Sunday, March 28, 2010

I keep getting pimples down near my vagina...ingrown hairs or herpes or just pimples?

Question 1
I keep getting pimples down near my vagina...ingrown hairs or herpes or just pimples?...  I always use to get boils...they would get real big until they would bust and they would have white pus and blood come out of them and then they would heal up. But now that I am pregnant I have not been getting boils thankfully because they leave a lot of scars down there. Now I just keep worrying I have herpes or something. I keep getting pimples in my pubic hair and I have 2 pimples down near my vagina in the crease of my leg....I had 2 pimples there about 2 weeks ago but they went away and now there is 2 there again...I thought they was boils but there not as big as boils. I use to shave a lot and my ob/gyn said to stop shaving because I have a lot of ingrown hairs down there. I have not shaved in like over a month now but why on earth do I still keep getting pimples. Should I just go to my family doctor and get checked for herpes? I am worried because I am pregnant and I don't want my baby getting anything. The pimple/ingrown hair things don't hurt until I start touching them and looking at them then they hurt a little but then thats it. When you have herpes you don't keep getting them right? Idk I am just so worried...someone please ease my mind thanks.!!!!
The only pill that I take is my prenatal vitamin for being pregnant and that is it.
I was tested for Hiv and stuff a while back before I was pregnant so I didn't think I would need to be tested again since I was not with anyone new since my last pap test. They did do another pap test on me and he looked and said I have a lot of ingrown hairs. I do wear tight underwear all the time. I think I will mention this tuesday so they can maybe take a look because I have another prenatal visit tuesday.

1)   soap and water hon. - kungdrew

2)   it could be alot of things and the best way is to go to the clinic or your doc and get a test to be can look up herpes on the net and see up close pics of females with herpes.then look at yours real close with a mirror under a light.but the best way is a blood test.girls do get jock iche if your active in some thing that causes excess sweat and it may cause you to break out in a rash.are you taking meds,meds can cause rashes and make people freak for nothing. - Mark

3)   HERPES!
FUCKLOAF! - Mattykins

4)   Please mention this to your OB. He can culture the drainage and set your mind at ease one way or the other. He might want to do a blood glucose test as well as frequent infections in this area can indicate high blood sugar as well as herpes infections. If it is a herpes infection, your doctor will need to monitor your pregnancy a bit closer and will probably plan for a C-Section in order to protect your child. - Mama Mia

5)   well,if your seeing a ob/gyn regularly during this pregnancy your were tested for herpes and other stds at your first blood screening test. If you were positive for anything you would have been told and treated..especailly for herpes because, if you had an outbreak around delievery time you would not be able to deliever vaginally. Sounds like you have ingrown hairs and i honestly have no advice on how to stop that..maybe your underwear are too tight and rubbing and pulling on the hairs? trying trimming instead of shaving. - Jameston Chandler's momma &l

6)   about it you can get information from here - Cassondra

7)   Zits are what happen when the oil glands in your skin get clogged and pus is what comes out when you pop them. But don't pop them! It only spreads infection and can make your embarrassing zits even worse! Zits do not care about color, sex, or age, everyone from teenagers to grannies get zits. In fact, zits can be found on the faces and bodies of over 70 million people!

A lot of things can cause zits including stress, and a build-up of toxins including infection. Stress is not just a mental state of being, it can also affect your physical wellness. If you have an infection, it will find an outlet through pimples.

While Herpes in the beginning stages of an outbreak, herpes may in fact look like a pimple or the so called zit.. A blocked hair follicle might as well give the same appearance as that of an early onset herpes outbreak. But this is only during the beginning stages. Later on, in the evolution of the disease it is pretty hard to mistake herpes with a pimple.

Herpes blisters on the other hand, start as small red spots either on your face or in your genital area. Even at the first stages the experience is different from having pimples, since most people feel tingling, burning or even painful "streams" coming out of the mentioned areas. Some people might get a lot of flu-like symptoms, like a fever, muscle pain or sensitivity to light. You could experience pain while urinating or difficulty in emptying your bladder, swollen lymph nodes around the groin area and itching in varying degrees. Women usually experience discharge from the vagina. Usually, you don't get those symptoms from pimples.

There are a lot of things that can give you zit, most of which have nothing to do with herpes at all. The skin area around the genital area, although more sensitive, is the same as on the rest of your body. If it gets irritated, whether it be irritation from clothes, chemical/hygienic products or from hair, a resulting pimple might appear. This does not mean it is an STD or Herpes. But if you suspect that the zits could be an alarming STD infections, the best way for you to do is to undergo STD Testing at Local STD Testing Labs. The test ensures you accurate and reliable results, another is, it is done confidentially. - STD Jason


Question 2
I have a random lump of skin under my armpit...?...  i noticed it yesterday, i thought it was a pimple or something, so i just ignored it. it hurts really bad. & the size has like doubled since last night. it's not red or anything, it doesn't itch. it just hurts bad! i think it's a swollen lymph node. how bad is this? does this mean i have cancer?

