Saturday, May 8, 2010

Can you get HIV and another STD at the same time?

Question 1
Can you get HIV and another STD at the same time?...  Or can you get 2 STD's in general at the same time?

1)   yes yes you can.. - Jason

2)   Yeah, if she has both, it's possible for you to get both of them.

Don't be a fool, wrap your tool. - r u a can-o-beef

3)   yep.... most of the time people who get hiv get another std - bobbby bb

4)   If you have unprotected sex with an infected partner... infected with numerous STDs... then of course you risk getting more than one at a time. It doesn't matter if it's viral or bacterial. - naenae0011

5)   Yes.
Chlamydia is not going to block out syphilis.
There may be some cases where one overrides the other, but would be rare.
If you are ever in a situation where you assume someone may have 2 or more STD's, just back off, keep it inside the denim please. - Jonathan

6)   YES to all. if you have un protected sex you leave yourself open to all kinds of std's. hiv is a killer as you know. but you can get it if the person you are with is positive. plus any other std they may have. better to be safe than sorry. always pratice safe sex. - Norris724

7)   You should use fluconazole, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Inell

8)   yes you can always practice safe sex but just know that you still have a risk of contracting something even if you wear a raincoat... condoms arent 100% but obviously they do help - Arthur


Question 2
I get sick alot please help!?...  Okay for some reason, whenever I'm in a cold enviroment, I get really bad fevers (sometimes it doesn't have to be even cold outside and it happens). I shake alot and am extremely cold. I eat healthy and drink alot of fluids. Whats wrong with me? Because once I had such a bad fever I had to go to the hospital. And not too long ago. I had on and off fevers for a month. It drove me insane, everything tasted nasty. I've been to the doctor alot of times. And they never say anything or give me anything, since they say a fever is fighting off an infection. Could it be hypothermia? Or what? Cause I'm sick of having fevers all the time.
I'm 15 and I do not do any drugs, drink or smoke.

1)   Laugh a lot its good for your immune system - Matt

2)   Oranges help your immune system

Yogurt helps you prevent colds - Super Grover

3)   How old are you? It could be an immune system deficiency. Or if you smoke, that kills the layer of cells in your throat and nose that protect you from germs and such. - Dan

4)   That is just too odd for a doctor to ignore some thing like that. Your imune system is probly very weak that is why you are continously getting sick. I recommend googling some diseases and seeing what their symptoms are. If you are not getting the right answers from the doctor maybe go to a different one and see what they have in mind. - Tori

5)   I am sorry you are having so much trouble with your health (fevers). I think if the doctors could identify the source of the infection they would give you something. The fever itself is not an illness it is the bodies reaction to an infection. It is not uncommon for a person to have recurring fevers but you seem to have a really bad case. I wish there was something I could suggest. I knew a lady who lived with almost continual "cold" her hands were always cold and turning up the heat or wearing warm clothing did not help. I sincerely hope that you overcome this. don. - don c

6)   I don't mean for this to insult you, but wash your hands before you eat or touch your face. Take vitamin C and lots of it either naturally occurring in foods like oranges and strawberries, or as a supplement you can get at the grocery or drugstore. Are you physically active? Moving around some will help you stay warm and strengthen your immune system. Try to get at least 15 minutes of sunlight a day on average because the sun allows your body to get more vitamin D. - Rednate


Question 3
what is a healthy blood pressure?...  what are causes of high and low blood pessure and problems associated with such blood pressure levels?

1)   The ideal for an adult is:
<120/<80 = Normal - Allie

2)   clinic blood pressure and mean daytime blood pessure of ambulatory blood pressure measurement. according to ... age, and diseases commonly associated with high blood pressure as ... - Mary Boo

3)   about it you can get information from here - Inell

4)   If you are an adult, your blood pressure would be considered normal if it ranges between 110/60 to 139/88. The "ideal" blood pressure for a healthy adult is 120/70.

