Sunday, June 20, 2010

How can i get my boyfriend to stop smoking pot?

Question 1
How can i get my boyfriend to stop smoking pot?...  i honestly HATE marijuana and stupid stuff like that. So im wondering how to make him stop, without making him mad :/

1)   I told mine I'd leave and he stopped. - Maria

2)   Just do what every woman does when she wants something like that: withhold sex.

Good luck!... ☺ - Duncan The Puppy

3)   Tell him it's you or the pot. If he picks you, awesome! If he picks pot, do you really want to date someone who would pick drugs over you?! - Tepyonyerrie

4)   I think you should let him do what he enjoys and don't judge him for it. if you can't accept him for he is and because he likes to smoke pot sometimes then maybe you shouldn't be with him. If you're shallow enough I guess you could leave him if he doesn't quit. - Vonnegut

5)   If you can't beat him, join him *take long drag*
Nothing wrong with it - Sally

6)   its not possible. the only thing you can do is change the way he does it, for instance, if what you dont like about it is the smell, you can figure out creative ways together to make it not smell as strong, like inscence, or open the window, with a fan, have him put a rag in the top of the bong when he is done, and put the stem in an air tight mason jar, this should really cut down on the smell. - Chad Bling

7)   Get another boyfriend that doesn't smoke pot. - GhostFaceSweetNiceAwesomeExpress

8)   Just buy him an ounce and get off his back ;) - Jeremy

9)   see
I hope it will be helpful in resolving your probeml keep using - Jk Df

10)   Start slowly replacing his pot with high potency salvia. Its legal in most states, and even if you know what to expect, it makes every trip very very bad.

That, or try playing really scary music or put on a startling type horror movie with blood and guts every time he starts smoking it.

Or get him a drink whenever he starts smoking around you, and lace it with ipecac.

After a while, the trips won't be pleasurable and he'll associate it with vomiting. He'll stop on his own.

Or, accuse him of being addicted, and tell him you won't date an addict. Make him prove his love for you by quitting. (This will probably either make him mad at you or very worried and concerned, most likely) - Tru

11)   Ya - Priti J

12)   your not going to like this but my answer is you should not try to stop him. people who smoke pot consider that to be a part of who they are. sorta like a defining characteristic. i belive you shouldent try to change the person you are with (just love them for who they are!). if you cant live with a persons flaws than that person is not the right person for you. i think you should accept the fact that he has this "harmless" hobby so that he is not forced into lieing to you. because if you do get him to tell you he quit than he probably is just hiding it from you. In the long run he will resent you for forcing him to alinate you from it. I think you should just pretend your compleatly cool with it. even if it bothers you and your not ok with it. just smile and act cool pretend like it dosent bother you. that way him and all his friends will be impressed with how cool you have become. smoking is often a social thing. once he sees that your cool you may even get invited to hang out with him and his buddys more often. - Jace K


Question 2
My 6 yr old has a fever of 104.5, should I take her to the E.R.?...  She was throwing up all day today, had a fever of about 102 earlier, I gave her tylenl and motrin and she seemed better, but after meds wear off, her fever comes back. I gave her another dose of both medications about 1 hour ago, and she still feels extremely warm, she also is very red in the face and chest, and has a slight rash too, her pulse is 145. I need some advice, cause my 3 yr old is sleeping, and I don't want to have to take them both in to the E.R. and have either of them pick something else up! What do I do?? Please Help!!

1)   yes!!!! thats deadly for a child if it gets worse she could die... hurry better safe than sorry - Reese

2)   Call a doctor and get professional advice asap - Mike

3)   yes dont hesitate that isn't good at all, get her to the er she needs to be put on iv and get her temp and heart-rate down. - confused:(

4)   The fever alone I would say probably it could wait until tomorrow. Children can have a quite high fever and be ok. But the fact she has a high pulse and a rash leads me to think this is a serious issue. Continue to monitor her, but really, I think she should be seen. If not tonight, then first thing in the morning unless the fever has broken. - SethSpeaks

5)   Temepratures over 103 are considered potentially dangerous. I would take her to the E.R. - Kip Kornovak

6)   Dip her in ice water bath, then call your priest, chain her to her bed, let him exercise the demon from her, go online to see where the pressure points on the human body are and push hers till she cries, then stop feeding her for 34 hours and only give her grape jelly....or take her to the damn hospital like a normal parent! - Purple Drank Forever


8)   see
I hope it will be helpful in resolving your probeml keep using - Jkgh Ukj

9)   Well, the first drug u definitely want to give to ur daughter is "ibuprofen" - if its in the tylenol, good. ibuprofen is the main ingredient to cure fevers. Definitely the most important to look for. If u dont have it, go to target or a generic drug store should have it.

