Can Virgins get STDs & also through oral sex? help pls!?... me and my boyfriend are planning on having oral sex. Both of us are virgins and we haven't had intimate relationships. is it possible to get stds through oral sex? and also he said that if i don't feel comfortable having oral sex we can do everything else using the hand.What is it that he meant by that? I'm quite nervous about getting naked around him even though we have being going out for over 5 months now.
Please help
1) If neither of you has ever had sexual contact I'd say the chances of contracting an STI are pretty slim. - James B
2) It sounds like you are really young and should really think this through.
Virginity is not just related to sex it is the sexual acts along with it. Anything where fluids are being transferred from one person to another is dangerous if you are not careful. Just because you are a virgin does not mean that you might not have done other things, true? So, all I can say is just be careful and from the sounds of it, I'd wait til I had a full understanding of what I was expected to do. But yes, you can contract stds through oral sex because once again, fluids are transferring.
Think it through first, please.....
Hope I helped
** James B is right though, if either one of you have not done anything ever before, chances of getting an std are slim to none unless one of you were born with it. - imadinosaur
3) He means that you can please each other using your hands rather than your mouths. If you are nervous about getting naked in front of him then you might not be ready to do the things he is ready for. You should really talk more about being sexual with you partner. - Brooke
4) yes you can
and quit rushing it. this is to soon. - ladystang
5) So many things i want to tell you, starting with IF I KNEW THEN WHAT I KNOW NOW.
Honey, if you are feeling these nervous doubts, than please realize YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO ANY OF THOSE THINGS WITH YOUR BOY FRIEND ;) It will NOT keep him with you, loving you, or anything like that. Been their, done that, two kids later and no baby daddy in the picture.
Yes you can get stds, as they are transferred in body fluids even in the mouth. If you do not have a clear understanding of what he meant by using the hand, you are probably about to put yourself in a situation you will not understand, and cause you mental damage for a very long time, possibly forever. I think most would agree. There is NOTHING WRONG with keeping yourself for a later date in time when you are more educated about what you don't understand now, and know its true love. 5mths is not a long time at all! The result of sex is not worth what happens during sex..especially with a little boy who just wants to use you for his own experiments. Don't let him do that to you. Have as much self respect as u can.
My name is realistic...just keep-en it real.
Good luck and God Bless! - Ruby
6) You can get herpes of the mouth where your face breaks out in a rash full of pus. No problem, it is contollable but it will never go away and you can spread it to every sexual partner you have. - Norma
Question 2
am I at risk for a heart attack?... Im 14 and 136 5/7and very athletic butt I have a poor diet like eat a shit load of junk food and for breakfast on sat or sunday I usualy have like 6 over easy eggs and two servings of potatoes or something I realy pig out.And my great grandpa died of a heart attack in his late 40s my grandma is 60 and showing signs of a heart attck. so am I att risk for a heart attack
1) yes if you dont change your diet - Susan
2) Your family history puts you in a higher risk group who might have a heart attack. Your diet doesn't help and, as you get older you will need to pay attention to fat. Right now you are very active and young. - Ellen
3) A family history of heart disease and a diet high in saturated fats are two risk factors for the the development of heart disease, yes. You can most likely prevent it by eating a balanced, healthy diet and exercising. - ExeneC
4) Check your lipid profile. A lipid disorder increases your risk for atherosclerosis, and thus for heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure (hypertension), and other problems. - gangadharan nair
Question 3
I have a mole that appear out of nowhere on my upper lips?... I'm not sure it's a mole but i have similer black dot on my face since i was born but this one appear out of nowhere. it's pretty much flat on my skin but i kind of cut it by mistake when i was shaving any idea what it is?
and is it really that important to go the doctor?
1) HOLY HELL!!! YOU HAVE SUPER CANCER!!! Jk. But yes you should go to the doctor... it really could be... - John
2) I made a mole bigger by accidentally shaving it once. If you are concerned at all, by all means, go see a dermatologist. You'll win either way. If it's a problem you can have it removed, if it's not, you will have peace of mind.:) - humynism
Question 4
i have had quite a chesty cough since november last year. i still show multiple other symptons.. please help?... Symptoms are - constant coughing, phlegm, getting out of breath more than usual, shaking, dizziness, change of heart pace suddenly rapid. I am 18 years old :/. Any help?
Thank you
1) You probably have COPD.Why ask here instead of seeing your Dr.? - Avery
2) Have you gone to the doctor? If an illness persists more than a week or two, I would always recommend going to a doctor, even if the symptoms are just that of a cold because your immune system obviously is not able to hack it. - Cricket
Question 5
why do they do this???????... Why do Men Cheat? When You Know That They Love You More Then Anything In This World.. why do they do it?? im just trying to understand. my husband cheated on me but i no he loves me and wants to spend the rest of his life with me. but y did he do it>? i just want to no? why?
please no b s answers..... please
1) this is in STDs? - John
2) i know right...why go out for burgers when you got steak at home? am i right am i right huh huh - Man who sold the world
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