i have trouble controlling my bowels?... any time I am nervous I tend to crap myself...it just shoots out and everyone can smell it...it smells like a mixture of baby food and peanut butter...not like a good smell but one that burns your taste buds...everyone makes fun of me because i have to carry around differnt pairs of underwear as spares....sometimes i can see ground up cheezits in the brown fudge...it looks like brownies mixed with creamcheese and sorta smells like creamcheeze that has been baking in the sun for hours...
1) Obvious troll is disgusting. - Clauzilla
2) well don't be afraid to go to the doctor for that if you don't go then it won't be fixed - mclovin
3) A bit of bran should help firm things up. - moneybags
4) Get depends!!! - ~He calls me MOMMY~
5) I suggest you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I found this link a few days before on answers.yahoo.com, it contains very useful of
information about many health issues. hope that will help you as well. Thanks - David
6) There is help for this. have you seen the doctor?
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003135.htm - Kelle
Question 2
Have you ever randomly gotten a high out of no where?... Ok so recently i have gotten some allergies and i have been taking sudafed (phenylephrine HCl) and obvioulsy it has been helping but out of no where my friend was talking about zannex and i started feeling high and then higher and then even higher. I was tripping on literally nothing. i have probably smoked weed about 4 times the most recent being 3 weeks ago. Could i still be getting repercussions from that or could it be the medicine or what? my pupils are unproportional and im kinda freaking out. whats wrong with me??
1) i get high randomly, but that is because i have taken lots of acid in my lifetime, so i get acid flashbacks (lsd is stored in your spine and is released throughout your life) - Kevin
2) dude chill happens to me all the time just ride the unicorn man - Nate
3) Relax dave, I think it's all in your head. That kind of stuff doesn't normally happen, nor is it even possible from a physiological standpoint. You might be having some kind of anxiety or psychosomatic response, but it IS all in your head it seems. The fact that your friend was talking about xanny when you had this "issue" is indicative that it is a psychological response rather than a physiological one. Relax, have a cupa tea and watch some TV and it will go away automatically. If it doesn't, then you may return here and I will give you more advice. Thanks bud, you'll be fine.
PS: Kevin, LSD does NOT get stored in your spine. Think about it, where exactly would it get stored, and why among other chemicals would it not be gradually filtered out, when every single chemical in your body eventually gets replaced, yes even your blood, (every 7 years). Flashbacks are a psychological occurrence not related to any chemical imbalance or residual chemical effect from the LSD. - Ilya D
4) I suggest you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I found this link a few days before on answers.yahoo.com, it contains very useful of
information about many health issues. hope that will help you as well. Thanks - Dr Jessica
5) Sudafed will make you feel like that sometimes but if you take more then the recommended dose, you could OD on it.
Personally, I can't take antihistamines for the exact reason you are talking about. - maxmom
6) Yes
Weed can kick back and start to give you symptoms when you aren't smoking.Psychosis follows.
Let's hope it's the Sudafed. Don't take more then recommended. - Kelle
Question 3
my right hand is peeling off. due to washing dishes with bleach??? help?... okay so Im a teen i was dishes at my work and we need to use bleach to sanitize ..i do use gloves but water still gets inside of them. anyways my hand is over dried and like my hand lines are ripping apart and it burns i apply lotion but within the minute the burn comes again. is there something i can do about it??
1) Yeah first of all tell your employer to provide you with good protection. Second, see a doctor that will recommend something. - M.Cucc
2) USE SOAP,NOT BLEACH!! - animekittyxoxo
3) I had that at one place I worked. First, buy your own gloves, thick ones, and do not use anyone else's. Then be more careful when you are washing. When you go to bed put petroleum jelly on your hands and wear cotton gloves or even a sock on your hands overnight. But if it gets worse and worse you may have to stop washing or you will end up with dermatitis which is hard to get rid of. - scoutma53
4) Use a strong lotion like Gold Bond or Neutragena Norwegian formula. Turn down the top of the gloves into a cuff so water doesn't get into them or buy longer gloves. - notyou311
5) search it on google :)
but you should definitely tell your boss and maybe get some stronger gloves or something because that is a health hazard.. you could claim that on tax :] - Alisha
Question 4
When my feet are covered up by a blanket, my feet get unbearably hot. What's wrong with me?... Whenever my feet are covered by a blanket, the get unbearably hot and usually i have to soak them in cold water for a few minutes. This is especially annoying at night when i'm going to sleep. My feet will be cool to the touch, but i feel scorching pain and burning as if i stuck a iron to it. Please help me!
1) hmm ur feet may be sensible to heat try sleeping uncoverd for a couple hours then cover them for 1 hour then reapeat - Gianluca
2) just leave your feet exposed.. and your feet won't be as hot - mclovin
3) I suggest you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I found this link a few days before on answers.yahoo.com, it contains very useful of
information about many health issues. hope that will help you as well. Thanks - David
4) Are you by chance on any antidepressants? I was on Efexor for 6 years and my feet would burn at night. It felt like when your hands are really cold from being outside and you run hot water over the top of them and you get a burning sensation. Once I was off the meds, this problem resolved itself within a week. - The English Teacher
5) Maybe you are an alien. JUST KIDDING!!!!!!! Ummm...I'm not exactly sure but this happens to my fingertips. It feels like you shoved your fingers into a grill. I hope you feel better! - Staraptor
Question 5
What is an Itchy rash that welts up when scratched?...
1) Really Annoying - curtio_rico
2) Probably from some allergic reaction to something on the skin itself, like poison ivy, for example. The scratching would cause the substance to get under the skin further, thereby creating worsened symptoms. So anything which has gotten on the skin that the person would have an allergic reaction to, like lotion, soap, plants, etc. - ChanceEncounter
3) maybe some more specifics would help. pretty much all rashes do that. - Big Ash
4) Could be lots of things. Eczema, allergy, poison ivy...... - Steve
5) Maybe a Bee bite - Matthew
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