It's normal to feel very hot during the fever and your daughter should feel very hot and tired, the best thing to do is get lots of rest but dont keep her too warm - continue to give her the right amount of dosage in the directions labeled on the pills. Don't try to cover her up with blankets bcus the heat will insulate her temp which is bad. Give her lots of sleep and continue to take her temp and if it doesnt reside, give her more ibuprofen. - slashbomb123


Question 3
Does masturbation just give boys acne or do girls get acne from doing that, too?...  My friend wants to know, not me. Thanks.

1)   It doesn't give either gender acne. There is no truth to that. - Wayne

2)   Masturbation doesn't give anyone acne.... - Sassssssy

3)   There is no distinction between masturbation and acne. - Maria

4)   Ummm... trust me. Doesn't take a British doc to tell you that sexual activity has nothing to do with skin condition DX - AdvancedK47

5)   You can't get acne from masturbation. That's an urban legend. - Dominic

6)   it does not give acne to boys or girls. - Notalicensed Medicalprofessional

7)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use accutane. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Justina B


Question 4
how to get rid of pimple scars(home remedies)?...  

1)   Hey before you buy any acne products or follow other people's advice, please read the articles here first:

That is NOT MY SITE. And I'm not spamming.
That site contains really informative acne articles that has helped me get rid of my acne and pimples, and also with a lesser oily skin now! Best part is... it is FREE! Read them and follow the free advice. - Noemi Moore

2)   see
I hope it will be helpful in resolving your probeml keep using - Gfh Ghkj

3)   apply lemon juice with glycerine<available in all medical stores> daily over night skin will lighten even
no marks
hope it helps u - Deepa

4)   You should see a dermatologist. Do NOT use lemon juice. First, it will not get rid of acne scars. It is ACIDIC and may burn your skin. Yes, some people use lemon juice on their skin as an over the counter remedy for some skin problems, but it is not a medical treatment and it certainly will not get rid of acne scars. Depending on your scars, this most likely can only be done by a physician. - Notalicensed Medicalprofessional

5)   Try strawberry mask!
Using a fork mash strawberries into a pulp, add honey. Mix. Don't over blend or it will be runny. Apply directly to the skin, let sit for a few minutes then rinse off.
Usually I let sit for 10-15 minutes.
This really works, however, it takes time. - luckyhusky


Question 5
Why do does my throat itch and why do my lips swell up after eating a banana?...  It happens everytime, it happens when I eat apples too.

1)   your allergic - toopercise4u

2)   Just from the swelling, it sounds like you're allergic. - Fairyfluttering

3)   yes, you could be allergic (sounds like it). You should visit a doctor and allergy specialist to find out exactly what you are allergic to. Some food allergies can be more severe than others, so I believe it is important to get checked out. I am not a licensed medical professional and this should not be considered medical advice. thanks and good luck. - Notalicensed Medicalprofessional

4)   I would most definitely pin point an allergy as the reason. Please see the link I found that totally illustrates the issue. I'd never heard of this before your question but after researching it appears it's quite common - and sounds as if it just may be totally seasonal - to go along with allergy season.

Like the person above said, I'm also not a licensed medical professional and would suggest a trip to an allergy doc to find out what else you may be allergic to within reason - because sometime reactions may present worse than others.

Had you always had this issue or did it just start happening fairly recently? Allergies can come and go throughout life even though they had never bothered you previously.

The "Blood Type Diet" (searchable on Google) actually may provide you some relief since it involves eating what goes with your specific blood type to relief you from whatever allergies you may specifically have that you wouldn't otherwise know about.

Take Care,
Diane :)

p.s. I also located a link to a CNN article last year that actually has apples as the picture example in the article! - Diane-in-Boise


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