Sunday, May 2, 2010

Opinions! Should I go to the ER tonight? I have a strange headache, possibly something very serious.?

Question 1
Opinions! Should I go to the ER tonight? I have a strange headache, possibly something very serious.?...  I know Answers is not medical help, but I really don't know if I should go to the emergency room or go to the hospital tonight or wait until tomorrow or not go at all. First of all, a couple of days ago I hit the right side of my head on a glass table. It hurt really bad and I had a pretty severe headache that night. The next day it wasn't so bad, I don't think I even had a headache the next day actually, but I did go to the doctor for a scheduled appointment. He prescribed me antibiotics to see if some gland swelling I have would go down. I have been having headaches every day and night since then, but I thought it was from the antibiotics (which it still could be I think) but now I'm realizing that I hit my head that night before the doctor as well, and that the headache isn't so much as like a pain, as it is a discomfort and feels almost like internal bleeding or would I would assume it would feel like. I looked up and taking antibiotics can cause meningitis which can cause headaches, but I also hit my head which means I could have bleeding possibly. What do you guys think. Opinions please asap, because I need to know if I should go or not tonight. I'm really scared. :-(
The headache is only on the right side near where I hit it.
Okay you guys are right I am most likely panicking just because I'm scared and jumping to things. At worst it is probably a small concussion, but I do think I am going to call the hospital and see if they think I should come in or not. Thank you guys!

1)   Go have it looked at. Couldn't hurt - Chris S

2)   just to be safe, i'd get it checked out as soon as possible. there's no harm in asking a question - Silver

3)   You definitely should go. You could have a concussion which not enough people take seriously. After hitting your head it is very possible that your brain hit your skull and is swelling and could enlarge to the point it where it crammed in your head and if you dont have the preassure released you could die. My friend almost died from this after falling and hitting his head during a soccer match. - Nataliea A

4)   yes you need to probably go to the hospital and get that checked out. as for the meningitis you should probably get the vaccine as it can cause paralys and death. also if your eyes or headaches are light sensitive then you have a concussion - Russell

5)   I think most of your theories are crazy, but you should go get checked out anyway. You could have a concussion and should be checked out more thoroughly.

I have had a brain bleed from a blow to the head before, and it does not feel any different from a normal headache-- except obviously more severe if it is a bad brain bleed, but I fell from a horse over a fence wearing a helmet and my bleed was minor and my head barely even hurt. You are panicking. If you do not have a fever or neck pain, particularly when trying to touch your chin to your chest, you very likely do not have meningitis. But like I said, go to a doctor to see about making sure your head is healing okay. I'm sure you're fine, but if you did have a concussion you should have instructions from a doctor about how to proceed so you do not injure yourself further. - TwistedxKiss

6)   it sounds serious. you really should go to the ER asap. i hope everything goes alright. - Bunny

7)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use propranolol. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> http://webmd59.notlong.comAAdvCYR - Nola


Question 2
HELP i cant stop touching my penis. i need some advice. SERIOUS ANSWERS?...  i cant stop.....

1)   wtf??? is this on aids category...

any ways this is the problem your horny... - Hayden D

2)   You'll stop for a while as soon as you rub it raw. If you grow up masturbating, it's not going to go away. There's nothing wrong with you. - kittieswithmyfourthmeal

3)   stop watching porn!!!!!! and stop being horny then!!!! control your hormones!!!!
your probably still a virgin and thats maybe why your soo horny!? - confused?

4)   Well, I don't know what a doctor would advise, but I've read that a good home remedy for such a problem is to apply a few drops of habanero sauce. Best of luck! - xBlondeangel127x

5)   Hi well only u can stop this ,maybe wear boxing gloves may help lol ♥

Seriously tho it's a sub conscious action so try to think of positive things and not genitalia like most guys all the time do will help. ♥ - Candice™

6)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Nola


Question 3
PROM COMING UP--BACNE??!!!?...  Prom is next weekend and I I have bacne!! I won't feel confident in my dress at all!! How can I get rid of it fast?! What has worked for you? Thanks!

1)   I am an 18 year old guy, and let me tell you that acne is a normal thing, dont worry, you will look amazing in your dress with or without it. I mean you could wash your back a lot and use medicine for it, but I'm sure you will look fine. - Daniel

2)   I would recommend Acneace!!!!
I used it, and after 1 months, my acne was COMPLETELY gone!
Hope it works for you.
you can get From Google Search Acneace Official site. Good luck. - Rich

3)   get a prefessiional spray tan, it will hide it completely and they look really good. - Joanna L

4)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Nola


Question 4
I asked him to take his meds for OCD and he laughed at me?...  I posted earlier about my boyfriend who is 30 and very OCD. He has been accusing me of poisoning his food, his dog, and slipping my xanax into his drinks which I would never do.

