Does vaginal fluids leave a chalk like residue or anyother mark once it dries.?... Does vaginal fluids leave a chalk like residue or anyother mark once it dries.?
I'm just wondering since I'm worried I got some on me without relizing it?
Also would you be able to smell it pretty easilly if you where trying to smell it from a foot or 2 away?
1) ew ew and more ew - Shaun
2) You should use premarin, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Stella
3) yes and it means you have cervical cancer - TC
4) that depends if she has a yeast infection then yes you will smell it if not you shouldnt be able to without putting your nose right next to it. it's not going to kill you just wash it off and yes it dries white - angeli
5) The answer to your first question is Yes, any vaginal fluid will leave a residue when it dries. As for the smell, if you can smell it you more than likely have an infection. Woman can have vaginal fluids with no smell, but if there is a smell go to the doctor and get checked out. - Larissa and Jose
6) yes and yes - kat_purple43090
Question 2
Just watched a scary movie, having panic attack?... what do i do i'm hypervenilating
i watched lovely bones. don't laugh. i watched carrie 4 years ago and had 2 go 2 therapy because i got so scared.
1) Turn all the lights on and watch some cartoons. Get a cup of water and chill out. - David
2) Chill out. - Dillon
3) Turn on all the lights in your house, grab a pillow and smother your face. Breathe into the pillow very slowly and count your breaths. Soon your breaths should slow down. Then go get some water, and put on something that calms you or steals away your attention such as ;A happy movie, relaxing music, calling a friend, etc. - Julian
4) ha ha,which movie did you watch that got you so scared?lol.and u shuld call sumone,or invite sumone over,watch a comedy moive or series .make sum food,listen to music,pray. read.. - emoguysaresexxxyyy^_^
Question 3
Bloody loogi but no cough?... Ive been having a mild sore throat for the past three days. Yesterday in class I started to get the chills and by the end of the school day I had a throbbing headache and my throat was in so much pain, I couldn't even swallow a little bit of my saliva without cringing from pain. Later on I had nausea and body aches. However, I am NOT coughing but I spat out a yellowish loogie with a significant amount of blood in it & all my symptoms and my throat are so much better. I had to snort a lot and of tighten my throat and push the loogie out. It was trapped far up my throat, by my nose area. It's obvious i have some kind of infection but since my symptoms are gone and i feel so much better, i'm going to put off going to the doctor until tomorrow because i dont want to head to the emergency room right now.
I was just wondering if anyone has had whatever infection i may have before & if it's at a mild stage or serious stage & what home remedies should i do to not cure it, but sustain it until i can see a doctor?
1) Sounds like you have strep throat. Its a very simple infection, and very easy to cure. It causes swelling of the lymph nodes and make swallowing difficult and painful. the body aches and whatnot are from your body attempting to fight the infection, and keeping it from spreading to the sinuses, lungs, and heart. Edit* Water with lemon or sugar will help with it. It about the best you can do until the doctor gets you on anti biotics - Julian
2) Cigs or Mano. or you jus got really, really,really fucking sick which can happen, and has happened to me before.. not for a long time tho. Think back what you have done in the past week or two and try to avoid the bs.... -
3) ok usually different colored loogi or mucus is caused by an infection (cold). But if there is blood and u have no cough, U might hve an infection of the lungs. Or infection of the throut. u might be just fighting a cold. but go to the doctors and see what's up. I say a 87% chance that it is an infection in the throut. FEEL BETTER!! - Matthew
4) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use guaifenesin. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Les
Question 4
Ingrown toenail surgery at a podiatrist?... I am booked on Wednesday for ingrown toenail surgery on two toes, i am scared as hell, i hate needles and the main thing i am worried bout is when they take bandage off is it going to kill??
1) about it you can get information from here - Stella
2) I can understand you being scared. My son had that surgery years ago on one toe. I actually watched the doctor. He has not had anymore problems since. When you have it done he should numb your toes and you will get well. Try to think of something else when he is doing it and try not to dread it. God bless you. I pray things will go well for you. - KhanDhee
3) i didn't get any needles when i had it done. the doctor pretty much just cuts it then pull it out. that is the only part that hurts. after you get home and for a few days after you should soak your foot in salt a few times a day water to kill any bacteria. use neosporin. and you should be back on your feet in a day. good luck! - anonymous
Question 5
coughing up blood..what could this mean?... I've had a cough come and go the past couple months. Two days ago I had my first nosebleed I have ever had (I'm 19 years old). Yesterday I was coughing extremely hard and eventually there was blood mixed in with my mucus. I went to the doctor yesterday (a very crappy free campus clinic that often misdiagnoses). He told me I have bronchitis. I am assuming he is right because I usually get bronchitis every year, but this doesn't feel like bronchitis. I want to know what else it could be.
1) It could mean that you have an ulcer or cancer. Go see a doctor. - Livin it
2) Don't want to scare you, but:
TB (very rare in non-3rd world countries, but still a possibility
Broken blood vessel, throat or even waaay inside your nose (i.e., nonvisible to you)
On the benign side, it could be that some of the blood from your nosebleed dripped down the back of your throat and mixed with your mucous. Why don't you try and go back to student health when that particular doctor isn't on duty. - J
3) You should use guaifenesin, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Les
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