Dating,kissing,etc. with a girl that used to do heroin?... Would this be a bad idea? It just seems that she would be more prone to have diseases. So maybe I should just forget about her.
1) see
I hope it will be helpful in resolving your probeml keep using - Pot
2) if you are planning on being sexually active with her then use a condom. - flipflopchick
3) She has a disease and it is drug addiction. There is no cure and no ex-addicts, only ones off it for now. Run! - Cave Creek
4) Talk to her... ask her to get tested. If she's used H, she knows the risks involved with needle sharing.
If she refuses, than dump her. - SweetElf *BackDoor*
Question 2
Is my MOM having a HEART ATTACK?... Shortness of breath, tightness around chest and stomach, cold and clammy feeling, cold sweat.
She thinks its just a really really bad heartburn. Is it a heart attack? What else should she be experiencing?
She does not have back, neck, jaw, or arm problems. She was light headed kindof, and kept telling me she didn't know whether or not she wanted to go. She is now saying the problem is going down and shes not sweating but her head is slightly cold now. She feels a little weak.
1) Call an ambulance, you imbecile. - B
2) it could be a sign of decreased oxygen to the organs, and this can cause a stroke or a heart attack, go to the emergency unit ASAP, or call 911, this is serious!
I am a nurse - I PASS ON GRASS
3) If she seems okay she should be fine. But if it looks like she's getting worse hurry before it's a problem! D: - High,I'm neraK.
4) call 911 seriously why r you asking this here?! - Kittiee
Question 3
asthma attacks every night ?!?... im going to make this to the point. im 14. ive tried cigarettes, ended up smoking for about 4 months, quit about 5 months ago. When i smoked i smoked one black and mild or sometimes two cigarettes a day, so it was never really that heavy but i did smoke. I sas born with asthma. Thats a horrible combo right off the bat. Ive smoked pot before. Only a few times though, if you know your stuff you know that pot smoking is alot less frequent then tabacco smoking. You become addicted to cigarettes and what not, and pot is for the most part just a recreational thing. Anyway so from 2009-2010 ive smoked a bit. Not a whole lot but a little bit. My asthma has gotten alot worse. I also inhale alot of second hand smoke even now that i quit, because alot of my friends still smoke, and im around them pretty much everyday after school. we hang out outside a convenient store where everyone smokes out front, so its really not doing me any good and i know it. But weve had this routine all year and we always hang out, relax after a long school day, kick back, talk. alot of girls would hang out with us their too. sometimes wed leave with some of the girls to ''hang out'' on a friday people would always say where their partys were gunna be and all that. id miss that lifestyle so much if i stopped hanging out their. And plus not just that, they ARE my friends regardless of wether they smoke or not. I was their too, and MY friends didnt abandon ME...i really dont know what to do. it really isnt doing my health any good and my asthma is getting worse. im having frequent attacks now, im wheezing a bit, coughing often, and also im an athlete and have been having trouble doing excersize...i dont know what to do ! i feel so out of breath right now as we speak. My inhailor seems useless now..
as my title says, during the day its not as bad but when i get home it gets alot worse especially at night and really especially in my room for some reason then other parts of the house.
Oh and also, i have a bad family history sorta. My grandpa died of emphysema and was on a breathing machine for years before he died because of smoking when he was younger.
1) If you smoke anything with asthma you are very foolish.
Sounds like you need an oral bronchodilator, such as Singulair or something like that to work along side your rescue inhaler. You may even need a nebulizer for breathing treatments periodically.
I suggest you see your Dr. and STOP SMOKING! You have an opportunity to control and correct your problems at this point. One day it will be too late. - I don't believe it!
2) i outgrew my breathing problems that i was on inhailors and machinces for, I kinda had minor trouble when i first would smoke but nothing as major as what your saying. I woulnd't hurt yourself over smoking though. Now I'm a rare type of smoker I don't piss and moan about being addicted i smoke because I enjoy it and I even roll my own which is 1 cheaper than all get out, and time consuming so its like the next level smoker, so many flavors and tube and paper types, anyways. ...
It's your call man its your body just don't abuse it too bad, but I'll be honest with you smoking plays hell on anything to do with running, i used to be able to run like mad back in highschool and all I can still run now however my lungs can't keep up with it, my body can but not my lungs if that makes any sense? - SgtXcom
3) Hey there! I have asthma too. And like you said, asthma and smokes are a bad combo! Stop smoking, or when your older, your gonna be on one of those breathing machines or worse man! Anyways, exercise is good. And swimming!
Bye and quit now! Lol =] - !!!LOVE!!!
Question 4
how to break your pinky?... ok i know alot of you will look at this and be all,' Why would you want to break your pinky?!" well i dont want that kind of answer. it would be really helpfull if you could just write the easiest least painfull way to break your pinky or finger it doesn't matter. thanks!
1) have someone slam the car door with your finger in it - Mopar Muscle Gal
2) o_o erm you could smash it with a hammer. i dont think there is a way to break it without experiencing excruciating pain.or
1. Get novacaine and inject it into your finger, then smash it with a hammer.
2. Hold your finger in ice for like a real long time, then smash it with a hammer - Coral T
3) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Vhgtew
Question 5
weird ring around dog scratch?... a dog scratched me and it made a line of little scabs on my knee but around the scabs there are little red rings, it almost looks like tiny ringworm or a disease. its gross. could this be something bad?
1) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Vhgtew
2) Rabies. youre dead - Vvvvvvvvvvv
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