What type of rash is this?... My boyfriend has had these red/ rash like spots on him. They're larger, more like blotches on his leg, back of his arms, and his back. They have been there for about 5 days. He says that they do not hurt or itch. They're not raised up or anything; they're just there.
-It is not scaly.
-It is not itchy.
-It is not swollen or welped.
-It is not dry skin.
--It's just red blotches on his skin that won't go away.
Does anyone know what type of rash this is and what the cause could be?
1) Elephants are the only mammals that cant jump. - Kyle
2) about it you can get information from here http://webmd72.notlong.com/AAiSu0q - Drake
3) It could be hives, due to an allergy, sometimes they don't itch. When they are very severe, they can look like this :
http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.medindia.net/patients/patientinfo/images/Hives-Urticaria.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.medindia.net/patients/patientinfo/hives.htm&usg=__6rZyXNMopmwdbspQ8HeKOiqQDOk=&h=296&w=282&sz=9&hl=en&start=97&sig2=N6bf34iMFqSqwuKl1-Ghbg&itbs=1&tbnid=xm8DTCFaOkXfPM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=111&prev=/images%3Fq%3Drash%2Bblotches%26start%3D80%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=8EgBTJX9CYT68AaW5sifDQ - Nikinyx
Question 2
Has anyone ever had a mole removed?... Of course after consulting a doctor. I am not talking about a doing it yourself project.
I have a big mole with a diameter of 0.7mm that is also inconvenient and i heard various stories on removing moles that it's not safe, that you can die if you have it removed and so on. Has anyone removed a mole? How safe is it?
1) Yes, I Had A Mole On My Wrist About The Same Size. It's Pretty Safe As Long As The Procedure Is Done My A Doctor. - PurplePlumPrincess
2) I had one on my back and I got it removed and I didn't feel a thing. First they numbed it and that was only like a pinch and they cut it off. Simple. Just make sure you have a good dermatologist. - Megan
Question 3
Lump behind right ear?... So I woke up this morning and felt a bit crappy. A few minutes ago, I felt a lump behind my right ear. When I touch it, it hurts, but it doesn't really hurt that much when I'm not touching it. It feels like a part of my bone.. kinda bony. I've been looking this up and I'm thinking it's a lymph node, but I don't know. Everyone says go to the doctor, but I'd rather not. I'm terrified that it might be cancer. Oh, and I haven't been sick for a while, but I do kinda feel sick right now.
1) it could be a sebaceous cyst. nothing to worry about but you should really go to the doctor so he/she can have a closer look. it could be a build up of pressure behind your ear too. - tomo
2) I am pretty sure that it is your lymph node. If it hurts, you should go to the doctor, I know that you said you didn't want to, but it might just be an infection. I have swollen lymph nodes almost all of the time. My doctor told me that lymph nodes can stay swollen for a while after you are sick, up to a month; however, they shouldn't hurt when you touch them, they should be able to be moved a bit when you touch them. If you are overweight, this could also lead to swollen lymph nodes. I would see a doctor because when they hurt, that means that there is something wrong. Good luck! - jopuppy
Question 4
I have a strange body odor.?... I'm fifteen years old and whenever I shower I smell this musty scent come off of me. I always wash my body thoroughly and don't spend all day getting dirty. I have dreadlocks but their not finished all the way so I have to make sure not to get them wet too much or else they'll come loose. I take showers twice a day-but lately I've been taking them three times a day because I've been sweating a lot more for some reason- and each time I take a shower I smell this strange mix between armpit sweat and the scent my hair got when I had an afro and didn't use shampoo when I took a shower. I'm now using shampoo each time I shower and wash my body twice with Dove Body Wash for men and use Loreal shampoo but I still always smell the weird smell. I can't find where the smell is coming off from and I make sure I was every part of my body so I don't know what the problem is. The only change I've had is my sweating has increased and the smell started a few weeks ago which was around the same time I shaved my armpits. I don't know if the shaving of my pits has anything to do with it but all I know is that the smell is irritating.
1) you don't mention using deodorant. If you don't you will smell after a couple of hours.
There's also a good deodorant you can get that stops you sweating but it's about ten quid. You just need to use it for a couple of weeks then go back to a normal one - wanderer
2) well this may sound weird but maybe your washing your body too much....i think a shower once a day is enough, maybe your washing away the natural oils your skin produces so i would cut down the bathing some....and maybe the dreadlocks arent very clean either - MIzzSweety
Question 5
pimple sort near my eyelash?... scared
don't know if u can see it
what is it???
its really unnoticeable but im afraid that it will grow
1) eye-sty. it is temporary not forever - IHateLemonySnicket
2) well if it grows a bit in 2-3 days then go to some sort of doctor :) - Planet Earth Turns Slowly...
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