Monday, June 21, 2010

I have a few canker sores on my tongue?

Question 1
I have a few canker sores on my tongue?...  I am worried I have a few canker sores on my tongue what is this from I am worried should I see a doctor I tend to be a hypocondriac but I don't even know what to say HELP my friend and my mom said there just canker sores from eating certain foods what else could it be omg

1)   dont worry. i get random canker sores on my tongue and gums. it can be random, or it can be from really spicy or sour foods, too. (i always get them when i eat sour skittles or sour patch kids.) they should go away, and if not you should see a doctor. good luck :) - Kelli

2)   could be anything from tonsilitus to Herpies to oral warts

most likely just ulcers
gargle salt water or listerine

if it dosent clear in a few days go drs - Mike

3)   You should probably get that checked out. Herpes is sores in your mouth not saying it is that but u should check that out canker sores are usually in your mouth not on your tounge. - Baby Doll

4)   I agree.
I get sores in my mouth from being anxious to scarf down a hot slice of pizza or being stupid and going for the extra spicy buffalo wings at applebees.
Just rinse with salt water twice a day and if it doesn't improve within a week or so.. then see a doctor.. - JorahR

5)   You should use triamcinolone-dental, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Trina P


Question 2
What is orthostatic blood pressure?...  Someone on here said I might have it because im only 13 and when I get out of bed everything goes black. Sometimes it doesnt but like today it went black but not all the way. What am I suppose to do? Is it bad? WHAT is IT???? HELP!

1)   Orthostatic hypotension is an excessive decrease in blood pressure that occurs when a person stands up, resulting in reduced blood flow to the brain and dizziness or fainting.

Dizziness or light-headedness that occurs when a person sits up or stands abruptly is the most common symptom.

Measuring blood pressure while the person is sitting and standing may reveal orthostatic hypotension.

When the cause cannot be cured, people are taught to stand up gradually and to drink plenty of fluids.

Orthostatic hypotension is particularly common among older people.

Orthostatic hypotension is not a specific disease but an inability to compensate quickly for changes in blood pressure. When a person stands up suddenly, gravity causes about a pint of blood to pool in the veins of the legs and lower body. As a result, the amount of blood returned to the heart and pumped out by the heart is reduced, and blood pressure falls. Normally, the body quickly responds to a decrease in blood pressure: The heart beats faster and more forcefully to increase its output of blood and the arterioles (small arteries) constrict to increase resistance to blood flow (see Low Blood Pressure: Introduction). If these compensatory mechanisms malfunction or function too slowly—both of which commonly occur in older people—orthostatic hypotension may occur. - Queryman

2)   is not orthostatic blood pressure, Orthostatic blood pressure is more correctly known as orthostatic hypotension (hypotension is low blood pressure). It is a condition in which a person's blood pressure drops significantly when changing positions from lying down or sitting to standing up. When we stand up after sitting or lying down, our blood pools in our legs. The direct cause of orthostatic hypotension is failure of the body to react quickly to the position change by shunting blood from the legs back to the heart. With not enough blood to be pumped out of the heart, blood pressure drops. A person with orthostatic hypotension usually becomes dizzy or falls down when standing up too fast. Older people are more at risk, but anyone can have this problem. - aziz

3)   You should use altace, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Trina P


Question 3
Does anybody know how to get rid of a Soar Throat!?...  Im in a community musical theatre group and tonight is Opening Night, and I am the lead and have to sing like crazy and dance my but off! but i feel like crapp! H E L P!

1)   A soar throat? Hm.. I don't know how to get rid of a flying throat. Sorry. - Mr. Answerer II

2)   You can try some lemon juice with a little honey mixed in. I have heard it helps from my aunt and grandmather. Hope this helps. Oh and you could also.try cough drop with menthol or something.

Hope you feel better :) - Jzlilff1

3)   Hey! You know I have a method which is very effective, works every time on me and the people i have recommended with this method. So you have to pour about half a glass of PURE vinegar, the strongest one you can find (the one that works for me is Heinz white vinegar) and pour the vinegar to your mouth, GARGLE, DO NOT SWALLOW (at the end you can swallow just a little bit, a teaspoong maybe) I know its gross, but it helps, trust me, just believe me, its awesome! Hope I helped! - Nicolas O


Question 4
Does vitamin e oil reduce under eye wrinkles?...  i heard and looked on the internet, any personal experiences?

1)   i think bio oil is good for that, ive only been using it for 4 days though and apparently you have to use it for 3 months before anything big happens!

drinking lots of water helps too, its probably the best skincare you could use. - kitty

2)   Vitamin E oil is terrific for virtually any skin condition. I'd say go for it. I'm only a teenager, so I can't relate to the eye wrinkles part, but the right oil can cure just about anything. Helped me with my acne. - nerris121


Question 5
What is this weird spot on my hand? been there for over a year (pictures)?...  My whole hand:
Close up of the spot:

What caused this? How can I make it go away? What is it?
It has been there for over a year.

Im a 13 year old female from England.
You have to see a doctor first and my parents wouldnt let me.

How did it get there?

1)   That's a wart. See a dermatologist. Why the hell are you seeking help from the Internet in a country with free healthcare anyway?? - Captain Obvious

2)   Yes i think its a wart. . It looks like the human papilloma virus (HPVe). Very common. it is caused by a virus. Various treatments from creams and gels from the chemist to the doctor freezing it off. They usually go away on their own but with teens they take longer. - Boris


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