Tuesday, May 11, 2010

led inside my thumb what should i do?

Question 1
led inside my thumb what should i do?...  k i hav a piece of led in my thumb wat should i do ppl been telling i i gotta take it out which means cuting a bit of my thumb 2 take it out.....or should i ask a doctor is thiss bad.......i had this led in there for 3 years help plz

1)   My mother has had the same thing for 75 years. Doesn't bother her a bit. She likes to show it to people. - mikeyg

2)   Is it actual lead? Or is it from a pencil (that would be graphite, which isn't as dangerous)? If you've had it in there for three years, surely go and see a doctor....
But first, take a bucket of WARM water and soak the thumb in it until it gets wrinkly, for about 15-20 minutes. It will loosen the skin and open up the wound a lil bit so you can see the lead or graphite in it. If it hurts when you do this, GO SEE A DOCTOR ASAP.
Also, do NOT touch it or try and pull it out! It will make the now clean-ish wound dirty, and you can get infected. OH! And don't touch the hand to anything.

Please, be safe, and Good Luck! :@) hope I helped. - Gabbi and Kelsie

3)   You need to go to the doctor because led is poison and its been in your thumb for 3 years it could be poisoning your thumb. - Erica

4)   I suggest you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I found this link here on answers.yahoo.com few days before.
It contains lots of helpful information to maintain a healthy lifestyle - Alex


Question 2
my daughter got burn on her lip with a hot fork how can i treat that?...  toasted marshmallow clamped her lip on it etc.

1)   Damp cloth and cool or lukewarm water will do the trick, there really is nothing else you can do, but maybe a band aid to make her feel even better. =) - Joe

2)   I suggest you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I found this link here on answers.yahoo.com few days before.
It contains lots of helpful information to maintain a healthy lifestyle - Mark

3)   like the first awns er said cool it with cold towel move it if it helps too. if iit needs a itch - l.s

4)   Vinegar will take the sting out. Keeping a pickle on it for awhile will do the same. Do not pop the blister. That is when it will get infected. - Anna Nimity


Question 3
i feel like i'm not getting enough air in my lungs.?...  i feel like i'm not getting enough air in my lungs when i breathe?
i feel like that alot of the time.And i know i don't havee a cold.haha.

1)   anxiety probably - Centurion-Legion

2)   Go to your doctors - SpideySenses

3)   See a Doctor. - Sonjustice

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Question 4
I think I have diabetes help!?...  Ok so I am 12 years old. The only symptoms I had was going to the bathroom 3 times after every idk 15 mins..... thats it.... and my neck was a little itchy but thats about it... Idk if I have diabeties.....I am really scared...Please help Thanks! :)

1)   no - Marissa

2)   tell your mom and get it checked out :( hopefully you don't! :) - ILoveYou(:

3)   ... i think the symptoms are numbness in the extremities (limbs), drinking a lot of water and going to the restroom a lot but get checked newt time you go to the clinic or something. - Centurion-Legion

4)   I suggest you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I found this link here on answers.yahoo.com few days before.
It contains lots of helpful information to maintain a healthy lifestyle - Mark


Question 5
what is down syndrome?...  aha just wondering lol :p

1)   Down syndrome, or Down's syndrome (primarily in the United Kingdom), trisomy 21, or trisomy G, is a chromosomal disorder caused by the presence of all or part of an extra 21st chromosome. It is named after John Langdon Down, the British physician who described the syndrome in 1866. The disorder was identified as a chromosome 21 trisomy by Jérôme Lejeune in 1959. The condition is characterized by a combination of major and minor differences in structure. Often Down syndrome is associated with some impairment of cognitive ability and physical growth, and a particular set of facial characteristics. Down syndrome in a fetus can be identified with amniocentesis during pregnancy, or in a baby at birth.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down_syndrome - aziz

2)   Its a Disorder( extra copy of gene 21) - Joshua

3)   I suggest you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I found this link here on answers.yahoo.com few days before.
It contains lots of helpful information to maintain a healthy lifestyle - henry


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