Monday, March 15, 2010

I was tested for diabetes a few months ago, all was apparently clear, what else could be wrong? Please help?

Question 1
I was tested for diabetes a few months ago, all was apparently clear, what else could be wrong? Please help?...  This happens quite often. I have sandwiches and a chocolate bar for lunch, on the way home from school about 3 - 4 hours later I start shaking and trembling. I feel sweaty and really REALLY hungry, my heart beats really fast and I feel panicky and ill. I got this coming home from school today, and literally raided the fridge! I ate 2 mars bars, a kit kat, a small muffin, an orange, and a bun until the shaking stopped.
Also, I was late starting my periods, and they are often irregular. I am of a slim frame also.

Does anyone know what's going on??

1)   You could have either low or high blood sugars.... I personally have a lot of people in my family who have diabetes and I know it started out with having blood sugar problems as it seems you may have.
Make an appointment with you doctor and get to him to test your blood sugars. - x6x9 Sunstar x6x9

2)   That sounds like diabetes. Those are the symptoms. Maybe your body is producing too much insulin, and your sugar drops low, causing you get feel sick. Check with a doctor and tell him/her about what your experiencing.

Best wishes. - Kira

3)   Maybe you have Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or wide fluctuations in your blood sugar count. Find a doctor who will put you through a fasting blood sugar test. No food 12 hours before the test. - doofuss

4)   You should use avandia, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Antonia


Question 2
Can you feel physically sick in the heart from being anxious?...  My husband is coming home tomorrow from over seas and I am cleaning and all that stuff, and my heart just feels like sunk in and its beats are all over the place...I have been having panic attacks since 3-4 weeks ago so they put me on a heart monitor and it goes off by its self if it detects something and its gone off twice haha my heart just feels physically jumbled haha it that possible?
I actually feel sick in my throat...

1)   totally, stress attacks your weak points in your body - Since You Asked

2)   Sure...

The MIND / BODY connection is strong.

Let me ask you... are you HAPPY or UNHAPPY he's coming home.

Typically this kind of ANXIETY is a precursor to a NEGATIVE event. - stanleys_2001

3)   Any emotion can trigger a psychosomatic response. - Loughlin


Question 3
Is the third/last HPV jab the worst?...  I have had the 1st and 2nd, and the third one is coming up, I was quite ill with the first, but ok with the 2nd just a little sore and dizzy. But people say the 3rd one is the worst, is it? Because I have a school trip and my birthday party a few days after?

1)   I dont think so hun, my friends at college had it and they were all fine for the whole day
they had it at 9:30 and we left college at 4pm and all of them were fine, they use the same side needles so it will just be like the other times - #1 Death Eater

2)   I found them all the same to be honest. Just keep your arm relaxed and wiggle your fingers. This will help to get the needle in easily, and should cause less pain. I found my arm ached a bit after all of them, and the third was no different!

Good luck! - Cathy

3)   no, i had my 3rd the other week and it was exactly the same. It may seem sorer to others because of the 4 month gap between the 2 vaccinations. But, from my experience, the after effects were just the same (aching muscles). - L15A


Question 4
My dad keeps falling asleep. Could his diabetes be the reason?...  My parents are visiting and I've noticed that my dad falls asleep throughout the day. It happens most often when he's watching tv (even if it's a programme he wants to see), and today whilst we were having a conversation his eyes closed and he seemed to just drift off. He's not aware it's happening and when my mum or I wake him up, he denies having fallen asleep and gets quite defensive. If it happens with friends I'm sure they'd find it quite rude if he dropped off whilst thye were talking, but I'm more concerned it could happen whilst driving. Is this commen for a 62yr old man or could the diabetes be the cause. Could the condition itself result in spontanseous uncontrolled episodes of falling asleep or could the medication he's on need checking? I know this is really frustrating my mum so some answers would be great.
They are a little high at the moment, but he says it's because of the hour time difference between the UK and France where they live. I don't believe it could make a difference.

1)   It could be. What are his meter readings like? - Mr TEL

2)   It might be because of sleep Apnea if he is a large man. - Vad

3)   Your instincts are good. Sleepiness can be a symptom of uncontrolled diabetes or the result of medication. The problem could also be sleep-related, like sleep apea. I hope you can persuade your dad to have a complete physical and a medication check to see what the problem may be. Good luck. - ExeneC


Question 5
Urethral stent, kidney infection, dizziness...?...  So i had a urinary tract infection and went to get treatment, they gave me bactrim for 3 days. i went to the hospital 10 days later due to pain in my lower back. it had not killed the infection, and it ended up moving to the opening and into my kidneys. so they kept me in the hospital for 3 days and placed a urethral stent in me. they kept it in for 13 days and gave me levaquin for 10 days. i have had the stent removed for 9 days and am now getting lightheaded more frequently and easily. i was wondering if anyone else had this problem and what i should do.

also, they saw inflation at the opening of my kidney, and they are going to do a follow up in a week and a half to make sure it was only from the infection and it has subsided. so, i'm not sure if that has to do with it.

1)   anything that interferes with kidney function can cause you to be "lightheaded," as it disturbs your fluid balance. Drink lots of water. - David B

2)   about it you can get information from here - Sabine

3)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Antonia


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