What happens if i don't think any water for like... 2 wks?... I'm drinking milk and soy drinks, but just no water. Is there any effect on my body? is anything going to happen
1) no you should be fine you just need liquids to live - ralph wiggum
2) You start misspelling common words like "drink" - CletusTSJY
3) i think you can get a urinary track infection from that besides needing water to live the water helps clean the body out, urinary track infections are horrible - Toppie
4) you might get dehydrated because not drinking water is the worst that you can do to your body. Your body needs unbelievable amounts of water and you are not drinking any!!! you might have digestive complications and feel tired. Please drink water. - Monique
5) all those liquids are water based plus you get most of the water you need to sustain yourself through food as well. the 8 glasses of water a day is a myth
check out the article in my source for more info - CanuckCrazy
6) The 7 to 8 glasses of water a day are from ALL sources not just straight water. Milk and Soy drinks are actually mostly water themselves so you'll be fine as long as you drink enough. - This Guy
7) Water is a vital source for your body, it helps in elimination of extra heat, harmful substances, helps in flow of blood also lot more .... If you dont get enough water every day, u can get exhausted very quickly, dehydration, effect on heat elimination like sweating, ... - Majestics
8) Is there a reason you're doing this? Nothing serious will happen to you if you are still consuming other liquids, but you might become moderately dehydrated, and of course you won't feel as great as you would if you were drinking plenty of water.
From the Mayo Clinic:
Symptoms of mild dehydration:
* Dry, sticky mouth
* Sleepiness or tiredness — children are likely to be less active than usual
* Thirst
* Decreased urine output — fewer than six wet diapers a day for infants and eight hours or more without urination for older children and teens
* Few or no tears when crying
* Muscle weakness
* Headache
* Dizziness or lightheadedness
Unfortunately, thirst isn't always a reliable gauge of the body's need for water, especially in children and older adults. A better barometer is the color of your urine: Clear or light-colored urine means you're well hydrated, whereas a dark yellow or amber color usually signals dehydration. - ceegeebee
9) I'd say if you have milk, natural juices, soy drinks, and any other kind of healthy liquids, it's even better for your body then water, cause besides the normal water you drink, they also contain loads of minerals and vitamins. nothing will happen if you don't drink water, as long as you get all the liquid your body needs from alternate sources (food, juices and others), so there is no need to worry
your loyal drug-store online:
http://www.rxshop.md/ - kure-ji-kuraun
10) You are drinking water. Milk, tea, coffee, pop, juice etc. are all 90+% water. Don't let anyone tell you they are not... - Swami
Question 2
My rabbit has just bitten me - do I need to get a tetanus injection?...
1) about 15 of them ought to do it - Bob
2) what rabbit? is it your pet? did it get all the vaccine shots it was suppose to when it was little? if yes then you have nothing to worry about; if not, you might wanna do some checks on any kind of infection. but tbh, I really doubt you can get anything deadly from a rabbit, when I was little I used to visit my grandparents a lot at their farm, and they had lots of animals there, including rabbits and hares, and I sometimes would just pull my finger in their cage so they bit it (was a bit of a masochist back then), and I never got anything^^
your loyal drug-store online:
http://www.rxshop.md/ - kure-ji-kuraun
3) No! Tetnus is only for metal objects and tin..like a tuna can. - Jessica
4) ask your doctor not us - **********
Question 3
I have empysema.i want some advice please?... I know this sounds silly but when i go for a walk sometimes i get out of breath but i can handle it.Another time my stomach starts to ache as if i am in apanic and i feel like i need the loo for a poo.This is spoilnig my life.Does this happen to anyone else and can you control it thanks
1) My great grandmother has emphysema and she was bed ridden becuase of the fact that she was the same way that you are and she just couldnt deal with the walking and the pain. The best thing for you to do would be to go to your physician and speak with him and have him prescribe you some medication to help with the pain, that way you can go on living with your life, because becoming bed ridden is a bad way to avoid the pain of walking and moving around with emphysema, so do what I said because you should never let any illness beat you, thanks and god bless :) - Robert
2) I'm sorry emphysema is not a joke, but you have to get through it; even just for your own sake. You know they say,"where I've come from is too far, that where I'm headed to" If you smoke then you better stop. Trying isn't good enough. Drink a lot of clean water, it's good for your health and try and keep your environment fresh; from your home, to your compound. Avoid bad perfumes. - moraa
3) as this condition can have a devastating effect on one the person to ask about your emphysema and the effects on your quality of life is not here you will find them in the doctors consulting rooms - fytp
Question 4
How long is the incubation period for Flu?... thanks
1) what is incubation - **********
2) 24 hours to 2 weeks depends on the person - burring off fatt 1234
3) it really depends on the person, but usually a simple flu will have a short incubation period, 24-48 hours and in some rare cases it can take longer
your loyal drug-store online:
http://www.rxshop.md/ - kure-ji-kuraun
Question 5
Cut on Vagina..HERPES FOR SURE?... The last time i had sex was almost 2 years ago. It was oral sex and i was the receiver.
I noticed a cut on my vagina after my menstrual cycle. It was like a paper cut..and i have no idea how it got there. I'm afraid its herpes. There hasn't been any burning or itching or it hasn't been painful to urinate. Does this sound like herpes?
1) I can't be sure by that description. Maybe you could send me a picture to be sure. - Duane
2) I suggest you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I found this link a few days before on answers.yahoo.com, it contains lots of
information on many health issues. hope that will help you as well. Thanks - David
3) No worries - there is a 99precent chance it's nothing but a cut - I do it all the time with my nails when I'm not careful cleaning myself in the shower. - azgoddess
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