1)   Possibly yea hun... you should probably go to the hospital. if it didnt hurt it would be normal i guess... - Lucy Lu

2)   It is probably a cyst, which can be removed with minor surgery. The doctor will still biopsy the tissue and make sure it is not cancerous. You should have it scheduled for analysis and removal. - Dude

3)   ewwwwwwwww

lol just kidding my friend too also has a random thing of skin under his armpit but it was nothing. But you should get it checked out if its a fear a cancer ASAP but if you have only had it for two days id wait til a week before doing anything but im a dude so that may be just me - Josh O

4)   Please go to the doctor fast as you can. I had the same thing happen to me just 9months ago. It was cancer for me. I am cancer free now but I had to get my right breast removed. So please don't wait any longer. I had 2 lymph nodes removed also. It"s more hurtful not knowing. - stepdec1220

5)   Cancer- if your young no. 20 and up there could be a chance but if the size doubled overnight it would be a really aggressive cancer.

I would lean more toward a swollen lymph node since they are in your armpit. The swelling will go down and 3 weeks.
Your probably getting sick and that's your body's way of fighting it off. - bartle

6)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Szweq


Question 3
If you could have aids for a day, who would you give to?...  Aids is a cool way of getting at an "opposite sex" enemy, If i had it I would give to my grandmas friend "Mrs Pauline"! Mrs Pauline get on my nerves and she need some "thang thang". would you do this to someone you didn't like?

1)   yes. to everyone i hated hahahah - Danica T

2)   Never, aids is nothing funny!! It's serious. Sorry, you should not wish death or sickness upon anyone. It might just happen, I would know =[ - Daph

3)   uhmm honestly if i had aids i would be to depressed to get it on with any one, sorry but i just could not live with knowing that i sentence someone else to death just because of a mistake i made... - Travis

4)   I cant believe you just asked this. :( - PRGfUSMC


Question 4
what do you think of condom and sexual lubricant ads?...  I am all for safe sex.
But the ads are aired day and night. I have a lil girl.
The commercials I see such as Trojan Ecstasy doesn't really point much to safe sex but more for pleasure.
And lubricant ads...
My 8 year old even know what it is used for and I didn't even have to explain to her.
What is your opinion?

1)   about it you can get information from here - Cassondra

2)   Are you such a bad parent that you can't explain to your eight year old that grown-ups use condoms and lubricant to have grown-up fun together, and it's nothing that she needs? If you honestly can't find an age-appropriate way to explain these things, then you don't deserve to be responsible for the raising of a child. - Tiktaalik

3)   a child that young should not know what they are or used for but i see where just watching tv educates them and unless you screen there viewing what can you do.even turning on msn last week the news caption was about the state health dept in cal introducing manditory use of condoms in porn and if your kids play and the net there exposed there to.the best i could say is educating them on morals family value and right from wrong at an early age.when i was a child and there were seens on tv or inapropiate commercails we were told to cover are eyes and don,t watch but you know what good that did both my brothers and i had pregnant girl friends before twenty. - Mark

4)   Well, my parents used to have lubricant in their room and knowing me, i would always look through their stuff. Its funny actually. I only ever found out what it was, in sex ed (in high school). the fact that your daughter already knows what this stuff is, is kind of scary. Heck, I myself didn't even know what std's were until high school either. I wish they would remove those ads. Children shouldn't know this stuff at that young age. That's just sad. - Changmin>3 ♥♥♥


Question 5
Can Aids be used to track homosexual activity?...  Just wondering. I am not exactly straight myself and no I do not consider aids to be a gay killing virus. It dose seem to me however it is an anti male virus. A woman + woman has a very low chance of getting sick. A woman plus male has a higher chance of getting sick and a male + male has the highest. People often wonder how many men perform homosexual acts on the low or not and I am guessing one of those ways would be to fine and follow the spread rateof aids. Using differential equations you can determan accuretly how it will spread so can't you reverse the equation to fine out the number gay male population within a certain group? I meent eh number should be the same everywhere you go as well.

1)   That made no sense. - Tiktaalik

2)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will help you to find your answer, keep using - Dr steven

3)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use cialis. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Darcy

4)   dont worry, man, i am high too - alex


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