i feel sick after eating shrooms?... my first time trying it and i didnt even trip, i regret doing it and im not gonna try to do it again, i feel tired ( i have football practice and i dont get that much sleep that might be it) and i have that sick taste in my mouth and my head hurts a little and i have that sick running nose, taste, u know just all in my head area. the shrooms were like this long ------------------ and a little head part like part of it, it was a dark black/purple some kind of color and the stem was brownish, it had no taste to it, maybe its just a coincidence that i feel bad after i took them? just like a mild cold? idk please help
1) Thoes are posionous shrooms you idiot!!!!
You have all the damn syptoms!!
You know you can easily die any time right...? - Distortion
2) DON'T FREAKING DO DRUGS, IDIOT. That is all. - Brandon S
3) u probably had a little when u eat shrooms you poison yourself so when u eat allot your mind becomes to halucinate - tom
4) im sorry, but GOOD! thats what you get!!
now i will be nice.
i dont know why your feeling sick. i have never done any drugs or anything (even though im 16 and have grown up around it), so i have no experience with them. im glad you rnt going to do it again though :) - new and loved
Question 2
what can i do to clear up my acne and have it be flawless!?... What can i eat and do to have my facial skin acne free and flawless without covering my skin with suffocating foundation makeup?
1) Food doesn't have an effect on acne. And don't worry so much, "flawless" is not something that can be achieved, except through photoshop. - PuRpLe PuNk
2) Try Acneace!
I used it, and after 1 months, my acne was COMPLETELY gone!
Hope it works for you.
you can get From Google Search Acneace Official site. Good luck. - John
3) Food actually doesnt have very much to do with acne itself, certain food can cause breakouts but food dont cause acne, i use proactive it works really well and comes with a book that tells you all about acne and things to stay away from. As far as food goes i would just pay attention to how different food affects your skin, it takes about 2 weeks for breakouts to appear. - kadanah91
4) Water!
You're not going to want to hear this but.. If you stop wearing foundation, your skin will begin to clear up. Not totally but it will help. I used to cake it on and my skin was horrible. I grit my teeth and just stopped and it began to clear up. I also felt a lot cleaner. I also got prescription acne cream. I use Differin. It makes your skin cycle more frequently so your pores don't have time to clog. Ex-foliate often to keep dry skin from building up and make sure what makeup and moisturizers you use are non- comedogenic, meaning they won't clog your pores. Biore` and Physicians Formula are great.
Hope this helps.
P.S. Tinted moisturizers are good if you don't feel comfortable enough to go completely without coverage. - idahobinky
Question 3
Got insect bite, is this dangerous enought to go to ER?... Do not know what kind of insect bite me but it was bad. It happend about 24 hours ago. My foot began to swell on one side of my ankle which has now spread to other side of ankle. It is tight, red and hot and also painful to walk. I also got it on my left wrist. Front of my hand has blown up like a balloon. I dont know it this is more serious that it appears to be. Dr gave me antibiotics and told me to use cortisone cream ( cortaid). I probably need an rx instead, this is only 1 percent. My friends thas saw it said just take benedryl which I have, but only have take one. Should I go to hospital? What will it look like in the morning? I know it happened outside and dont think it was a spider. THANks any info would be appreciated.
1) see http://tinyurl.com/health-solutions/
I hope it will be helpful in resolving your probeml keep using answers.yahoo.com - Ytrt
2) That does sound a bit disturbing.
If it doesn't get better by tomorrow, I would go back to the doctor. You don't want it getting infected or acquire gangrene. Better be safe than sorry. - idahobinky
3) Take an antihistamine like benedryl and ice the areas immediately. I don't know why your doctor would have given you anti-biotics and not a shot of an epi-pen(instant antihistamine) - tweak_a_freak
Question 4
Is there any way I can possibly stop my hands and feet from sweating?... im very embarrested about my excesive sweating in my feet and hands. I cant even wear flip flops anymore because my sweat mixes with dust and turns to mud and i cant touch anything or hold anyones hand because my hands are so sweaty. I need something to make it stop any suggestions welcome! thanks!
1) Ive heard that if you soak your feet in (regular) tea for about 10 minutes, it will stop you feet from being stinky and sweaty.
Dont add sugar, just the tea. - hersheykisses170
2) i dont know about your hands but maybe powder for your feet would help. if you can, talk to your doc about it because sometimes excessive sweating is a sign of a medical problem that you would want to take care of. good luck :) - AlwaysWondering
Question 5
My mom was recently started on Chemotherapy. She has lymphoma which is some kind of cancer.?... Her hair is now almost fallen off and I want to purchase a wig. Does anyone know if that's the only thing that she needs as far as, Does she need like something to go under the wig? Any advise?
Thank you@ new and loved
1) see http://tinyurl.com/health-solutions/
I hope it will be helpful in resolving your probeml keep using answers.yahoo.com - Rtrey
2) hey my mom got cancer when i was 5. (she is a 10 year surviver) she just wore hats, but she is a country girl. i suggers asking someone at the place you buy it about that type of stuff. they would for sure know.
good luck!! ill pray for her and you.
god bless - new and loved
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