Sunday, June 20, 2010

My eye is dark red in the corner and really hurts, does anyone know what it could be?

Question 1
My eye is dark red in the corner and really hurts, does anyone know what it could be?...  My right eye all of the sudden just started hurting the other night, and now it is dark red in the corner and underneath the iris. It hurts to blink and to look around, and it feels like there's a lot of pressure inside of it, like it's going to burst or something. Does anyone know what this could be and what I can do to treat it?

1)   why are you asking us?! go to the doctor~ - Veronica

2)   I would go to the doctor. At first i thought it was a popped blood vessel but I doesn't really sound like that. Go see a doctor ASAP or sooner. - Megan Fitterman

3)   mabye you got dirt or a bug in your eye try using eye drops or washin it out - Michelangelo

4)   It's probably just a stye. Apply a hot & damp washcloth on your eye oftenly. If you share makeup or touch your eyes alot with your hands it is very likely a stye.

photo of a stye: - A happy person

5)   Go see an ophthalmologist ASAP. It could be Glaucoma or other serious eye condition. Good luck. - fts1939


Question 2
How to help a really bad sunburn?...  Yesterday, i was went to a water park and put on alot of sunscreen on, yet i still got a really bad burn, all over myself! It hurts worst on my shoulders, but it still hurts everywhere else. I have been putting after sun gel on, but it doesnt seem to help. Is there anything else i can do?

1)   Try putting some aloe on it. - Samson Dragon

2)   put some after sun on that contain alo vera and then stay inside for a bit and have a cool shower or bath :)

hope i helped - Frank

3)   Try buying a cooling Aloe...
They have it at walgreens and its blue.
Regular aloe doenst help me either...
but the Aloe with a coolant sure does.
Good luck!
Also try taking a luke warm shower. - Brandy

4)   aloe vera my friend. :) - Ember

5)   I heard if you bathe in tomato juice or rub tomato on you in works.
I never tried but I heard it from a few people.

here's more info: - marti


Question 3
what will be my life span for breast cancer 4 if i have no treatments?...  

1)   im guessing not too long. if you have no treatment the cancer can only get worse, and worse quicker because there would be nothing slowing it down or stoping it from getting worse. i mean if you really cant get any form of treatment id say youd live a couple more months... - blahblahblahh

2)   Stage 4..... Normal The Doctor's will give the patient at least three mouth..? There anyone someone you know having Stage 4 Breast Cancer? - Trex Boys

3)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use nolvadex. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Adaline D


Question 4
I have serious anxiety attacks...what should I do?...  I've been having anxiety attacks for about a year now. I didn't know what these attacks were at first so I ignored them, but after my friend wittnessed me suffering from one, he suggested that I look up anxiety attacks online. A lot of my symptoms (uncontrollable shaking/tremors, blackouts, hot flashes, headaches, trouble breathing/hyperventilating, heart beating loud hard and fast, and dizziness and more) matched the symptoms of anxiety attacks I found online. I've passed out from two attacks so far and whenever I'm under a lot of stress or am running late or see my worst fear (spiders), I have an attack. Some are worse than others, when I have much on my mind that is when my worst attacks coem. I can sometimes control them, but other times I can't. I'm seventeen years old.

What should I do?
I've told me parents and they haven't done anything. I also don't want to be given medicine that turns me into a zombie.

1)   could tell your parents
some people take meds for anxiety
but they always wanna get you on an anti-depressant
i have anxiety but i don't want to be on one =/

also could join a support group online

i just take fish oil [capsules]
natural and supposed to be good for anxiety and depression - scorpio

2)   You should seek out help from a psychologist, and psychiatrist. Anxiety attacks are not a joking matter, they ar extremely serious and you should seek someone in which you can discuss your problems thoroughly. Do not try to self diagnose yourself though you should seek out professional help. - rebeccer


Question 5
How do I remove dead skin on foot that keeps coming back?...  I have dead skin right below the region of my toes and I don't have athletes foot. This happened to me when I was really small and was wearing wet socks in really warm weather. Ever since I've been removing it with a pumice stone or just clipping it. However, it always seems grow back. Is there anyway to remove this thing?

1)   lotion; I used lac hydrin and my dry skin was gone in a couple weeks - Brookeylynne

2)   Special cream should do it, or use Dove as your soap. - Jim Fent


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