Tonight I left after making him steak dinner that he refused to eat because he said I probably poisoned it. He is on SSI and has a drawer full of Paxil that he won't take because he is afraid the doc is poisoning him too.

I called him later and told him I am worried for him and to please consider medication. I also explained, as he knows, that I am on Zoloft and Xanax for severe depression and panic disorder and they are working. He laughed at me and still refuses. Do I have a right to walk away? How much is enough? He's so bad that we can't even go out to eat. We just sit around and fight. Help!
Also, the only time he has ever ate food I made is if he made it with me then watched me eat it and made sure I didn't get sick first.

1)   quit being miss nice about it. say take your Go%D@D meds ! For Real ! hold them in your hands with a glass of water until he takes them! tell him you aint falling for his stupid poisin story! and even he isnt that paranoid! you dont buy it! - Haunted

2)   Unfortunately...there are MANY people that are resistant to taking meds...I had a couple of men in my life that refused to take their meds--despite the severe impact their mental disorders had on their life...

I have OCD...And it is REALLLLLY tough to function--without medication. But there is not much that you can do--if you're boyfriend is in denial of needing meds...You'll just have to let him know how much this is affecting your relationship, and that you refuse to stand by and watch him suffer from his illness. Not to mention--that it's a lot to ask of you--who is willing to take the necessary medication...Why should you be with someone that's not willing to take care of their mental health?
I'd give the guy some space...and just focus on yourself...There are plenty of guys out there that are healthy...and won't drag you down. - NY'er

3)   I'm sorry to hear that. That must be hard on you both as well as your relationship. I can tell you're trying to help and be understanding, and that's good. I really think he needs some therapy so he can try to overcome some of his issues with OCD. Cognitive Behavorial Therapy can be very helpful for OCD patients. I agree with you, he does need to take his medication, but he can't until he overcomes his OCD fear of poisioning, so he definitely needs to see a therapist or psychologist, and then a psychiatrist (once he stops refusing to take medication). He will probably refuse to get help, so I'm not sure how that'll work out.
Some therapists use different kinds of techniques to work with OCD patients to try to reduce their compulsions. My therapist, in fact, is going to start working with me on that.
Oh yeah, and maybe when you make food, you should have him watch you and maybe cook with you so that he knows you are not in fact poisoning him. And why would you eat food that is poisoned? Maybe remind him of that. If you're eating it and you're okay, it should be safe.
I wish you the best of luck and I hope I could be of some help to you. - Bunny


Question 5
Do i automatically have hpv...plz help?...  My gf has cervical cancer and it started as hpv we were protected when having sex but I performed oral sex on her 1 time so do I automatically have it

1)   consult a doctor asap! - confused?

2)   Oral sex rarely transmits any STD's.
Although you do not automatically have HPV, you could.
You should refrain from further sexual activity until you have been tested, as there is a chance that it is in the incubation stage. - Billy

3)   Hi not necessarily but if u have outbreaks of warts anywhere then YES even so there is no test for men like there is for women read below Ciao ♥
HPV is passed from person to person, often indirectly. HPV on the skin may be passed to another person when that person touches the wart. It may take several months for HPV to appear if transmission occurs.
Warts are contagious, excreting large loads of HPV viral particles. If a person with a wart on a finger were to touch a genital area in a manner vigorous enough to slightly break the skin, this might transmit the virus to that area

Sadly, most areas of skin that possess HPV infection have no outward signs. Thus, the infection may be transmitted to the uninfected area of a partner without any knowledge of this fact by either partner. This is the manner in which almost all HPV infections are apparently transmitted. So, practically, if partners choose to have direct skin-to-skin contact between genitalia, then it may be impossible to know if HPV virus is being transmitted or not

Genital warts are caused by human papilloma virus (HPV). They are very contagious and can spread to other parts of the body (such as groins, inner thighs and pubis) or to other person through skin-to-skin contact normally during genital sex, oral or anus. It can also spread through secondary contact for instance through a towel, sharing underwear or like especially if not washed thoroughly..

Since you have genital warts, there is a high possibility that you got it from your sex partner(s). If you only have sex with your partner, then most likely they are infected too. It would be advisable to get them to go for check up. To prevent spreading to others, practice sex safe.

Aldara is quite a new kind of drug that use to remove genital warts. Responses to the cream vary from person to person. It is common to experience redness, swelling, itching, flaking or scabbing at or around the application area during the treatment. Treatment with Aldara cream may also result in swelling, small open sores and drainage. Itching and/ burning is included.
You normally need to apply the cream until the genital warts disappear or up to 16 weeks. New warts may develop during the Aldara treatment. It cannot cure hpv though and so far there is no cure for hpv. Your genital warts may be removed but hpv stays in your body. When you body immune system is not able to fight off the hpv, new warts will recur.

Aldara cream may not remove all genital warts, if it does not work, you need to seek other treatment. - Candice™


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