Tuesday, May 25, 2010

16 with stretch marks on thighs?

Question 1
16 with stretch marks on thighs?...  I'm not, and never have been overweight but over the past few months I've found that I have quite bad stretch marks on both of my inner thighs. I have no idea why as I didn't even grow a lot over a short period of time, but they're really noticeable now and it's getting me down - I want to be able to wear shorts and bikinis on holiday without having to worry about stretch marks.
Why do I have them and is there anything I can do to get rid of them?

1)   LOADS of people get them for no apparent reason: as youre 16 though your skin will have plenty of collagen and therefore very good healing properties, so invest in some cocoa butter stretchmark cream, or ideally if you can afford it - cos it is quite expensive - bio oil, and just use it a couple times a day minimum (eg morning and before bed). Within 3 months they should have faded significantly. - Anima

2)   Most girls get them don't worry about them. - Stephanie

3)   Everyone and i mean everyone will get stretch marks at some point in there lives. and with you only being 16 it means that its even more natural. Your still growing and going through changes so its completely normal for you to get stretch marks at that age. Also girls thighs and hips are naturally known to expand through the teenage years, and anyway there wont be too serious if your not overweight so they will more than likely fade away over time. so dont worry :) - Jordan

4)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Uityew


Question 2
How to get rid of pimples around the jaw line!?...  O.k. i really don't want to have any pimples! I don't want answers like wash your face or stuff like that please because ei have to go to a party in like 1 hour so how do i fade about 5 big pimples around the jaw line help plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1)   lemon juice
or toothpaste
or try putting something really cold on them for 15 minutes.....
hope you get rid of them!! xxx - Chloe C

2)   my sister uses toothpaste and it works - Dynamic Keria

3)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Uityew


Question 3
Please help me I am so scared that I have cancer..?!?...  I am so scared that I have cancer. I started with a pain in my right lower stomach in January, which I thought was appendicitis but turned out not to be. I feel sick a lot, although not actually sick. My thigh aches constantly and my lower back, and my right nipple seems to tingle a lot, I also had pain in my shoulder blade which doctor thought was shingles. Sometimes feel like I'm struggling to breathe. I also keep getting a pain high up in the middle of my stomach, and get a feeling that there is something stuck in my throat. I've now found a lump on the back of my neck, slightly to the right. just below the hairline. It is hard and round. I have cancer don't I?!? I'm 21.

1)   I don't know about cancer but you have certainly got hypochondria.
Get a grip. - Earwigo

2)   it's extremely unlikely that any type of cancer would give you all these symptoms at once, so stop worrying. it's not normal to be this worried about your health - you might have hypochondria as suggested above. - cat lady

3)   How many times do you need to ask this?
Your doctor would have told you if you had cancer. - Denisedds


Question 4
any1 want to buy some insulin?...  na joking but out of curiousity ,is there a black market 4 it?

1)   Probably... theres a black market for everything practically.
Why? - minimarshmallo

2)   This isn't the place for that. - KaibaGirl

3)   no because it has no benefits unless you're diabetic. and if you're diabetic you can just get it from the doctor. - cat lady


Question 5
How to get rid of my strech marks?...  Okay so i have strech marks inside my thighs and on my hips and sorta no lik my outer thigh they arnt that bad just a lil red. and some sliver white on my boobs how do i get rid of them with out using coco butter and fast.
If u say coco butter then please just dont comment. thank u ::)))

1)   I don't know if it works... but you could try exfoliating the area each time you have a shower, then moisturise to improve elasticity. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. - Alix

2)   I also had very bad stretch marks so I started using Bio-oil, if you use it every day it works wonders! I swear by it. You can buy it from places like Boots, its really good but you have to use it every day! - Katiekins

3)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Uityew


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