Saturday, May 15, 2010

Do I have HIV from these results?

Question 1
Do I have HIV from these results?...  Hi Everyone,

I'm having this problem and I think I have HIV. I need some type of reassurance so I could move on with my life. My last possible exposure without kissing the person was in Dec 2009. The guy got tested and his results came out positive and it turns out he had AIDs. I went on March 26 to get tested and I came back negative. These were my results:

Sexual Exposure






The reason why I say blood exposure is because he scratched himself while running through the bushes but I'm not sure if there was any blood.

1)   If it says negative then why do you think you have HIV... - Zibu

2)   So far your results are negative, but to make sure take another test 6 months after exposure and if it comes back negative then you're most likely fine. If you haven't experienced symptoms by now such as rashes, fever, excrutiating pain in the left lower back near the left kidney, flu-like symptoms, etc, it's a good sign. Good Luck - buddy1

3)   i think you are conscious about your health recently for you are exposed to it but then your result came out to be negative . i hope that you will be more proactive next time around by taking necessary precautions like safer sex using protective measures , be safe and take care of yourself always. - lolit


Question 2
Severe Bipolar needing help!?...  My girlfriend has a problem. Her mood swings all the time. She has random emotional outbreaks a lot. She cant control herself anymore. The worst thing is that she does not have insurance! She does not have any money to go to a doctor. But this is starting to effect school, work, and even our relationship. I love her to death and even with this i wont leave her. Even though i have ADHD and Bipolar i dont take medicine anymore. But hers is to bad to go without. She knows and wants the medicine but in no way can afford it. So i ask. What are her options? Is there a way for her to get some medicine? Though i hated medicine for things that happens i know she needs it. What can she do about this? Its effecting her so bad that she is failing classes and her job.
Here is a link explaining more:;_ylt=AjVG.ln3FPeO3LO8IWe_.ebsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100507162625AAc5zYq
she is 18 by the way.

1)   Not sure the age you both are.........but school social work services can link you to agencies in the community that include getting help or assistance with medication/costs. - dekkerman2002

2)   She needs to have some sort of medical attention. The best thing that I can suggest that she do is go to a school counselor. I was having these same exact problems a few months back (and am still fighting with them now,) I don't have the sort of medical insurance that I needed to get medicine, but simply seeing the counselor helped me, and they may have some sort of suggestion to help her get around the money problem. - Catie

3)   first thing you should do is to learn more about this illness so that you can understand you GF. Try to read this post
Then it is up to you if you think you need to seek medical attention - aries33


Question 3
Should I take milk thisle?...  I have agressive Ankylosing Spondylitis I take 1000 mg Naproxen, and 4 extra strenght Tylenol everyday I also take 150mg Zantac to protect my stomach should I also be taking Milk Thisle to protect my liver?

1)   I know for a fact that milk thistle is proven to help the liver handle the toxic overloads associated with medication.

I had elevated liver enzymes from a prescription med. I spoke with a good friend who is a Naturopath and she recommended Milk Thistle (I take 200mg, 2x daily). I did not experience any side effects, and my enzymes are now normal. (to be fair, I must admit that I also switched the medication that was doing the harm).

If you buy it, get it from a health food store, not the cheap stuff at the grocery store or walmart. You want a good quality brand to get the full effects.

Do a web-search on Milk Thistle... it's an amazing herb that has well-documented healing effects on the liver (even in patients who have serious disorders like hepatitis or cirrhosis).

Love & Blessings! - FeeVerte

2)   Sweet Jesus, they didn't hesitate getting you all prescription'd up, did they? Yikes!

Milk thistle can act as a liver protectant because it is an antioxidant with focus on fatty tissue. However, it is my belief that the body should not be in a constant state of "cleanse". Our bodies have three "stages": Cleansing, Building/Healing, and Maintenance. Without the resting periods, our organs are essentially overworking, and not getting enough opportunity to rebuild healthy tissue and

That all said, in your case, with the amount of meds you are on, you could probably stand to do it. Just make sure you take frequent breaks. Talk to a naturopathic doc or herbalist to make sure. I can't give you any definitive advice over the internet.

The meds you are on could be very damaging in the long term. I would highly recommend seeing a Naturopathic Doc, as I mentioned, to seek a more sustainable solution for pain management.

Be well.

ETA: Eat beets. Seriously. They are amazing liver protectors, but are more gentle and a little more nourishing. They are an amazing root. You might even try lactofermenting the juice to see if you can eliminate/prevent tummy trouble.

Good luck. - AnnaBelle


Question 4
Has anyone had Chlamydia? I need help!?...  I and my partner have been having some issues with our genital area. I have been sick since Tuesday. I had a fever, nausea, stomach pain, and headaches foul smelling vagina discharge. I think I have or had the flu. I went to the doctor Tuesday, and Thursday I was diagnosed with Chlamydia. I never had a STD before, so I didn’t even know I had it. Friday I took my prescription of a single dose azithromycin. Today is Sunday and I noticed a bump on my anal whole. I got scared and thought it was herpes, but it wasn’t an open sore, it’s just a bump. I was wondering from me laying down not being able to bathe or barely move could the Chlamydia infected discharge could have infected my anal? How long after my dose will my Chlamydia be gone?
By the way, I have never had anal sex..

1)   It's probably a wart. Which is actually worse than herpes. Your genital area is a veritable cornucopia of icky. - Onefish

2)   ive had chlamydia before, and didnt even know it. i had no signs what so ever, until i did a random test one day. i had probably had it for a year until i found out.
the doctor who gave me the pill to get rid of chlamydia said i should have no sexual contact what so ever for at least one week after taking the pill, which i took right away. i waited like two weeks before i had another sexual encounter. you should probably wait around the same time too. also, if you are going to have sex, please use a condom. you and i know how scary it is to have a std, so dont let it happen again. do it for your health.

also, a couple months ago i noticed a small bump around my hole down there.. and got really nervous because i thought it was herpes. i got so scared beceause i didnt know how i would get it because i wasnt sexually active at the time. but i got it checked right away, i did a pap smear and visited the gyncologist. a week later my results came back and i was fine. i didnt have ne thing. and the bump went away. my doctor told me probably a bit of my skin down there got swollen because a day before i noticed the bump, i had sexual contact with someone, which i didnt have sexual contact for a while, and it was just sensitive to it... so maybe your bump is just a side effect of something too

i wanted to tell u my story so you dont feel like your the only one going through this. i felt so lonely and couldnt talk to no one about it because i was ashamed. and no im not a slut or anything.. ive only been sexual with two guys.

what i recommend is cleaning the bump, but not really touching it. make sure you clean it with water in the shower, but dont rub it because maybe it will get worse. and also go get it checked out as soon as you can. ask your doctor about it. you might feel like your bothering your doctor because its a second of third time your seeing them, but this is your health, and you want to be positive your okay.

hope everything turns out okay - Amanda


Question 5
I have small bumps on the upper part of both arm at times it itches bad sometimes it doesn't, what could it be?...  

1)   hmm i wonder if they're hives. are they red. theyre either hives or poison ivy. probably hives. hives are if you're allergic to something - futuregirl

2)   maybe mosquito bites. or you may be lactose intolerant meant you're allergic to milk. a weird rash? most likely #2 especially if you have bad stomach reactions after drinking milk... - Jordan


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