Hey can we do sex only in the upper part of the body , i mean just to avoid the use of condom?... Not on the lower part of the body
1) if you are referring to oral, then you can still get stds from it. condoms are not 100% effective either. - Kay09
2) its called hugging n kissing i guess - hello
3) If avoiding pregnancy is your main concern you can do oral or other non-penetration activities. There is no protection from STDs though. And yes you can get STDs from oral sex! - skifaeri
4) Ambitious, arent you?? - Boo
Question 2
ance problems on the shoulders! what helps?... well im 12 and ance runs in the family. my brother whose 15 has bad acne on her face and back and i have some on my face and shoulders. anything that helps? ive been using ance free its not really working but now im getting it on the shoulders and its almost swim suit season i dont want anyone seeing that! what helps please tell me! any secrets for the shoulders? i need help before it spreads to my back :(. i take a shower every other day so anything that can fit that schedule for my shoulders so i can do something when i just have a towel on and my shoulder are free? help please!
1) for acne try these sites
www.skinsight.com/adult/acneVulgaris.htm -
www.niams.nih.gov/Health_Info/Acne -
familydoctor.org/.../skin/disorders/001.printerview.html - Em
2) 1. DONT wear tight clothes, this will irritate your skin even more...causing more acne
2. Make sure you shower at least once a day and use loofa to scrub it (not too hard, you might bleed)
3. Use shower gel that has salicylic acid
4. Dry your skin off, maybe put some acne powder or gel on it. This will help reduce the inflammation and redness
5. DONT scratch it!
6. Drink lots of water, and eat vegetables and fruits - Clark
3) I suggest you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I found this link a few days before on answers.yahoo.com, it contains very useful of
information about many health issues. hope that will help you as well. Thanks - Dr Rena
4) Take a shower EVERY day. Even if you don't want to wash your hair every day, wash your body.
If you do wash your hair, make sure you wash your body AFTERWARDS. Residue from your conditioner left on your skin can cause pimples so it's best to wash your body after you've already rinsed conditioner out of your hair, so that you can wash off any residue.
Also, shower at night so that all the oils from the day get washed off (if you wait until morning, those oils could form new pimples overnight). Keep your hair tied up if it is long, because if your hair gets dirty or oily, it can get on your shoulders. Make sure you sleep in clean shirts, on clean sheets, etc.
Be sure to wash your face every morning!!
The trick to getting rid of acne is CLEANLINESS. Try everything I mentioned and if that doesn't work, visit a dermatologist. Acne is a medical condition, and I have never had an over-the-counter wash do the trick enough - but a dermatologist can prescribe you stuff that works so much better. (Don't worry, they don't always give you pills. Mostly they give you prescription facewash and bodywash.) - nat
Question 3
Can I cure my acne this way?... so im joining swim team, and everyone says your skin clears up because chlorine kills germs. well i get cystic acne. you no the kind thats under the skin, and has no head. and they HURT. and once you get them you basically just have to wait for them to get better. well ill be in the pool everyday. will the chlorine stop them from forming? i dont get them too bad in summer, mostly fall-winter months. so what do you think?
please dont say "go to a dermo"
im just wondering will chlorine stop cystic acne.
the last couple times i went swimming, my skin broke out a little, but idk if it was just a coincidence, or something else.
and also how would ik if im allergic to latex or silicone swim caps?
will i grow out of cystic acne???
1) Sometimes it helps but everyone is different you should really try proactive and use it religiously it really does work because my gf had bad acne and it cleared it up for the most part she had cystic acne - non ya n
2) Chlorine won't stop cystic acne because cystic acne comes entirely from hormones. Therefore, it's within your body. I would suggest going to a dermatologist and talking about medication, because that is probably your best bet. - Wassocash
3) I suggest you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I found this link a few days before on answers.yahoo.com, it contains very useful of
information about many health issues. hope that will help you as well. Thanks - Dr Kristy
Question 4
What's the name of the skin around the inside of the eye?... You know how you can pull your eye open and see the tear ducts, etc. What's the pinkish coating around the eye itself? I need to know what it's called because it keeps getting an allergy.
1) humour?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye - Kelle
2) Conjunctiva. And the irritation from the allergy is called conjunctivitis. - SethSpeaks
3) I suggest you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I found this link a few days before on answers.yahoo.com, it contains very useful of
information about many health issues. hope that will help you as well. Thanks - Dr Kristy
Question 5
Is it normal that when you get a cut on your skin that it rises?... I hope this isn't a stupid question, but I was just wondering about it... Because I could have sworn that I've heard somewhere that it's abnormal, but I could be making things up in my head, haha. :D Anyone know for sure?
1) i do not understand the question... is it an older cut that is red and puy? is it more of a scratch? these are two things that can cause a cut to be raised... umm it couyld just be because you have irrated the area... - krystie59
2) umm well i have a puppy, and he bites me a lot, and they rise up. if you mean what i think. they always go away cause they are more like a scratch. normally scratches like that just rise up and get red and puffy. so its not abnormal - Turtler3
3) It's probably swelling. That's all. It happens to me and it's just your body trying to protect itself. - Brandon
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