Best ways to get rid of a canker sore?... I have a canker sore right by my gum and it is very painful...I can't really eat, drink, or even move my mouth a certain direction because it will hurt!! I get canker sores once in a while. Do you know ways that I can get rid of it fast?
1) message it or take some medicine i it continues to hurt go to a doctor. - Brandon
2) Yes, but both these methods sting A LOT. They are, however, extremely effective in getting rid of canker sores:
Salt Water
-after you brush your teeth, put 1-2 teaspoons of coarse salt into a cup
-fill it with water
-swish the water around in your mouth
Vitamin C
-put a Vitamin C tablet in your mouth
-using your tongue, push it so it presses against your canker sore
If you're afraid of the pain, I suggest the salt water method. It is MUCH less painful than the Vitamin C tablet. I have a high tolerance for pain, but even I had some tears while trying out the Vitamin C method.
Good luck. - Vanessa
3) Go to the drug store and buy OTC something called amozan. (Sorry I don't if you spell it like that)
Ask the pharmacist since sometime that come when your stomach is upset with to many acid. - Gloria A
4) You can't get rid of a canker sore, once it's started. It'll just run its course in about 7 days and then disappear on its own. You can buy products at the pharmacy that ease the pain, but it won't make them go away faster unfortunately. - d
Question 2
my bum is itchy at night sometimes.. im scared?... ok so i noticed a while ago that at night when im in bed my bum is like alwaysss itchy.. BUT ONLY SOMETIMES.. like not all the time or everytime ..
i started reading and some people say it could be worms or an infection and im kind scared.. im like a teenger so idkk if that has something to do with it.. but please help.. and i wanna avoid the doctor.. idkk why it just feels awkward... so if you dont have anything else to say than to go to the doctor i really dont wanna hear it...
thank you sooo muchh
1) It's true, if you have parasites, they come out at night when you're asleep.
You need to go to a doctor, you could die. - Just a Girl
2) You should check yourself in a mirror!
It's also possible that you have an infection or maybe psoriasis, which is a skin condition that can make the skin dry and itchy. If your skin has dry patches or is flaky, it's probably a case of psoriasis. - octopus-waffle
3) Pin worms probally go to the doctor
pinworms are tiny worms whay live in the rectum and come out at night and causes an itchy bum at night they come out of the rectum and crawl out all over and might travel to other peaple to - Lila
Question 3
itchy noseeeeeeeeeeeeee???... my nose has been itching really bad last couple days.
seems to more during the night.
and its bothering meeeeeeee.
why would it be itching?
i dont really have any other allergy symptoms so idk if that would be it.
1) see
I hope it will be helpful in resolving your probeml keep using - Jjk
2) Shoot your nose of it stop the itching and the bleeding. - Brandon
3) You can develop allergies at any time in your life so the allergy symptom thing really doesn't matter. What you should do is completely do a big time spring cleaning of your room starting from top to bottom. Absolutely dust everything in your room, wash the curtains, windex the windows, wash down the walls, dust the furniture really well, clean all of your bedding (last), vacuum really well (at least every other day), and make sure your parents change the air filter in the air conditioner every month or six months depending on what kind of filter they buy. It will be alot of work to do all of that but it will be worth it. Also there might be something in the air that's making it ichy. Sometimes humidity can even cause an itchy nose, and pollen and gunk in the air. One thing that you could do is take an antihistamine, espcially since it's been going on for several days. Sometimes taking an antihitamine will knock it right out and you won't have any more problems especially if you do this along with all the cleaning and dusting. Benadryl is good but remember it will make you very drowsy so just be prepared for that. You could also use a saline spray which is a nonmedicated salt water spray that you just squirt in your nose. It keeps your nose clean and clears out any itchiness, congestion, dirt, dryness, etc. It really works. You should be able to find it at any drugstore or grocery store where the nose sprays are located. - lemondrop
Question 4
what does the word vertigo mean?...
1) If you have vertigo it is akin to extreme dizziness - Brendan
2) You should use scopolamine, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Annette
Question 5
How do I get rid of my sebaceous cysts?... Okay I will give you a little background on myself. I am a 20 year old man dealing with the stresses of life from having two jobs... to going to school to get a degree. My story is a little long so please stick with me, and it starts out like this. About a year ago i developed a lump behind my right ear and i thought it was just a large pimple without a head. So i proceeded to sterilize a need and poke into it. Nothing came out so I left it alone. About 2 months later it became unbearably sore so I went to a doctor and he told me that i had a sebaceous cyst and that it needed to be taken out. So 15 minutes later the deed was done and I thought the problem was over. About 3 months later i developed a cyst on the back of my head in the top right corner. I went back to my doctor to have this one cut out. I was told the when i poked the first one open that I burst the sac the cyst was in and allowed it to possibly get into my bloodstream. So I again thought that it was gone and I had nothing to worry about. Well about a month after that it was back in the same spot. So my mother decided to take me to a dermatologist, thinking they would know more. So the dermatologist injected into the cyst a steroid called Prednisone. A week later the cyst had dramatically decreased in size but to no avail it came back. Having money problems the copay at my regular family doctor was cheaper so we went to have it removed again. While my doctor was removing it she said that she felt she had missed something and told me to come back the next day to see if she could get it all out. Well I came back the next day and while she was digging around in my scalp, she posed a question with a concerned sound. She asked me if I had "ever had a head injury." I said no. "Did your mother notice that your skull hadn't completely formed when you were a child?" No. I started to get worried and then she told me to give my hand to her. She took my index finger to feel something. She rubbed my finger over my head near the cyst. My skull was indented right beneath where the cyst was. To make a long story short. I had a CT scan and an MRI. I have a 3cm crater in my skull caused by the Prednisone shot. Been to an infectious disease doctor, neurosurgeon. Now I have 12 cysts on my head. Help me out. Doctors won't work.
1) grow long hair. - Zz
2) Wow sorry to hear... I would recommend getting a second opinion. Also could try the hospital. Might need surgery to get it all taken care of - Jessica M.
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