There are many many causes for high and low blood pressures. For instance, eating a diet that is really high in salt content may cause your blood pressure to increase. Genetics play a large role in one having high blood pressure along with other things such as gender, race, lifestyle (smoking tobacco), etc... Often times, high blood pressure will not have any symptoms so it is important that you keep your regular medical checkups. High blood pressure is called the "silent killer" because of this.

Low blood pressure can also be caused by many many things. Some of the most common causes in adults are dehydration, heart disease, heat exhaustion/stroke, medications, etc.... You may have symptoms such as dizziness or fainting when standing up quickly (which could be caused by your blood pressure dropping rapidly but quickly coming back to normal) or you may experience dizziness during normal activities.

There are many trusted resources online. For medical questions, please visit WEBMD.COM. As a nurse, I often use that web site when I have question.

I encourage you to seek the advice of a physician if you are experiencing problems or have checked your blood pressure and found it to be largely out of range. WE are all unique human beings and what is normal for me may be un-normal for you. Get to know your body, keep regular check ups, follow your doctors orders, ask questions (write them down before going in to MD office), and live a healthy lifestyle. All of these things will help keep your blood pressure under control. - Collector of New Things

5)   First ..blood pressure changes all the it is only when it gets really high or really low that you need to really worry....or when it stays too high generally.

Used to be 120 / 80 was "perfect"...not anymore. The lower the better as long as you don't have symptoms (like feeling faint when standing up quickly etc) I personally was conscious when my pressure was something like 80 / 27 not well...but conscious. I was conscious and well with pressures around 105 / 65. The lower the better as long as you feel well.

Also your pulse rate and blood pressure are related. If you have a really slow pulse the first number would be higher than with faster pulse.

Causes of high and low pressure... too long to answer here!
Some of the biggies are artery blockage, salt intake, kidney disease, hormonal imbalance linked to high pressure. Low pressure...I'm not too sure, electrolytes, vagal nerve issue, failing heart electrical circuits.... I'm guessing here.

Problems from high pressure? heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, artery problems.

Problems from low pressure unless you pass out and bump your head...I wouldn't worry too much about low pressure - bryston


Question 4
I have a lump on my lip, and white came out then thick blood, what does that mean?...  I have had this bump on the left side of my bottom lip for 3 days now, and I have become super worried...
So popped it and white came out, seems like a pimple right?
but then thick glops of blood, with like tiny strings of mucus come out...
the bump is still on my lip, and it looks like it shrinked a little bit...
What is it really, and should I be worried about what it is?

P.S.I think I have had the same one, in the same area in the past, but I can't remember, and there were tiny white pores on top of the bump...

1)   You should see a dermatologist. You could have a staph infection that needs antibiotics. You may even have MRSA, a staph infection that is resistant to certain antibiotics.

Some people are naturally colonized by staph bacteria and a dermatologist will be able to direct you on how to deal with that. - reslstancelsfutlle

2)   about it you can get information from here - Annika


Question 5
Can you get an illness?...  I have a question my mom went to the dentist today and she told me that the dentist was taking care of a cavity and she believes she didn't bleed. Now her concern is that she noticed that the dentist did not place a plastic baggie on a metal tool they use to blow air or water (sorry I don't know what it's called but it was not a suction tool) Should she's concern about the sterilization of the tool since it was placed inside her mouth and she had a small cold sore inside her lip. She is worried that the tool might of had some blood or not be completely sterile. Should she be concerned? Can she get an illness from what happened? Please answers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

1)   The part about the bag shouldn't matter
Any good/sensible medical professional knows to clean/sterilize (or sometimes throw out) there tools after EVERY use
So don't worry about - Cody

2)   Dental tools are sterilized in an autoclave. I'm sure that the metal nozzle you're talking about can be easily detached from the hose and popped into the autoclave along with all the picks and scrapers. But if your mom is really nervous, she could call the office and ask about sterilization procedures. - Scooter's Mom


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