and be very harmful to you if you drink in excess.

If your partners drinks a lot every night he is probably an alcoholic. And if you continue to drink with him you will be one too.

This is a serious condition that can also cause major liver problems and other health problems.
Seriously think if you want to continue this lifestyle.

Good Luck - John K


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