Monday, June 7, 2010

my 2 year old son has had a fever all day and it has been going up and down the highest it has been is 102.1?

Question 1
my 2 year old son has had a fever all day and it has been going up and down the highest it has been is 102.1?...  so should i take him to the ER? i have been giving him motrin because it is a fever reducer but it isnt working???? WHAT SHOULD I DO ANY SUGGESTIONS???

ethans mommy

1)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Alice

2)   Don't take him to the ******* ER Jesus Christ! It's because of people like you I had to wait 3 hours (ok closer to 4) to get a cats for shattered hand! Just take him into the doctor and say he has a fever of 102. - Count Yerthak

3)   You can give him both Motrin and Tylenol. I would suggest both to reduce his fever. If that doesn't work I would take him to the ER. - tooyoung2bagrannybabe

4)   about it you can get information from here - Marketta

5)   Before anything, I recommend you do what you think is right for your child.

102.1 is a high fever but is not high enough to take to the emergency room after 1 day. What symptoms is he suffering from. Make sure you watch your child. In some children the body can send the child into seuizures to help lower the fever. If your child shows any signs of a seuizure call 911.

Keep giving a fever reducer as informed on the bottle. And schedule an appointment with a physician as soon as possible if the fever persists through the night. Remember that a fever is a natural way for the body to fight off Viruses and Bacteria. The body will raise its temp to make a "unlivable" atmosphere for the foreign organisms. So reducing the fever will cancell what the body is trying to do to fight of the infection. If his/her temp spikes to a higher temp in a short period of time I would consider taking to the emergency room.

I hope he/she feels better soon. Please post any other questions you might have. - Bob

6)   Tylenol works better for fever. I would take him to his own DR tomorrow. The ER is always a last resort for me. His Dr will be able to see him same day since he's got a high fever. - Jennifer


Question 2
What type of breast cancer treatment is best after surgery?...  My grandmother is 80 years of age and was diagnosed with breast cancer about a month ago. she had surgery in which they removed the cancer from her breast. she is trying to decide whether the treatment of radiation by means of having an implant in her breast that releases radiation, or not even receiving the treatment of radiation at all. any ideas? (her health condition is as fallows- had a stroke 2 months ago, still working on walking w/o a walker, and she has trouble standing for certain periods of time. she has recovered well from the stroke, but is still in a bad condition.

1)   she needs to talk to her DR'S...not strangers on YA who don't know her and her medical history...
don't put family members info on the's not your business to be doing that. - Chrys

2)   This is a highly personal decision that can only be made by the individual after being told the full risks and likely prognoses of each option by their treating oncologist.

Having been through surgery, chemo and radiation for breast cancer, I doubt that I would consider more than the surgery alone at her age, but that is just my personal viewpoint, not a recommendation. - Tarkarri

3)   One shot of radiotherapy could save breast cancer patients weeks of tiring treatment - nochocolate

4)   It depends on a lot of things, sometimes chemo and radiation are recommended, other times only surgery is needed. It depends on the type of breast cancer, the stage and the age of the patient and prior medical history.

There is an excellent book called Dr. Love's Breast Book that goes into a lot of detail on breast health and current treatment options. It probably will give you more info than you will ever need to know but you can just read the chapters on your grandmother's condition to get a better idea of current treatment options. - knittinmama


Question 3
if someone farted in a bottle and close the lid for awhile would it still smell?...  

1)   probably - Pearl L

2)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Lisa

3)   You should try it... you would be my hero. - Stephanie A


Question 4
have you ever seen someone having a seizure?...  what's it like, is it scary? my boyfriend has had 2 of them in the past few months because he's an epileptic. How are people like when they have seizures?

1)   when I used to live in Germany i was with a bunch of my friends at the Bon Hauf (Train station) and there was an old homeless man who had a seizure in front of us, It was awful because there were only a couple people around and no one knew what to do. I thought it was terrifying, his head went back and his eyes rolled over and he just fell on the concrete. - Allie

2)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Alex

3)   Yes I have. The first time it is kind of scary, but you must stay calm and you must try to help the person to stay calm also so he /she can get over the seizure quicker. - Pommac


Question 5
When can I start kissing again?...  So I was diagnosed with Mono (the virus, obviously) about 4-5 weeks ago. My doctor told me that I couldn't do any major physical activity with any impact for 6 weeks because my spleen could enlarge and rupture. But how long do I have to wait where I can I kiss my boyfriend without giving him mono??

1)   Many sources differ on that. Some say to wait until you stop feeling the symptoms. Some say 1 month. Some say 2. Some say up to 3 or 4. It's really up to your personal discretion in the matter. You have to weigh the risks with the benefits . - Parker

2)   consult your doctor about that honey - Nicole

3)   I just answered another of these mono questions. Perhaps that answer here will help. For spreading Mono there must be at least fluid exchange. Infectious mononucleosis occurs with infection by the Epstein-Barr virus. A similar condition can be caused by cytomegalovirus. Because of this, some sources say that infectious mononucleosis is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus.The infection is spread via saliva and has an incubation period of 4–7 weeks.Symptoms usually persist for 2–3 weeks, but fatigue is often more prolonged. Doctors and researchers are not exactly sure how long someone with the virus stays contagious after symptoms are gone. But it's generally believed that a person can spread the infection for many months after the symptoms are completely gone — some studies show as long as 18 months. Sorry kiddo. I am sure others have done what you are asking way before 18 months but as was said it is up to your ethical self and your doc. - Truth


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