Can I sue the tobacco company for my mother dying of lung cancer?...
1) Somebody tried it once, I'm not sure if they were successful or not. - Bond, James Bond
2) You could try, but it probably wouldn't go anywhere unless you're loaded. They have some pretty expensive lawyers in big tobacco. Plus, even though its proven to be addictive, it was a choice made by your mom. Sorry though. I lost my dad to lung cancer too. - Ryan
3) The perils of smoking have been public for more than 40 years.
How could anyone but the smoker be to blame? - Robert D
4) No, because all tobacco sold has health warnings on. sorry. - Ed
5) No you can't. Nobody forces you to smoke tobacco and the packets carry all the relevant warnings. - BigKingNasty
6) you will have a hard job doing so although in usa some have tried and been successful if she was groing up in the 60's/70's when advertising cigs was popular you may have a chance. Sorry to hear she passed hope this will tell you and your friends not to smoke. - smartprice
Question 2
Do you think I have diabetes?... I seen a sign recently advertising the seriousness of diabetes type 1 and it listed some symptoms. Basically, among other things, I am always tired (never been able to sleep for god knows how long), go to the toilet on average 15 times a night, go to the toilet constantly through the day. My vision is getting worse also. I am itchy a lot also.
1) Dude that is definitely aids, not diabetes! - Trollio Maxtroll
2) Diabetes is a pretty serious disease, and if left untreated it can be fatal, so my advice to you would be to see a doctor and they can test your blood sugar level to determine if you have it. - jennie.b
3) Don't worry yourself. There are a lot of things that can cause those symptoms (A high salt diet combined with being over worked for one).
If you are thirsty a lot of the time, this could potentially be a symptom of diabetes.
I definitely suggest going to the Doctor, who can then diagnose you or put your mind at ease.
But the most important thing is not the stress. My Uncle has type 1 diabetes and is perfectly healthy and fit today (he often runs marathons) and while he is insulin reliant, he has a very full life. - Jennifer
4) Peeing a lot, and blurred vision, are symptoms of diabetes. But there are many symptoms, and they are different for everyone. Also there are a lot of other things that can cause those symptoms, so when a doctor suspects diabetes he usually orders a whole series of tests, for that as well as for other things.
If you know someone who has diabetes, that person will probably have a glucometer, a meter to measure blood sugar. I'm sure he or she would be happy to test you. It's best to test in the morning, before you have breakfast (fasting blood sugar). But 2 hrs after a meal is good also. If you don't have high blood sugar, you don't have diabetes. If you do have high blood sugar, then you should go to a doctor for more tests because it could be diabetes or something else.
If you do have diabetes, you want to know about it sooner rather than later, because you have to learn to take care of yourself. Diabetes itself is not really a -disease-, only a condition that can lead to problems later on.
BTW, type 2 is much more common than type 1, like 10x as common. - Mr. Smartypants
Question 3
What do you do about a sore throat that lasts almost two weeks?Would if tea and salt water gargles wont cure?... Ive had a sore throat for about 11 days.It was followed by pink eye,which has almost cleared up completely,but I still have discharge coming out of my eyes when I wake up.I drink tea,gargle salt water,and that helps,but then it comes back.What do I do?
1) See a doctor you may need some antibiotics. - emile
2) Go and see your medical practitioner- - snowbird552002
3) it may be strep throat. you should really go see a doctor before it turns into something worse. - amanda p
Question 4
STD HELP??????????????????????... Okay, this is about mastrubating. I am a female, and I have mastrubated only about 3 times. I'm not sure of I washed my finger before, but I know I didn't get very far up. My question is, can I get an STD? Please answer quickly.
1) Unless you touched someone who was infected with an STD with your hands, and then touched yourself, if not, then the odds are very unlikely. - jennie.b
2) Sexually Transmitted Disease. No, you can't get an STD from masturbating, but you may still get an infection. This infection would not be classified as an STD. - Droid
3) an STD is a sexually TRANSMITTED disease. unless your sticking your finger in someone with one, you cant get one. but id wash your finger(s) first so you dont get a UTI (urinary tract infestion) which are very painfully and easily aquired by women much more so than men - tapgeeker
Question 5
How do I let my boyfriend know his acne bothers me?... First off, I want to point out that: I'M NOT SHALLOW. I am NOT trying to tell him, "You don't look perfect, so I can't be with you."
Anyways, my boyfriend is such a sweetheart. Honestly, he is so nice :) His personality seriously makes up for whatever skin problems he has. But he has really bad acne. It's all over his chin and lower cheeks. I am not going to lie and say, "Oh, I don't notice it."
We had a talk about skin-care the other day, because he and my best friend are really good friends and she was teasing me about my so-called "ever going skin care routine", and he told me he uses the St. Ives Apricot Scrub. I told told him while that is a step in the right direction, that scrub alone is not going to magically clear up his acne. I gave him a few tips and he said, "Nah, I'll stick with what I'm doing."
It's honestly not that it bothers me to be seen with him or any of that crap that some people may accuse me of. I just know he's not happy with it and I wish I could put my hands on his face or kiss his cheeks, but for obvious reasons, I can't :(
I really want him to try Proactive and if that doesn't work, go to a dermatologist but how to I suggest this to him/possibly give him some Proactive without hurting his feelings?
If it will hurt his feelings and be offended, I'd rather be quiet about it. I understand acne is a teenager thing and he may or may not outgrow it, and I don't care. I just want him to be happy and see himself as the guy I see him as :)
1) Proactive sucks. - Cameron
2) I am sure the acne bothers your boyfriend a lot, too. It seems like he doesn't want to talk about it with you, by the way he said he'd stick with what he's doing. Obviously, what he's doing isn't working and he must know that.
If you could find a way to give him some Proactive, he would probably appreciate it deep down. Maybe you could start by telling him how wonderful you know he is, and you love him just the way he is, but you thought this could help him look even better than he already does.
I don't think you're shallow at all. - bookish
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