Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Help!! Just got signs of a sore throat?

Question 1
Help!! Just got signs of a sore throat?...  I can feel a sore throat coming on and i have a primary school reunion thing on saturday, what can i do to prevent it / stop it from being bad? it came on asbout 20mins ago? help!

1)   This always helps me: brush your teeth and tongue really well then use mouthwash and gargle in your throat for about 30 seconds. Then suck on a zinc lozenge and drink plenty of water afterwards and avoid sweet foods and drinks as these will cause more bacteria to grow in your mouth. The trick is to keep your mouth disinfected as much as possible. Good luck! - -_-

2)   gargle with salt water sounds like old wife's tale but does work have done it myself - Manxbiker

3)   Manuka honey..........I am not kiddin....... - mayfly


Question 2
Does moving to a warmer/sunnier place help with Seasonal Affective Disorder?...  In other words, do people with SAD experience the same issues even in warmer/sunnier places?

1)   it should as you will have sunnier days i.e. less SAD days..... - brian c

2)   This is something that needs to be discussed with a doctor, but I've always understood that it can help to move to a sunnier place. Studies have shown a much higher occurrence of SAD in places like Seattle, so logic would follow that there is a lower occurrence in regions with more continuous days of sunlight per year. - Kim

3)   yes probably cause if the weather is good then it means you will not be SAD anymore :) x - Becca-Yo!


Question 3
does the third HIV jab hurt?...  My mate says it doesn't but my other mate says it is the worst one is it?

1)   No, i had all three done, and they didnt hurt, just dont tense your muscle, relax, and i PROMISE it dosent hurt.
x - MehBird

2)   did the first and second?....... - mayfly

3)   what are you talking about??????? there is no vaccination against hiv! so, i'm guessing you're not gonna feel it at all ;-) - blaubär


Question 4
I have MS and I need help (Multiple Sclerosis)?...  My issue is i am extremely moody, stressed out, bills coming out of the sky and i cant afford them all. I don't know how to deal with this. I need help any advice?

1)   see if there is an ms website or a support group around your local area.

good luck. - Blue Wolf

2)   Go to your doctor and ask if you qualify for a medical marijuana card. I know when I'm stressed or just plain unhappy a little bit of pot tends to help. Also, if you're apprehensive about smoking it, there are edible forms in cakes and brownies and even root beer or tea! - Dane


Question 5
i HATE being absent but i am always coming down with mystery illnesses?...  i go to a gate, gifted and talented education, middle school. i being absent because the teachers think i play hookie. but i have missed 20 times this year at least, because i get odd stomach aches, headaches, nausea, and i tested near positive for apendicitis

1)   You can't help being ill. Teachers should know that. - Gwen

2)   i would talk with your doctor and see if there is some paper work that he can fill out from your school stating that you are under doctors care and that you can miss school, i had to have that because I had very bad stomach issues that would make me severely sick..... - Sarah


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